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Prisoners Near Death As 1,700 California Inmates Continue Hunger Strike To Protest Appalling Conditi

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posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 05:25 AM
reply to post by darknull

Perhaps it would have been best for them not to be slinging rocks in the first place, or at least be sneakier about it, so as not to be put into the system to start with?

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by W3RLIED2
I abide by the law.

That's just the thing.

You don't have to break any laws to go to jail anymore. You just have to piss off the wrong guy and he says you broke the law and you go to jail.

And should you protest when being hit with this bogus charge, you will find that you also assaulted an officer and resisted arrest. Then you will be a criminal and people like you will look down on you.

Such is life in 21st century USA.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by Swills

boo-hoo, they don't even have basic human rights, well they should have thought of that before commiting their crimes, or I guess they thought they deserved better than they gave their victims
edit on 14-7-2011 by
edit on 14-7-2011 by infojunkie2 because: (no reason given)
extra DIV

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 04:41 PM
ok if prison crowding is alright then this is too right

animals in china overcrowded in cages
edit on 14-7-2011 by darknull because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 02:42 AM
reply to post by darknull

Sorry my friend- big difference here. The animals have done nothing to deserve the crowded conditions they live in while the prisoners made a choice to break the law.

posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 03:45 AM
"Joey, have you ever been in a... in a Turkish prison?"

it is called prison for a reason.

in cali? i doubt the conditions are really bad.

posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 06:24 AM
These jackasses are playing the system, they already have better living space, living conditions, and better medical care than most of us here on the outside of the prisons and they are pulling this crap because they want more, all they are doing is causing trouble beause they have too much time on their hands and have nothing better to do. the government has spent way too much money on them already and needs to quit falling for their games, I mean seriously these guys are suppossed to be in there as punishment but it turns out that they have it better than most on the outside, I mean seriously what ever happend to prison being a punishment? or a place where people dont wanna go back, heck now a days we have cons lineing up to get back in so they dont have to worrie about nothing. they need to return it to the old ways where they woke them up at 5 am worked them all day doing manuel labor and sent them to bed tired at the end of the day so they could get up and do it over agian the next day, I tell you if we had more prisons doing like that we would have a lot less repeat offenders. Im sorry but I have no sympathy for these idiots. especially seein as how i live in a city with 2 of the biggest prisons in the state right here so I kno people who work as CO's and I kno alot ofpeople who work in non CO positions in there suck as office jobs and medical record etc. The prisoners complaining about their conditions is a joke and the state is buying into it it is ridiculos

posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 06:36 AM

Originally posted by darknull
ok if prison crowding is alright then this is too right

animals in china overcrowded in cages
edit on 14-7-2011 by darknull because: (no reason given)

that is called a grocery store, not a prison
just a joke people refrain from the hate mail

posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 06:47 AM

Originally posted by darknull
while i was locked up i had to have a tooth pulled and you say these prisoners get such great health care hell i had to wait over two weeks to get a tooth that had an infection all the way up in removed because over half off it was knocked out

now dont take this wrong but come on 2 weeks??? BFD! I know of people here on the outside who have to live with tooth problems for months or years even because they cant afford to have them fixed, just as you probably wouldnt have if you were on the outside. Now im sorry you were wrongly accused but you PUT YOURSELF in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong people.

posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 06:53 AM
reply to post by W3RLIED2

So I guess we can add you to the list of Americans who want to do away with that pesky Constitution of yours eh?

What you suggest doing is 'cruel and unusual punishment' no matter how you try and spin it.


posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by W3RLIED2
WOW! i suppose most people don't understand the concept of incarceration, jail prison etc. What needs to be learned by prison staff , also people who are civilians THAT PEOPLE ARE SENT TO PRISON AS PUNISHMENT, NOT FOR PUNISHMENT!!! it is sad that most people do not or have not heard that comment before! I agree that our prisons are full of bad people, even those that come in for a non violent crime are taught how to be a better crook for when they get out , if you desire to stay by your self and not get involved then its your life that your risking as no one will help you if your not affiliated with some gang , or some group!I have never ever heard instructions from a judge during sentencing say that the prisoner will be remanded to the custody of the prison system ,where he /she shall receive punishment in the form of abuse , non medical help etc! Nope it is the forgone understanding by the court , that they being sent to prison as punishment,NOT FOR PUNISHMENT that should be the goal of the prison system where ever you are incarcerated ! Some of the wardens understand this , however they really are not in enough control of the inmates to afford them this mandate!Its the captains and the Lieutenants on down that allow punishment to the inmates!!NOT JUST PRISON AS PUNISHMENT!!!! Hope maybe you will understand . . I wish i had learned that fact when i was a police officer, i maybe could have had more compassion for a lot of people.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by Swills

Well maybe if they lived within the law they wouldn't have to be in prison. Prison isn't supposed to be a resort, or even like a cheap hotel - it is a LOSS OF FREEDOM! They have no right to complain. In fact, once in prison on a felony conviction, many rights are lost. Perhaps they should have kept that in mind PRIOR to commiting their crimes. Now they are being punished and are crying about it!?!? Screw 'em!!! Sounds like the prisoners might end the overcrowding problem on their own; suicide by starvation. Idiots!

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