posted on Sep, 19 2014 @ 08:00 PM
Sorry to dig up an old thread but after googling several different search terms, this was the place for my post.
Last week, maybe 10 days ago we had some quite violent storms in my state. Strong winds but not damaging and only where the storms formed, localised
heavy rain events, lightning and thunder but short lived and reforming randomly over a large area.
A friend and I were sitting outside, it had cleared up but the storms were still active in the distance and the cloud formations were amazing as the
sun was getting low in the horizon, lighting up the the high level, streaky clouds in the blue sky above us and giving great definition to the
thicker, lower clouds in the distance.
We started noticing several triangle shapes, huge, high in the sky and observable in a way I struggle to describe.
Their dead straight edges were defined by the slight difference in "texture" contained within the perfect triangle shape... If that makes sense.
AND, there were at least 6 of them as we gazed around the sky. They were drifting naturally with the clouds which were quite active, the triangle
shapes appeared slightly different depending on where the objects were positioned in the sky.
Our first thought was "Pareidolia" so we made various attempts to trick our brains by going inside and setting our intention to look for square
shapes instead, seeing how quickly we could spot them etc... All to no avail.
These things were well hidden but totally obvious once you knew what to look for.
We watched for 40 minutes after which I drove home and managed to keep spotting several of the objects as I drove home.
I've been looking at the sky ever since, in similar weather, at similar times of the day and haven't managed to spot one since which I feel bolsters
the evidence that I did in fact see something.
My only possible theory is that the strong beams of light, coming from a fairly low point in the horizon and beaming through what might have been
triangle shaped gaps in the clouds??? Maybe someone here can confirm that this is a accepted phenomenon??
Otherwise, maybe the angle of the sun in the sky and the definition it provided to what was a very "high rez" and complicated background, made this
amazing camouflage visible to the naked eye?
Has anybody else seen something like this? If not, I hope my description of what to look for may trigger some sightings.