posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 02:22 AM
reply to post by theblackirish7
The OP has a point...
im not saying Annon in there script kiddie wisdom havnt created the site so you can actually discuss what to do next to overthrow the government...
but take a step back.... One poster asked why the government would do that... why wouldnt they... has every poster so far really got to the stage that
they are so sure of Annon they are over looking basic facts?? you dont need to sign up with personal info to be cataloged... you have an IP addy,
issued by the ISP the ISP hold your data on your personal info and the government is privey to said info... i mean it really wouldnt be that "far out"
for the government to be able to do that...
and why would they do it?? because if you herd everyone in the same place an monitor there convo's there ISP's etc. you can get ring leaders... you
can see whats being said, whats being planned.
People can argue with me about the intent of Annon all day, i have made it clear in other posts, i DO NOT believe Annon have been involved with
everything they have taken credit/been given credit for....
i dont doubt there are some hackers out there who are totally into fighting the power... if Annon really really cared about it, there would be alot
more productive ways to use some of there ( a few are gifted on PC's, but only a few) abilities to actually "stick it to the man" like a good chess
player... and that the moment they sseem to be just moving round the board without trying to take the king, its like watching an amatuer.
I am not saying dont sign up and dont give them your IP addy etc... all im saying is the OP has a right to be worried about it, and for such
enlightened people (as ATS is full of) there seems to be alot of needless trust put in a group which can and is anyone.......
afterall they are Anonymous!
edit on 11-7-2011 by GonzoSinister because: (no reason given)