posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 08:24 PM
Before I move places like to a new apartment or house, right before I fall asleep when I am in that zone between consciousness and sleep I will see
where I am going to live next. It is always a front window scene. Right down to end table and curtains.
Yes, I believe you can make these dreams happen more often if you wish, but sometimes it is best not to know the future.
Start getting into meditation.
An easy way and what worked for me, was to stare at a candle flame until my mind relaxed and got into a meditative state. A psychic gave me that
little tid bit many years ago and when I tried it, whoa.
State before you begin candle meditation what it is you want to accomplish, such as having dreams of the future. Say it loud and proud, and ask the
powers that be to assist you in trying to learn.
Then begin your meditations.
After a series of days to weeks depending on how in tune you really are, you should start to have more and more premonitions during your sleep. They
will be small things, but they will start to happen none the less. For me it was seeing my son get into things he was not supposed to, and then waking
up the next morning to find what I had dreamed happened. One of the most important tools is a dream log, document your dreams.