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Will America Resist United a new Economic Collapse?, Will the globalization survive it?

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posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 05:16 PM
The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,

Dear Readers,
Since the ending of June I decided to remain in deep meditation about the events coming soon to America and I got a really difficult to explain outcome, after weeks of requesting enlighten in these matters, however I believe it is time to talk openly about it:

- We are approaching another big economic collapse, as a consequence of the lack of agreement in the congress with respect to approve the new budget, this time the recession could drive even into Depression.

- The collapse will divide the nation even more that it is now, the public opinion will emerge absolutely polarized in two different currents, one blaming the intransigence of the hard line Republicans that are trying to boycott the Obama administration with this lack of interest into find consensus on public affairs; and other blaming the Obama administrator due to try to create new taxes or expand the existing in times of crisis.

- The two political blocks, if there is no way to establish dialog, will push the Nation in to a definitive political division that will appear as unavoidable in the time of the Presidential Election. The electoral results will create a terrible confrontation in many regions and California will lead a Division of the Country in two: West States and East states.

- By that time when the country will have two parallel Federal administrations, one in the Pacific and other in the Atlantic the big earthquake of California, long expected by many, will shock the country creating the worst national disaster of all its History.

If the secession will finally happen each of the two blocks will change dramatically in their economic needs, since without a center, many goods and services that now are in the market will not be longer on it. Regions that are buying a lot from the other extreme of the country, or selling to it, will be forced to substitute that commerce by exporting or importing from or to abroad, something that is not really easy.

Therefore, a new trend to make each region more economically auto-sufficient will change our current concept of interregional dependence. This is going to force gradually the end of the mercantile economy and the return to a more productive one in terms of regeneration of industries and a new boom of the regional Agriculture.

This revival of many sectors of the economy to fix the new needs of the separated blocks of States will create the impression to many that it would be better to remain divided than to return to the union, that also will change the balance of political forces in each side of America, new minoritarian regional liberal and conservatory parties will emerge in each one to substitute the old national ones.

I am really so sorry to release this type of prediction but that is what honestly I am foreseeing, and only the good sense of the people could prevent that to occur, I mean the patriot ones, but if the climate of conflict around the way to fix the economy continue, and if there is no clarity into the need to change the current mercantile model of economy, to understand that the cease the global economy in many areas is necessary, that is what it is expecting to us to occur for the period between 2012 -2016.

Globalization looked in 1992, during the Bush father administration, to be a nice way to conquer economically the world, but sadly, as any too much ambitious project usually represents, it will prove to be not the way to continue growing without limit but the secure way to divide or destroy what it was united and constructed for very long time by many generations.

The Angel of Lightness

edit on 7/10/2011 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 05:49 PM
Interesting read thank you for sharing. All I can say really is that I am damn glad that I live out West...out West at an elevation of 4313 feet ASL
Hope that it doesn't come to what you describe though and in fact I still have faith in my fellow countrymen that things won't be allowed to go that far before business gets "handled"

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 05:56 PM
Any news about Australia? Because if this happens I'll move to Australia and live with pals over there. Also will there be a second american civil war?
edit on 10-7-2011 by starwarsisreal because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 01:04 AM
reply to post by The angel of light

I do not receive this, though some of it may come to pass. Recall that CA is a blue state. In fact if the country were to fracture between conservative and liberal most of the land area of the US would be in the hands of the conservatives.

The insane mentally disturbed liberals are crowded into the urban hell holes that they created, with Detroit being the shining example of the kind of society the liberals wish to impose on the entire world.

Although liberalism is a self limiting mental disorder, it has a bad tendency to destroy large segments of the societies it has infected. We shall see what happens, but of course it doesn't look good.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by starwarsisreal

Hi stawarsisreal,

Well, there is at least two famous American figures of the Past that predicted or reported to have seen in dreams about the arrival of a new civil war or internal conflict in America, one was Brigham Young, the second President of the Church of jesus Christ of Later days saints, better known as mormons, and George Washington, the first President under the present Constitution.

Of course a confrontation between two parallel powers, both claiming to be the only legal one, might ride the country necessarily into a political division that it would be extremly rare to be peaceful, however, the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, and the fall of the eastern europe communist regimes were not extremly violent, of course with the clear exception of Yugoslavia, so hopefully perhaps god will have mercy of us allowing a relatively tranquil transition into a new political order.

