posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 02:28 PM
How is it that in the course of human events we have come to this? This being the state of our Government and Society in these formerly greater United
States. Have no question. We are still a great nation. Perhaps still the greatest on Earth, but why are we villified and demonized by all peoples of
this planet? Whether it comes from abroad or an ignorant mind here in the States, we are demeaned and denigrated from every angle. "I mourn the state
of our country" "This ignorant community leader in chief has ruined our nation..." Our own nature works against us it seems. Qualities of
perserverence, ingenuity, and an exhaustive work ethic seem to bring the walls closing in around us, ever closer to a status of no escape. We use our
fine quality of character no longer for the benefit of mankind, but for the elevation of our own egos. We now "perservere" against those whose views
differ from our own, even in the most miniscule of ways. We now invent new ways of invoking hatred and contention amongst our fellow man. We now work
ceaselessly to supress the views and ideas of those who would diessent. Where is the compromise? Where is the compassion that once so defined us?
We were a nation of givers and debaters. We could resolve a dispute over whether the grass was green or the sky is blue. We would give our fellow
American the shirt off OUR back or the plow for OUR field if it meant that it made his life easier. Yes, there was greed. Yes, there was envy, but
even those of us who had the greatest wealth gave fortunes for the sake of others, and the poorest of us were greatful. We used our perserverence to
survive against the elements confronting us. We used our ingenuity to criss-cross the continent with iron rails and asphalt roads. We used our work
ethic to build the greatest nation on Earth and fight to win two World Wars. Where has the spirit gone? What is it that changed?
Perhaps it is not our country that has fallen, but ourselves. Decieved by willful ignorance and enchanted by tales of our own superiority we have
allowed ourselves to falter. It is not the institutions of our government or the corruption of our representatives that have caused our demise, but
our own indecision about what our future should be. We sit and squabble at the brink of destruction for what reason? Indecision. Whether it be the
role of our government, the role of our military, or how our economy should function we sit and bicker like mice arguing over the last scraps of food
in the dining room of a sinkingTitanic. So I ask you ATS, how did it come to this and how do we avoid it?
As we wait in the percieved twilight of our glory, waiting for the bitter end to come, what do we take away from our time here? What went wrong? What
went right? I ask only for a civil discussion, for our collective futures. So that when the dream comes crashing down around us and all the world
shakes with chaos, we pereservere, we invent and we work towards a better tomorrow. If we know now the errors and truths of our time here spent,
perhaps we can march with unwavering resolve towards the brightness of the future that awaits us. We will make sure that, at least this time, history
does not repeat itself and the nation we build together, conservatives and liberals both, in the coming years will regain our lost splendour. So ATS
what do we do? How do we Suceed?