reply to post by ProphecyPhD
I have to say, I understand your plight. I've been followed, harassed, and mistreated because of my race. I remember one of the most embarrassing
things that happened to me wasn't something that affected my own mood, but those around me as well. I was in a Chili's restaurant, with two friends
who happened to be female. We were provided with a booth table, and one of them said to me "I'll sit next to you," and provided me with a playful
wink. While we were ordering our food, I told her that we should probably change our seating arrangement. She was slightly offended, and asked me why.
My other friend, who I pretty much grew up with said that she knew why. She informed the one sitting next to me to casually look around for a few
minutes. When she followed these instructions, she asked with a shock of disbelief "Are they...are they staring at us. Is it"
My friend across the table, red in anger and embarrassment, simply said "Yes."
The one next to me began to protest, and I said to her that this would all just be easier if she sat on the other side of the booth. She finally
decided to move and the staring, for the most part, ceased.
This story is so silly and seemingly inconsequential on it's surface, but for someone like me...someone who hates the idea of inconveniencing his
loved ones. It hurt, a lot, for me to embarrass a friend in that manner. I never intend to subject anyone I care for to such is a
significant example of the situation that we find ourselves in.
I've been passed up for scholastic opportunities, events, and invitations merely because of this visual feature that seems to define me in the eyes of
others. Being clean cut, appropriately dressed, well spoken, and intelligent hasn't prevented me from being followed in department stores, hasn't
prevented me from being asked was I stealing something, hasn't prevented me from being told I'm in the wrong place, and hasn't prevented me from being
ignored in stores that sale more "expensive" goods because I don't fit the demographic that usually buys said goods.
I'm 20, and I've experienced a few things that no one should ever have to. However, there are those much much older than I who have experienced worse.
Lynch mobs, hangings, domestic terrorism, murder, violence, and segregation were all experienced by and fought against by those who preceded myself.
Though the battles may be old, some of the runoff still hits all of us in the face today.
Do not be bitter. Do not fret. Do not became hateful. Simply endure. Succeed in your life goals and endure. If you must fight back, do not push back
with the fist, but force with the heart.
Do not hold it against those who shall wrong you or inconvenience your everyday life. Do not hate those who brand you, and define your image as
negative in their media brands. Endure, and push forward towards a future that you hold dear.
We do not shun children who do wrong. We teach them to do right. So, shun not the child who hates your skin, pity him and wish him well. For the
universe and the creator, in all its glory, will teach the lesson that must be learned.
tl;dr - Let it roll off of your back sometimes. It's not worth it to hold on to the negativity that others will place upon you, let it be theirs to
keep. These things happen, no matter how many may deny their occurrence....find peace within yourself, and all will be well.
edit on 15-7-2011
by TheOneElectric because: (no reason given)
edit on 15-7-2011 by TheOneElectric because: (no reason given)