posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 12:16 AM
I'm not sure if this theory has been thought of before, I'm sure bits and pieces of it have, I actually know they have, but it makes so much sense
to me I figured I would share it with you. If I waste your time I'm sorry.
Ok so I'm sure everyone has heard of the ET's that appear to look "human". These ET's also have the Greys working for them, kind of like Willy
Wonka had the oompa loompa's (don't know why, I just always think of it that way).
Anyway, so these human-like ET's created us thousands of years ago. There is evidence for this, one bit I always liked is in Genesis when God says
"Let US create man in OUR image", the "OUR" being these human ET's.
So why did they create us? Well they know their planet is about to die, or their star is about to burn out, so they need to move to earth. Why not
move to earth thousands of years ago you may ask (our time of course, this could all be only 5 years on their planet)? Well they didn't move here b/c
they want to live out as much time as possible on their planet until they absolutely have no choice but to come to Earth.
In the meantime, by creating us, we've invented electricity, we've farmed and produced food, created nuclear energy, etc. We've essentially made
the planet ready for when they come to live here.
When will they come to live here? Well the more I thought about it, I think it could possibly make sense that they predicted their planet would die
(or star burn out), around December 21, 2012. We know the Mayans have this date as being important for some reason, it could very well be that these
ET's told them that's when they expected to inhabit Earth and the Mayans stopped the calendar on that day b/c they saw this as a "new beginning"
or some other sort of phenomenon.
Maybe there will also be some massive disaster/disasters before then in order to make room for these ET's (depending on how many there are), but who
knows. Maybe those disasters have already started...
Anyway, just thought I'd share with you. I'm curious as to what people have to say. I personally think it's definitely plausible, but you may all
think I'm a moron. Worth a shot.