One element that might decide if there will be or not civil war should be of course the control over the nuclear missils arsenal, if the control of that strategic armament is distributed in between the two blocks I could say that nobody will be so crazy to push the situation into a civil war. I think this key element was also the one that decided the destination of the Former soviet union without an internal conflict.

Thanks for your questions,

The Angel of Lightness

edit on 7/11/2011 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by SevenThunders

Hi Seventhunder,

I would say that at present, and after so many years of economic crisis is really difficult to define California as a Blue or Red state.

It might be more exact to say that the north of the State, with epicenter on Sn Francisco, is decided Democratic but the inland ruled from Sacramento is republican and the south in the sphere of influence of Los Angeles, look to be turned radually in more neutral territory, where conservatories and liberals are relatively tied in many counties.


The Angel of Lightness

edit on 7/11/2011 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by The angel of light

The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear Readers,

Today is Friday, just 48 hours before the D day, and we are still without any agreement in the Congress about this so crucial debt limit that it is needed to finance the goverment during the following year.

Everything is pointing in the direction that I predicted to occur, no agreement means incoming crisis, and this is something is by now feeling by many different experts around the world, and is worrying the entire world.

Even China is trembling now just to think in the consequences that for them it would represent the crash of the American Economy,

Pls check the press notes:

One thing is sure if this trend continues along the weekend, if this crisis finally knock out the American Economy, then the effect on the Asian markets will be devastating and in particular over China, that could trigger the grave confrontation in between the two giant nations as I predicted to happen for the crucial years of 2012-14 in the vecinity of the alignment of our solar system with the center of the Galaxy.

Pls check my prediction about American-Chinese conflict at:

That would be the accomplishment of the Nostradamus prediction of a WWIII comming for the begining of the Third Millenium.


The Angel of Lightness

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by The angel of light

The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear Readers,

Once again the possibilities to reach an agreement with respect to the debt limit failed with the rejection in the Senate of the project that the GOP promoted in the House of representatives.

We are closer than never before to arrive to the August 1st without any government budget plan approved, and so to start one of the most grave economical crisis of the country.

Pls read:

The republican Party with Senator Boehner at first now have found the ideal excuse to blame the democratics of the no way to fix the limit of the external debt crisis.


The Angel of Lightness

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by The angel of light

So if your wrong will you never post a prediction again because i'm bookmarking this and will definetly confront you with it again when your wrong.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 08:40 PM
I always remember the mythical/controversial 'John Titor the time traveler' who predicted that America would be in another civil war, (along with a WWIII and some other calamities) sounds corroberative of this thread author's original post.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 08:43 PM
Yep not too long ago Bush/Cheney were bringing in the end of America and there was no shortage of predictions just like this one yet here we still are.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by kro32

These events are a process, not an overnight soundbite event for the short attention spanned. Sometimes processes become delayed, change, get thwarted, for awhile. Study the Chinese philosophies, they look even much much further long term ahead.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by kro32

My Dear Kro32,

If I should be wrong I wouldn't have continued posting my predictions since very long time ago, but after years doing so publically with great level of accuracy the people possibly don't realize exactly from where my seer powers come from, even they could remain suspicious of who I am and where I comming from, although anybody whose spirit belong to the light knows very well what is the source of my predictions, but what everybody all agreed, my enemies and friends, is that when I open my mouth to warn about something is better to start to think seriously in what is incomming, make plans to affront it, don't lose too much the time in unuseful speculations and pray for the protection, guidance and mercy of God.

So the time will be my witness,


The Angel of Lightness

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 11:24 PM
There will be chaos first, but after, a spiritual evolution will take hold of humanity and bring us to peace once more. The world's leaders in this time period will be caring of their people. All will be well. But again, expect things to be bad before they are good.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 12:42 AM
reply to post by The angel of light

The collapse will divide the nation even more that it is now, the public opinion will emerge absolutely polarized in two different currents, one blaming the intransigence of the hard line Republicans that are trying to boycott the Obama administration with this lack of interest into find consensus on public affairs; and other blaming the Obama administrator due to try to create new taxes or expand the existing in times of crisis.

