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Do tptb really know if alien life exists?

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posted on Jul, 17 2011 @ 07:31 AM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
Forrestal even tells someone with a ABC TV interview right into the microphone there
are no aliens

You mean the Forrestal that was snuffed before he could talk?

Well the thousands of glowy orb things aren't all Tesla saucers either... they are 'critters'

So there

edit on 16-7-2011 by zorgon because: (no reason given)

We will have to try and catch one for you Zorgon as new pet
, now we are on that subject is it possible?

posted on Jul, 17 2011 @ 07:35 AM
reply to post by 2012king

Smoke and mirrors coupled with a dose of misdirection for their perceived enemies to throw them off the correct RnD routes.

posted on Jul, 17 2011 @ 07:39 AM

Originally posted by Bedlam

Originally posted by zorgon
Now there is a significant revelation...

And you really think PRC is in the loop? Could explain Buzz Aldrin's weird comments

PRC's behind the power curve but real soon they'll manage an FTL flight on a homebrew craft without everyone onboard taking one for the Chairman.

Nasty when that happens. You lose control and end up with a sharply bounded timerate differential inside the craft, and everyone goes through the blender. Makes a big mess, lots of yen down the toilet, a few years from now they'll be a pretty little GRB that no-one can explain.

Keep going Bedlam your just getting to the good bits so please dont bail out now as I bet you can enlighten us a bit more without upsetting the big wigs

edit on 17/7/11 by Bob Down Under because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2011 @ 10:49 AM
The aliens came and invaded our planet. Maybe in the most secret instances the government has actually worked with aliens, but the hundreds of people who would know about that are small compared to the whole world.

The hard part is that the aliens and their ships are completely transdimensional in nature. Real UFOs can morph into each other, a UFO can do exactly anything it wants to -

* Pick a person up from inside their house

* Pick a car up while it is moving

* Lift a plane out of the air while it is flying

* Fly through solid rock

* Mutilate an animal with no sound in front of dogs at night without the dogs realizing it

For the fact that UFOs and aliens can do these things because they are completely transdimensional in nature it was in best interest of national security to keep it secret.

Inter-dimensional or transdimensional, who knows I'm not educated to make a guess on exactly what it is.
edit on 17-7-2011 by greyer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2011 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by 2012king

You need to think this through.

If the governments of our world weren't sending anything up into space for scientific purposes when they had the means to it would look quite suspicious to the civilian population, would it not?

Its called a smokescreen. Playing pretend if you will. Its all part of the cover-up to get you to think that since they're looking elsewhere in space, the rest of us should too and away from UFO reports. It works on most people and you seem to still think there may be a little legitimacy to it as well but are having some doubts.

Unfortunately contemporary space exploration is a hoax and it won't stop being a hoax until our governments own up to their lies.

posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 03:31 AM
How can they be ''not that advanced'' when they travelled all the way here from... the stars (?) or wherever that might be? Just trying to understand.

posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 06:50 AM

Originally posted by WideOpenSpace
How can they be ''not that advanced'' when they travelled all the way here from... the stars (?) or wherever that might be? Just trying to understand.

Asked zorgon hes in the no as such
or have we been misled all these years regarding our tech?

posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by tonelock

tonelock- I disagree with your theory: "would be life in the universe would either begin at a similar date"

The universe is in a constant state of- death's of star's; and the birthing of new star's.

The age of the Universe is 13.75 [+,- ] 0.11 billion years.

The age of Earth is 4.54 billion years.

Therefore, their should be plenty of advanced alien civilizations, [ if they have survived,] to be far ahead of us Earthlings, in terms of evolution and technology.



posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by Bedlam

Originally posted by zorgon
Now there is a significant revelation...

And you really think PRC is in the loop? Could explain Buzz Aldrin's weird comments

PRC's behind the power curve but real soon they'll manage an FTL flight on a homebrew craft without everyone onboard taking one for the Chairman.

Nasty when that happens. You lose control and end up with a sharply bounded timerate differential inside the craft, and everyone goes through the blender. Makes a big mess, lots of yen down the toilet, a few years from now they'll be a pretty little GRB that no-one can explain.

