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Berkey water filter? Leaking?

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posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 04:11 PM
Does any one own these filters? I do, I have 2 berkey blacks and 2 fluoride filters. I have been using them for about 2 1/2 years. I have to say, they are not that grate. The filters alone are backed by paper work but the paper work means nothing if they are manufactured cheaply. They use hot glue (not water proof) to glue the plastic bottom on to the black filter. It causes leaks between the lifter and the plastic piece. (most people probably dont even realize they leak.) I have gone threw 5 sets of filters, I have only bought 2 sets. I keep having to send them back because they leak. Thats not the only problem with them, the nuts they give you are weak and cause water to leak, the fluoride filters leak, where the black berkey's connect. I was wondering if any one had any fixes for these problems. They are backed by paper work and seem to make my water clean when they are working properly, I just wish they wear not made so cheaply.

Any one have idea's on how I can make them stronger?
edit on 14-7-2011 by sabbathcrazy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 07:54 AM
I've got a Big Berkey with 2 sterasyl (white) filters and two PF4 fluoride reduction filters and a Travel Berkey with 1 black filter and the PF2 fluoride reduction filter. In the two years I've had the Big Berkey and the one year that I've had the Travel version, I haven't experienced any of the leakage problems that you have. Just to be sure, I filled the upper tank of the Travel Berkey (the one with the black filter) this morning and held it up over my sink to observe what happens and the water only drips from the bottom of the fluoride filter as it should -- there is no sign of water coming from the junction of the black filter and the nut that fastens it to the upper unit or the additional unused hole that I've sealed with a plug.

Were you careful not to overtighten the fluoride filter? The instructions are very specific about the 8 full turns and no more than that due tot he risk of damaging the inside of the reduction element.

I swear by these filters and quality of the water they produce. The Travel Berkey, a slightly smaller version of the Big Berkey, is one that I purchased for my son's use during the months he is living away wile attending university. I had him bring it home with him during his summer break so that I can make sure that it is working properly and to wash out the chambers (like all good mothers do!). So far so good for both units.

The only time I had any leakage problem was when I once overfilled the upper chamber, but the cause of that was obvious.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 12:35 PM
I made a mistake and instead of unscrewing the black filter from the unit I pulled the filter from the base. Is it safe to re glue it to the base and what do I use?
Any help will be welcome. ty Reenie

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