posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 01:30 AM
reply to post by Dbriefed
This is like asking would you rather be shot or electrocuted? No good answers.
Actually the government isn't taking my money - I have been getting an extra $400 back for the past 2 years.
And if I had a choice I would like the government to take money from people who use the beaches, waterways and private jets the most and I'd like
them to spend a fortune and fix a great many things that need fixing.
I would like them to take the money for the roads from the corporations that hire the trucks that chew up the highways and not tax my mileage in a
small car that weighs nothing and cannot eat up the pavement as the semis do. How is it fair to make me pay for what those trucks have damaged?
I would like them to SPEND A FORTUNE and get everything money can buy including a high speed mag-rail train around the country, up into Canada and
Mexico. Public parks and pools and those little stands where you can grab a bike and ride it to your destination and then leave it there like they
have in Europe.
I would like them to take money from the rich to run the country and provide these things.
They are getting all the benefits of the country after all.