posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 08:49 PM
I do apologize for the delay in response -- from the continuation of my pg.12, the 2nd post down @ 1:03am (BTW, it was actually 2:03am EST). Here goes
-- In the future vision dream I was taken to an unknown place, not of this Earth, realm or dimension, and I was shown major events that would occur a
year from now. I do not know for certain if the following will actually happen, however, the few other vision dreams I have had, all did occur,
exactly as I was shown. This is NOT a prophecy or a prediction and I am not psychic or clairvoyant, nor do I make predictions. I'd be guessing if I
were to predict future events, meaning that my predictions would be a 50/50 crap shoot ... which, essentially tells you nothing. So, this isn't a
prediction. I am simply sharing a vision of a paralysis dream that I am (infrequently and randomly) 'gifted' with every once in a great while. As I
mentioned in my previous post, near the top of pg 12, ALL previous vision dreams have come true ... or manifested. I do not have the ability to make
these vision dreams happen on demand. They occur randomly, usually when I least expect it. So, I cannot wish or request these 'sleep visions'. I
experience each of them as a surprise, an unexpected gift. Additionally, I do not drink alcohol or use drugs and I'm not on any medications. I am an
educated, healthy, normal, rational, logical empath. I do not have any illnesses, although I admit I do have PTSD. You can chose to interpret this as
a prediction, or not to, either way, I am not interested in a debate.
With that said and out of the way, here's what I was shown one year ago: The timing for the event was the late summer of 2011. I do not know the
exact date -- somewhere between early August and late September is the only information I was given. Some kind of a Super-Being (not at all Alien)
from another dimension was behind me. He was unemotional -- neither loving or cold. I perceived him as a sort of 'friendly messenger' type of
Super-Being, who wasn't an Alien Being and who meant no harm. I was being offered a rare gift of insight, a peak into the future --- accept this
graciously or I will go away, was 'it's' overall demeanor. I was not permitted to turn and look at him. I believe it was a male -- the same male
that has shown me a few other future events that did come true one year from the date of the dream vision. The mode of communication is strictly
visual observation and 'telepathy', which is odd, since I'm certainly not telepathic in 'real' life ... and I wear eye-glasses, as I'm optically
challenged. I can, however, sometimes sense what people are about to say and I'm highly intuitive. I was shown a stunningly beautiful, brightest blue
sky, much bluer and brighter than any of us see when we look up at the sky, at least at this juncture. I was shown either a chemtrail or a sky-writing
(not sure), but I do think this was more likely chemtrails. I was informed, telepathically while visually observing, that mass destruction would occur
when this exact formation appeared in the sky. The pattern or formation in the sky was this -- two very thick, bright-white horizontally positioned
parallel lines, connecting east and west, fairly close together with the bright blue sky in-between. The lines were not far apart or distant, nor were
they real close. They were a bit imperfect, which is why I thought they were more likely chemtrails in the sky, as opposed to sky-writing. I was
stripped of my ability to verbalize, to speak, to determine distance (with at least some degree of accuracy), or to determine timing, but my eyesight
was beyond superior. I normally wear glasses, all of the time, but I was able to see better and clearer than I've ever experienced or imagined
possible. The thick, white, parallel lines, that spanned from one end of the horizon to the other, indicated that a parallel universe was imminent. In
other words, the lines were intentionally set in a 'parallel formation' as they were symbolic of a 'parallel universe'. I also understood this
telepathically. This 'Super Being' was keenly aware that I was gradually starting to become increasingly frightened, and as a result of my fear, I
might not fully understand everything that was being offered or about to be offered. I immediately sensed if I did not replace confusion and fear with
peace and calm, while feeling grateful and joyous, I would not be shown anything further -- unbelievably that actually scared me even more. I sensed
fear was starting to prevent me from going forward and seeing everything possible or that I was intended to see. As I calmed myself, the Being then
directed me, while I continued looking up at the sky, to move about 90 degrees to the right, as I was shown a large tic-tac-toe symbol at the end of
the parallel lines, basically it was the # sign -- but I thought of it as a tic-tac-toe symbol since all four lines were spread very far apart. The #
symbol was at the end of the two parallel lines on the extreme right. Then I was shown and informed that when this formation was displayed in the sky,
the towns on the east coast, where I live just outside of NYC, as well as (my former residence of 15 years) in the SF Bay Area and also just south of
SF, where I had also lived in Silicon Valley, California, were all under water -- immersed under a large body of water. That little bit of fear I hung
onto prevented me from determining the exact source of the water. I believe it was either a tidal wave or a tsunami as well as mass, underground
water-main breaks, or probably a combination of all. I'm not 100% sure where the water actually came from, although it did seem to be mostly
ocean/sea salt water. I was still a teeny bit panicky as most of the fear left when I realized I had to let go of it, but not all of it left. So, I'm
not really 100% sure of the source of the water, but I am 100% sure it was a major water disaster type of flood of some kind -- nothing we've ever
before seen. I was not shown other areas of the country or the world. I was only shown the two major regions/areas of the country/world where I've
lived -- just outside of NYC and the SF Bay areas, as well as south of SF, Silicon Valley. So, I have spent my entire life 5-15 miles inland from
either the Atlantic or Pacific oceans. I've always lived nearby a coast, either east coast or west coast, and have spent considerable time on a beach
somewhere -- so the ocean sights and sounds are extremely familiar to me.
I will complete this dream vision in another post -- shortly. Sorry, but this is becoming a bit upsetting and overwhelming, since I've never shared
this with anyone, and I hadn't expected to share it until I happened upon this Thread and after reading many of the posts last evening. It was then I
felt compelled to share this vision gift, also considering it is almost one-year from the date of the anniversary.