Wow. So are all those the gamma ray bursts detected in far galaxies from some tremendous Imperial Corellian Dreadnought biting it thanks to their low-bid government contractor who made the warp drive stabilization system?

The astrophysicists say the observed GRB's have energy rate "comparable to burning up the entire mass-energy of the sun in a few tens of seconds, or to emit over that same period of time as much energy as our entire Milky Way does in a hundred years." Close up, those are extinction level events.

edit on 19-7-2011 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by 2012king

Not at all. What they do know IM very researched O. What they know is that the whole of the paranormal is very
demonic. The God of the Bible exists and they are at war with him. I believe when the Bible speaks of the wicked
it is refering to know others but these wicked people. Raised with out ever being shown any love inorder to insure
they become ruthless tyrants. It's all a grand delusion. To hide the truth of Gods word.

edit on 19-7-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by greyer

oh dont forget to mention alof of there technology is symbiotic

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

Unfortunately Bedlam is a little hard to crack
At least I now know he is Army

And here I thought you were a Lear sock-puppet. He already knew that. Oh,well, scratch one theory.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by mbkennel

Wow. So are all those the gamma ray bursts detected in far galaxies from some tremendous Imperial Corellian Dreadnought biting it thanks to their low-bid government contractor who made the warp drive stabilization system?

Mostly it's the ones like us that haven't figured out how to get a stable transfer function in the control system. Sort of like a Cuk converter with >50% duty cycle, you've got moving poles and zeroes EVERYWHERE, makes for an untidy solution.

Anyway, it's the tiny non-astrophysical GRB's that are ships eating it, you've only got so much mass in a ship, after all.

The BIG non-astrophysical GRBs are civilizations that try to exploit it for power. Wasn't it Clarke that said GRBs are industrial accidents?

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by Bob Down Under

The answer to:
Do tptb really know if alien life exists?,

The ptb do not care as they invented 'alien life' and 'critters' too to avoid
a big embarrassment having to reveal Tesla's infinite energy from the
environment. How do you think a ship that moves in a flash and hovers
in light and high voltage radiation came about. Get real and on board
and play the Tesla card.

The ship creates natural environmental force to oppose gravity as a
concentrated force. Using voltage perhaps has its drawbacks but
zero Gs in the acceleration is definitely unknown except to those
that ride in those 'critters' or Tesla ships.

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by Erno86

And we are advanced as 'they' are, if there were 'aliens' in existence in any dimension,
except for the interference on Earth of the science and technology Cartels that took over
the science of Tesla starting with liquid air patents that they now focus on superconductivity
and magnets. Tesla left that far behind and went on to bigger and better voltage production.
Tesla made voltage machines from magnets so why fuss with the same 100 years old
items and not make the same ships that Tesla made. Why. Because its so easy we will
have UFO critters being made by every cartel country on Earth. So much the better let them
fly away to their brothers in the universe the cartel agents talk so much about.

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by LazloFarnsworth
reply to post by gortex

As they are "black-projects"...of course he did not. My point was its generally accepted that we've been visited for millenia...and have been the "tourists" ourselves.

A better question would be to ask what HAVE we done with all that info?

I have the sneaking suspicion that you've got a few ideas... Care to share?!

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by Raegen
The following statements, among others, were supposedly posted by Celebrity Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson on Twitter...

“...The entire half-century budget of NASA equals the current two year budget of the US military.”

All of which lend to the theory that The Powers That Be have intentionally slowed the space program down to a slow crawl. Why? If they know for a fact alien life exists and has visited our world then sending modules to planets like Mars, etc is nothing more than a smoke screen.

Better to spend money in the pursuit of nothing, than to spend nothing and risk tipping their hats to the fact that they know more than they are telling us.

Thanks Raegen, enlightening and not exactly euphoria inducing...

Why do I feel like the robot from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy all of the sudden...

