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First Time Astral Projecting and Somthing Weird

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posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 02:54 AM
I tried AP for the first time about 5 min ago. I did all the required cleansing stuff and felt i had created a strong barrier. At first I was speculitive but then i started seeing shapes. After awhile of that I felt somthing like a disturbance in my room but ignored it. It felt like somthing was trying to break through the Golden barrier thing i put up. It had gotten half way through before i started taking notice. I tried focusing my energies to force it back and that seemed to work. So i continued. more shapes. Some waves of color. Then A quick FLASH of a VERY detailed face wearing a completely blank black mask. Kinda looked like this.

I stopped after that and came to post this. Can someone explain what just happened? Who I saw. Or what might have been trying to break through my barrier?
edit on 11-7-2011 by ToxicAngel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 03:07 AM
I have read that there is a possibilty that another spirit can invade your body while you're out. It doesn't stop you from returning. It is said to share your body, ultimately changing your character and personality.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 03:13 AM

Originally posted by Hillbilly123069
I have read that there is a possibilty that another spirit can invade your body while you're out. It doesn't stop you from returning. It is said to share your body, ultimately changing your character and personality.

Like the film insidious, watch that, explains pretty much everything.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 03:16 AM
reply to post by ToxicAngel

Were you eyes opened when you saw the face? Did you see the the way the body-shaped?

And Did you feel like it was gonna do harm to you?

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 03:17 AM
why would you want to travel the astral plane? what purpose does it serve? and is anymore than lucid dreaming?

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 03:19 AM
Sorry to be slightly off topic op but just wondering where you obtained your method process into AP from? I'm fascinated with the subject and it's something I consider alot. Any info would be appreciated, feel free to PM me if you'd prefer...


posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 03:32 AM
reply to post by CuriousMind3

My eyes were closed.

Also I just remembered. I had a feeling i should stop before it happened. I was laying down but it felt like somthing was pulling me up and to the left but i was not moving. It felt like somthing was sucking out my "soul". I was kinda having trouble opening my eyes at that time. And then i saw the face.

All i saw was the face rushing towards me then I opened my eyes before it got to me.

reply to post by TOMFROMOZ

I found it here: clicky clicky

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 03:37 AM
reply to post by ToxicAngel

Thanks very much, appreciate it mate!!

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 03:40 AM
Sound like Astral wildlife.Little critters that try to scare new travelers.

Hear is a recent interview with robert bruce on coast to coast..

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 03:44 AM
I don't believe the entity was sucking your soul, I think you were about to project. You gotta know that while in the Astral Plane nothing can really harm you physically. If you were scared that could be a reason why you woke up.

Fear is what weakens your mind while in the astral plane. If you mind is weaken then you simply wake up.

Learn to not fear anything and you will be able to project all the way.

What i don't know if the entity that was breaking your protection barrier was the same thing that you saw.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 03:59 AM
reply to post by CuriousMind3

I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 08:13 AM
I am no expert, but in one of my not so long ago outings, I encountered a negative being which I confronted. But then I have a long history of confronting or running away from it. In this case I just told it to leave, I was taking charge of my own destiny, but then when out, I experience no fear which is odd I suppose.

Now as to the voice that came to warn you, listen, it has been there for me also. This does not mean never to learn, practice and be careful, I now feel that negatives can get too close as it has with my grandson. That is an ongoing story. On one of my last outings and going out of this system towards a star I encountered this barrier, I stopped, see an earlier post on this. I was warned then, not to go past it and then it ended as my wife woke me then. If folks think we are always in sleep paralysis when this goes on, we are not because I woke her as I was thrashing about and hit her in the side.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 08:20 AM
My first AP was when I was 14 and reading a book on self hypnosis. My eyes pretty much shut all by themselves and through the blackness (my eyes are closed) I could start to see the general shapes of things in my room as if there was a think dark haze in my room. I then "sat" up. I qoute that because as soon as I sat up, I realized I could still feel the bed against my back and the pillow on my head. I could hear the distinct WOOSH of each blade of my ceiling fan. All the colors in the room were very high contrast. Dark things were really dark and light colored things were really bright. I then turned my head to the right(still astrally sitting up in my bed) to look at my T.V. and a commercial for Jacka$$ the show was on. Just then out of the corner of my eye I saw my physical body still laying on the bed. It freaked me the hell out and at that moment I was 'rushed' back to my body. As soon as I came to, I grabed the book and threw it across the room behind my entertainment center. I didnt find the book again until I moved out at 18y/o. Since then Ive projected a few more times.

