Hey Itop1!
I'm sure you were apprehensive about discussing this in a public forum, but we're all glad that you did.
The kind of bullying you have experienced can be extremely damaging on many levels and what you have said so far (I'm sure there's a LOT more) all
sounds painfully familiar to me. A quick consensus of opinion about bullying will produce two distinct opinions in society:
1/ Life is tough; it's character building; you have a character flaw; some people are just lucky enough to be better than you; get over it
2/ It's highly destructive to the psychological integrity of a person & the younger the bullying starts, the deeper the damage & longer/more profound
the difficulties experienced by the sufferer, especially with interpersonal relationships.
Ironically, the character flaw is in the perpetrators of bullying & luckily, option 1 is getting less socially acceptable!
Having personally experienced a very similar pattern of psychological/physical abuse (that culminated in a mock execution by machine gun, no less!!) &
having read extensively about the subject, I conclude that it is a flavour of PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) & depending on the specifics of
the abuse, has most/all of the required components.
You say that you have tried online counselling & found it pointless. That doesn't surprise me at all, since the majority of internet medical
'services' are based purely on money making, not the well-being of the client!
I strongly suggest that you try to find one to one counselling or preferably a support group to unravel & open up your problems. This of course
depends entirely on where you live & may cost money. Ultimately, you need to TALK FACE TO FACE with someone & offload. You also need to take a step
back from your situation & understand the following....
you are probably angry with yourself &/or have self-loathing issues which you have learned since this all started. That is probably pretty deep-seated
by now with all the negative experiences you have had. You probably even think that this is YOUR fault, right?? WRONG! Cast your mind back to the
beginning when (I'm guessing) you were pretty young. If you walked into a school yard right now, would you blame a child of that age for receiving
that kind of abuse? Of course you wouldn't, because they did nothing wrong! Being DIFFERENT is neither a crime nor a personality flaw.... it's what
makes the World INTERESTING! Wouldn't it be a # place if we were all 6' 2" jocks with fake tans on the football team whose only topic of conversation
was football? Me, I prefer to talk to complex, interesting people with more than one viewpoint or layer to their personality. Anyone with more than 2
brain cells does too.
Please take my advice & try to get some one to one support. If you don't want to do that, I'm confident that you could chat openly & without prejudice
to the peeps here on ATS. There are lots of bright, like-minded people in here who are supportive & smart. Or... If you don't want to do that, you
could even PM me & I'll have a chat with you about your options. And noone will charge you for their time!
You have lots of options my friend & lots of friends in here already, ok? The only option you don't have comes as advice:
suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem!
Stay strong & keep in touch.
edit on 12/7/11 by HelionPrime because: typo