Originally posted by Heartisblack
One thing though that you are forgetting. No man knoweth the day, time or hour.
This is my biggest pet peeve since May....
First, my intention is not to justify any "end times" scenario, the Matthew quote just makes me insane. (My issue, not yours, allow me to vent a
little ♥)
By itself, can't we just say it was "true at the time it was spoken"? ... isn't it possible at all this changed over the last 2000 years?
The exact quote of Matthew 24:35-36
Heaven and Earth will pass away, but MY words will by no means pass away.
But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only. (Emphasis mine)
BUT Thessalonians says, that you WILL see the signs...
Thessalonians 5:4
But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief. (They capitalized "Day", I didn't)
I don't want to type out the whole thing - I hate posts overloaded with Bible quotes, don't you? But it likens the signs of this "Day" to labor
pains.... Labor pains are pretty obvious... and you can pretty much predict how long you'll be in labor based on their patterns.. BUT not important
moving on.
So, its not that Matthew
was wrong.... He was only right AT THE TIME. It has changed.
Lets look at why it changed.
Why would we be given signs to see in Thessalonians?
12 books after Matthew said "NO!"?
I'm SO glad you asked
Thessalonians tell us its because, "You are all children of the light and children of the day."
If you're a religious person and really pay attention to your Bible, you know that God is prone to changing his mind - if you read it from beginning
to end you even see that "God" appears to "mellow over time" (especially after he grew up and had a kid)
The new and improved NT God, IF/WHEN the end does come, would NOT leave you to suffer but would ABSOLUTELY give you many signs and warnings - enough
so that you could eventually guess the day, and will inevitably know the hour.
He wants you to know, so you can save yourself (at least spiritually). If you ignore the signs, bummer for you - you failed Gods test. Line for hell
on the left
I'll save you a spot!
Thessalonians 5:6
Therefore, let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober.
Best Bible line ever eh? Luckily it goes on to say if you decide to stay asleep, you get saved too
(sort of.. definitely a loophole there for
Now lets put aside all the necessary faith factors, and lets just look at the Bible as a whole real quick and ON TOPIC regarding the "end of the
If the entire Bible is AT LEAST a history book (and much has been correlated), mostly written well after the events took place, why should anyone
assume any of it is prophecy? That doesn't make any sense in the context of its entirety. Yes, I do admit that some situations in Revelations look
a bit similar to whats going on today, but we're also molding them to fit
our OWN interpretation of
someone ELSES interpretation of a
historical event. (read that last line twice, it made more sense the 2nd time
My own personal world?
Has ended many times....
Life as I know it? .... has ended many times...
If I wrote a book about it in metaphors, I bet someone could fit it into their own life...
Based on my personal history of "life as I knew it" and its cycles, I think its safe to say my world will end again - probably soon. But its only
relevant to me, and my perceptions of what my reality is.
My most basic answer for the question "will the world end next year?"
.... No, it won't - I'm not that lucky.
As long as I keep rooting for it, you can rest assured it won't happen
If you made it through this whole post I thank you! ♥