So the moral of this story is dont let the first projection scare you away from it. They get easier and better with practice. Safe journey to my fellow astral travelers.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:39 PM
I've just tried to AP, but i the only thing that happened ended up me falling asleep. Am i doing something wrong?

While trying to AP i listen to a music from a guide to AP, could it be that the song is distracting me?
I feel like i was concentrating with all my mind can do but nothing happen. I've did feel something do and tingling on my right arm, could it be a symptom of AP? The problem with me is that when i start feeling something i usually don't feel i pay more attention at it and it distracts me from concentrating to clear my mind?

Can someone help? i really want to AP, this happen today. Is there a certain time were we can AP more easier?

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by Talltexxxan
My first AP was when I was 14 and reading a book on self hypnosis. My eyes pretty much shut all by themselves and through the blackness (my eyes are closed) I could start to see the general shapes of things in my room as if there was a think dark haze in my room. I then "sat" up. I qoute that because as soon as I sat up, I realized I could still feel the bed against my back and the pillow on my head. I could hear the distinct WOOSH of each blade of my ceiling fan. All the colors in the room were very high contrast. Dark things were really dark and light colored things were really bright. I then turned my head to the right(still astrally sitting up in my bed) to look at my T.V. and a commercial for Jacka$$ the show was on. Just then out of the corner of my eye I saw my physical body still laying on the bed. It freaked me the hell out and at that moment I was 'rushed' back to my body. As soon as I came to, I grabed the book and threw it across the room behind my entertainment center. I didnt find the book again until I moved out at 18y/o. Since then Ive projected a few more times.

So the moral of this story is dont let the first projection scare you away from it. They get easier and better with practice. Safe journey to my fellow astral travelers.

Do you remember the name of the book ? i would love to have a go at it !

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by Alpal

Originally posted by Hillbilly123069
I have read that there is a possibilty that another spirit can invade your body while you're out. It doesn't stop you from returning. It is said to share your body, ultimately changing your character and personality.

Like the film insidious, watch that, explains pretty much everything.

No, "Insidious" does not explain astral projection in reality. Your body can not be invaded. lol

I have no idea about this "Barrier" your talking about, but it sounds like magic. Be careful with magic, it can attract the unwanted. You might want to read the Kabalah first, if you're into real magic.

Astral projection is a higher form of meditation. I think you should start with basic meditation, open up your chakras, and your crown before you get into astral.

Your body can not be invaded, possessed, or taken during astral. Don't listen to those who say you can. Realize that sometimes you project and think it may be a dream but you just don't realize your actually projecting. Some think every time you dream, you are projecting. That is not the case either. Dreaming, Lucid Dreaming, and Astral Projecting are 3 different things that are similar, but not the same.

It is possible to Project from your dream, lucid or normal. Practice meditation, if it helps listen to binaural beats. Understand that some people don't have the faintest clue what they are talking about.

Try not to invoke magic. It is real, and demons prey on the spiritually weak. I advise you to try to induce lucid dreaming first, that way you get the feel your consciousness outside of reality, so you won't freak out when you see your physical body from the astral plane. Then try to project through your dream or even though meditation.

Research the "hypnagogic state" it really helps in both lucid dreaming and astral projection. Try to master it. You may hear things, and feel things but don't be worried. Give in but stay conscious.

I've done all this stuff.. I have the knowledge.
edit on 11-7-2011 by Mizzijr because: Literary Corrections

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 09:14 PM
reply to post by ToxicAngel

Your explanations sound like you were still in your mind and not experiencing an astral projection. The mental plane is a very deep place. Simplifying the world of the mind as mere imagination is ignorant. If you were still in your mind, there could be many explanations for your experience. But we must gauge if you were experiencing deeper realms of your mind or if you had an actual astral projection.

• During this experience did you see your body? Did you see your bed room?
• Did you have any physical sensations before or during your experience? Any sounds?
• Have you ever meditated before trying this Astral Projection?
• Do you meditate normally? (If yes, what methods do you use and how long have you been doing it?)
• What are your religious/spiritual beliefs?
• Have you ever had any supernatural or paranormal experiences before?

I'll be able to offer an opinion or suggestion after reviewing your answers.


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