reply to post by Astyanax
Every age interprets the productions of earlier ones in the light of its own knowledge and beliefs. Are you saying that the meaning of the Qu'ran
changes from age to age? That it contains no eternal truths? That its meaning is vulnerable to the popular fads and prejudices of the hour? Anything
that claims to be true for all eternity flies in the face of science. That is the OP’s point. Either the Qu'ran must be claimed as eternal truth
(in which case it does stand against science) or else it is provisional, falsifiable and open to constant revision. You can’t have your cake and eat
it. You must choose. By the way, the quoted book extract is arrant, unscientific nonsense. Everything is not made of water. Water does not
'propagate'. The way energy propagates through water varies with the type of energy: light propagates in waves normal to the direction of motion,
sound in longitudinal waves, etc. The rest of the quote is so meaningless it cannot even be subjected to critical analysis; it’s just drivel. Do
yourself a favour and throw the book away, or give it to an enemy in the hope of confusing and misleading him. It is fit for no other purpose.
As for the book segment, it was a piece taken out of context as an example. It does not just cover water and energy waves and it is not unscientific.
If you are basing your assessment of the book as drivel based on the one quote that I pulled out rather than looking at the entire book and the many
scientifically based diagrams that he uses throughout to illustrate his points then you are not worth arguing with. I should also point out that I am
not Muslim and have no attachment to this guy or the Quran being right or wrong. I have however spent many years in cross-religious studies examining
a whole variety of sacred texts at the esoteric level.
Table of contents to help with context
Table of contents.............................................................................................. 2
Introduction...................................................................................................... 5
Energy mechanics of water.............................................................................. 7
1. Propagation of energy in water..................................................................................... 7
2. Structural arrangement of water................................................................................... 9
3. Water waves................................................................................................................ 12
4. The basic unit of the structure of energy.................................................................... 14
5. Discrete structure of energy........................................................................................ 15
6. Structural organization of energy weaved ropes in space........................................... 15
7. Vibratory state of energy weaved ropes...................................................................... 17
8. Modes of Vibrations of energy weaved ropes............................................................. 18
9. The function of energy weaved ropes......................................................................... 19
10. Propagation of energy................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . 20
11. The interaction of energy weaved ropes with matter................................................ 26
12 The amount of energy experienced by an object....................................................... 28
13. Optimal ratio of the magnitude of energy and the area experiencing this energy.... 28
14. The fabric of energy.......................................................................................... . . . . . . . 30
15 Interaction of water waves......................................................................................... 33
1. Structure of matter...................................................................................................... 41
2. Structure of the atom.................................................................................................. 42
3. Objects in the seven heavens of the atom................................................................... 43
4. Structure of the objects in the seven heavens of the atom.......................................... 43
5. Motion of the objects in the seven heavens of the atom............................................. 44
6. Shape of the nucleus of the atom................................................................................ 45
7. Status of the nucleus of the atom................................................................................ 45
8. Number of objects in the heavens of the atom........................................................... 47
9. Energy within the seven heavens of the atom............................................................. 48
10. Stability of the atom.................................................................................................. 48
11. Absorption of energy by matter................................................................................ 50
12. The energy that drives the objects in the heavens of the atom................................. 51
13. Radial movement of the objects in the heavens of the atom.................................... 53
14. Are the objects in the heavens of the atom matter or energy?.................................. 54
15. Stable configuration of the atom.............................................................................. 54
16. The orbiting speed of the objects in the heavens of the atom................................... 55
17. The importance of the weight of the atom................................................................ 56
1. Stability of the atom:.............................................................................................. 57
2. Atomic bonding:..................................................................................................... 57
3. The amount and rate of energy flow from and to the atom.................................... 59
18. The flow of matter.................................................................................................... 59
19. How to derive the laws that govern energy and matter in the creation of Allah (God) Almighty from the Noble
Qur’an................................................................................... 64
20. The concept of a constant and variable energy fields............................................... 67
21. Why atoms take in and give off energy (thermal, electrical, acoustic, etc.)?........... 68
22. Balance of the lattice structure of materials............................................................. 71
The ability of the law of everything as derived from the Noble Qur’an to
explain and predict the outcome of observed phenomena............................. 73
Gravitation ((هيبذاجل......................................................................................................... 73
1. Understanding how gravitational energy interacts with matter (i.e. the phenomenon of
gravity)......................................................................................... . . . . . 73
2.The relationship between mass and shape............................................................... 79
3.Perfect match between the stability of the earth and that of the atom..................... 81
4.The concept of the center of gravity........................................................................ 84 ٍ
Structural ((تآشنمل.......................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1. Various types of atomic bonds................................................................................ 87
2. The concept of stress............................................................................................... 87
3. Density of materials................................................................................................ 89
4. Stiffness of materials.............................................................................................. 90
5. Fatigue of materials................................................................................................ 92
6. Strength of matter................................................................................................... 96
7. Stress concentration phenomena............................................................................. 96
8. Prediction of material behavior under load............................................................ 98
9. Phenomenon of friction........................................................................................ 101
Fluidic ((عئومل............................................................................................................... 103
1. Fluid flow in conduits.......................................................................................... 103
2. Resistance of conduits to fluid flow..................................................................... 104
3. Diffusion of matter................................................................................................ 106
4. Evaporation and condensation of water................................................................ 112
Electricity and magnetism ( (ةيسيطانغمل ةيئابركل.......................................................... 115
1. The nature of the electron..................................................................................... 115
2. The concept of an electric current......................................................................... 116
3. The phenomenon of superconductivity................................................................. 118
4. Production of a magnetic field.............................................................................. 119
5. Classification of materials according to their magnetic properties...................... 121
6. The concept of light.............................................................................................. 122
7. Production of light by the sun............................................................................... 124
8. Optical properties of materials.............................................................................. 125
Thermal Energy ( (ةرحل ةقال..................................................................................... 127
1. The concept of thermal energy............................................................................. 127
2. Modes of transport of thermal energy................................................................. . 128
3. Speed of heat transport in matter.......................................................................... 133
4. The concept of heat capacity of materials............................................................ 134
5. Thermal induced displacements in materials........................................................ 135
5.1 The relationship between the weight of the atom and the amount of thermally induced mechanical
displacements........................................................................... 137
6. Behavior of materials upon heating and cooling.................................................. 139
Biomedical Engineering ( (ةويحل ةيل ةدنل................................................................ 141
1. Biocompatibility ((ويحل بال............................................................................ 141
Applications from the law of everything as derived from the Noble Qur’an
Structural applications................................................................................. . 150
Application (1): The design of load handling structures from the Noble Qur’an:....... 150
Application (2) How to reduce friction? as derived from the Noble Qur’an............... 152
Fluidic applications...................................................................................... 153
Application (1): Comparing the difference between the behavior of cold and hot water
Electrical and magnetic applications............................................................ 154
Application (1): Achieving superconductivity at temperatures above room temperature
(i.e. above 25 degrees centigrade)................................................................................ 154
Mathematical applications........................................................................... 156
Application (1): The main function describing the form of energy and matter.... . . . . . . . 156
Biological applications............................................................................ . . . . . 162
Application (1): A new testing medium for biological experimentation...................... 162
And what I am saying is that there are many levels of understanding from many sacred texts that can be read at multiple levels and that they were
intended that way. Are you familiar with the terms exoteric and esoteric? Something can be both simultaneously depended on the level at which it is
read. If you are only capable of reading things at an exoteric level it is pointless to argue with you. If you are able to appreciate the immense
subtleties with which the texts have been written and not just the gross fundamental ways that they have been interpreted by the masses over the years
then there is hope.