Was there a the time where there was no space?
Obviously there cannot be such a time in the scientific sense. However, the Big Bang Theory states that the universe started as a single, dense, ball
of heat. Something triggered this bomb to go off and since then the starts, galaxies, and our own solar system has been floating away from where ever
this point in space is today!
So what did trigger this ball of heat to go boom? and how did it exist in nothingness?
Some say that it was a single black hole or star that collapsed onto itself. While others find that this is proof of the powers of God. Still there
are different theories from the mainstream answers. Some people have mentioned that beings from another universe or dimension created this one and are
waiting to claim it as their own. Others think that it was a mistake, or a rip in the space time continuum and the universe was never supposed to be
here in the first place. Whatever the reason for our being here, ever since we became aware of our surroundings we have looked up at the sky and
Space is full of asteroids, comets, planets, black holes, moons, stars, ice crystals and of course dark matter. Everything in the universe is carbon
based. Meaning that the same thing that makes the ants in your house created the galaxy. This also left scientists to wonder. Is it just a coincidence
that we are made of star dust? Why is it so specific that everything in the universe is made from the same material?
Scientists have been debating these questions for years. There seem to be two different but very similar answers. The universe is always in chaos and
everything happens completely randomly. The other theory states that the universe is in complete equilibrium with everything else. Stars collapse when
their supposed to and black holes eat up the universe like there supposed to.
The two theories contradict themselves because if the Chaos theory is correct then why is everything so similar and seem to have a perfect flow? There
are no mistakes, no big gapping holes in space with Xs through them. If the equilibrium theory is correct what is the purpose of black holes? Why are
things moving away from the point of creation and what is dark matter? And why is the speed of light constant?
Was the beginning of the universe chaotic or planned? And if so why?
It is looking like if humans ever understand the creation of the universe that the equilibrium theory will come out on top. We could be closer than we
think but may not understand the concepts to back up the theories
edit on 10-7-2011 by jjf3rd77 because: (no reason given)