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by Yukitup

For whatever seems that whatever we've gained form contact already is necessary to keep silent. Why, is probably evident. To gain the advantage over our enemies and/or to prepare for the future(s) to come. I feel personally that whomever's here already (aliens-interdimentional beings)...and wherever we've been and are going to (planetary speaking)...its more important for the general public not to know...then to disclose.
I dont think thats right...but TPTB must feel that the greater good is in with-holding info

posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 12:35 PM

Originally posted by LazloFarnsworth
reply to post by Yukitup

...but TPTB must feel that the greater good is in with-holding info

I don't disagree. There might be another option, though, something related to "the sins of our fathers..." If you and I were the individuals in possession of this knowledge/technology that has been hidden and concealed from the public for decades (?), our public acknowledgment (disclosure) would have dramatic consequences for past generations of "concealers", our present, and our future.

In addition to the massive, planetary paradigm shift that would undoubtedly accompany "disclosure", this "disclosure" would also reveal not only the depth of the deception of our government stretching back decades -- but would also inevitably necessitate a massive accounting of sorts.

What have we developed?

Why haven't the technologies been used for the betterment of our planet and its peoples?

What have those who control the technologies done with the technologies?

Who has gained or profited?

I suspect the answers are well hidden within the machinations of the Military Industrial Complex. I highly doubt elected officials have knowledge of this sort, it would provide too much leverage to use (essentially as blackmail) when facing loss of office -- therefore, logically, it would be the bureaucracies (MIC - military industrial complex) and their "sub-contractors" that have developed and controlled the technologies...

Unfortunately, the MIC is not exactly known for its benevolent nature. It is a complex, secretive and ego-driven sub-world to the reality that we common folk live in.

Speaking of reality, there are multiple "powers that be," and each is based upon perception. Most simply perceive our "gubmint" as TPTB. Some perceive the secret societies as TPTB. Some think a little deeper and suspect that the secret societies manipulate the democratic system to put "their" people in office. TBTP controlling TPTB, so to speak...

But we must ask ourselves this: what can the POTUS, Builderbergs, Rothschilds, Freemasons, or Illuminati do against the secretive, highly classified, and incredibly powerful MIC?

What does the MIC have? What does the MIC know? Who knows, the POTUS does not even have the clearance required! It is possible that TPTB controlling TPTB have also infiltrated the MIC (the real TPTB?!

Those in charge of the MIC are not elected individuals. In most cases, "they" do not even "exist..." Their budgets are black and they operate outside of congressional oversight. Why in the world would they want to "disclose?"

Any and every technological development to which we refer here is in their domain -- adapting this technology to civilian use "risks putting it in the hands of our enemies." (I bet that line has been used a time or two!)

Why would those in charge of the MIC open themselves to a public accounting and risk exposing their own potential transgressions against humanity in addition to those committed by their predecessors. The sins of our fathers may have created the foundation for the most powerful cartel that "never" existed...

Police, ideally, are to "protect and to serve." Our government, ideally, is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. The MIC? Let's imagine that their motto is something akin to "protect the USA at all costs." In so doing, might they have inadvertently (or advertantly? (not a word, but I typed it, so now it is!)) so effectively shielded themselves from any accountability whilst arming themselves with God knows what?

posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by Yukitup

Youre absolutely spot-on with this. The reasoning in denial is vast and pardon-the pun...Earth-shattering. The motives, methods and intentions are vast Im sure. I do believe myself, that this is the case. All we know and believe of our past and how life progresses would be up for grabs. Society would be turned on its side.

So? In a nutshell, Ill just say that to me...Alien life exists, have been here all along...we probabaly ARE them...all are part of a greater picture mid-understood and unknown to the general population...there are many, many books and long term theories about underground bases, aliens in religious texts, greys, sightings everyday of UFO's, USO', men in black etc, etc, etc.

Personally? I believe most of this...if not probably very close to the complete truth. But, again. The reasoning behind keeping it secret from the public is so far out there in social, military and religious implications...that its gonna be awhile before any-one country admits contact of current and past-proven contacts, intervention and occupation.

But, I think its coming. And soon.
edit on 4-8-2011 by LazloFarnsworth because: ?

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