Might be part of the plan. Already see signs of that as people defend their party.


posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by SevenThunders

Hi Seventhunders,

Thinking a little more in your comments let me say that this issue we are now is not really exclusively created by the LIberals, is in many aspects the consequence of the terrible way the economy performed during the previous two terms, and the lack of reaction of that administration, that was of ultraconservator ideology, when the economy needed necessary adjustments, no regulation of the markets allowing the speculators to do what ever they wanted.

The speculation with the so high prices of Gas, the one that was taken by force in Iraq, was perhaps the principal cause of the recession of 2008. Fuel is a primary resource on a mercantile economy, since all ways of transportation are based on it, and we are living in a market in which all goods comes from very far distances, so clearly non control prices on gasoline boosted the inflaction in many sectors.

Thanks for your comments,

The Angel of Lightness

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by jam321

Hi jam321,

Well I am, as I assume many people today, praying for the successful resolution of the debt limit issue in the congress but it is clear that if there will be agreement, something even now does not look as sure, it shall arrive beyond the deadline date that would be tonight at midnight.

So, my worry have been absolutely justified, and this prophecy have warned over a very real potential danger, that there would not be deal in the expected date, this last in reference to the comments of kro32..

Thanks for your comments,

The Angel of Lightness

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 10:42 PM
Hi Dear readers,

I am crossing my fingers that this tuesday finally the congressmen arrived to some kind of deal, to prevent the catastrophic effect this issue could produce in the economy of the country and in the political stability and governability as well.

If this happen, the storm clouds of another big fall in the economy would be completly erased from the Horizon and the optimistic side of my prophecy would be accomplished that in 2012 Obama will be reelected without to much difficulty, and the negative one fortunately should be completly overcomen.

Although now its seems highly controversial my impression is that for the great majority of the American people this episode of terrible political tension will be determinant to decide the continuation of this same administration until finally the recession will be left behind with also the division factors that now exist in America. .

I think the international pressure over the American congress has been decided to stop the very extremist positions on the two sides of the Politics and forced in some way the arrival to an agreement.

As in any Prediction two possibly outcomes depending on the attitude of the people involved in the situation were clearly on the table all the time.


The Angel of Lightness

posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by The angel of light

The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear readers

There was a very difficult agreement in the limit of debt but it seems that It arrived so late and the damage to the economy in some sense is already done, as I was afraid, the news that are arriving now confirm that my fears are unfortunately turned into reality,

Some features of this situation dont look really well:

- The late , and in many aspects incomplete deal in the congress,

- The strong divisions that this negotiation revealed to exist in the politics,

- The unsolved and persistent conflict in Lybia,

- The crisis in Syria, ( both events have potential boosting influence on oil prices)

- I don't like this is coinciding practically with the 10th aniversary of the 11th of September,

- and so with the worst hot wave in many years in America,

- and as a very curious fact notice that there is a comet passing so near to earth on this month( Honda) , and the same happened during the time of the big fall of October 2008 (Cardinal) and also during the epoch of the terrorist attack of 2011 (Borelly).


your friend,

The Angel of Lightness

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by The angel of light

The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear Readers,

With two really huge falls in the wall street, of more than 530 points the Friday and now of 634 points today Monday my prediction proven to be very precise about the catastrophic consequences of the delay for weeks on the arrival to an agreement about the external debt limit.

Please read:

I predicted to have this so impressive plummets in the economy as a reaction of the political crisis, now I am sure nobody can say that I was exaggerating or over dimensioning the negative consequences of the lack of flexibility and also of negotiability of the different radical positions in the congress, as well as the absence of responsibility with respect to the destructive effects this media circus created around the confrontation in between hard line republicans and the government would carry out for the country.

America is today kidnapped by a so irresponsible political class that is unable to see that this is not the moment to defend obsolete ideological positions, but to be pragmatical and arrive rapidly on consensus to taylor policies that respond to the so changeable trends and not to economical dogmas that perhaps look beautiful in books but are so far of the needed decisions of our present very complex reality demands.

My prediction is still the same, the terrible performance on the stock market could even force to government to close wall street for days in order to prevent the complete collapse, to save vital macro- economic sectors of the absolute crash.

Globalization is emerging now as a terrible Monster that is menacing to devour the economy not only of small countries like Greece, Ireland or Iceland but even of big ones as America.

Thanks for your attention,

The Angel of Lightness

edit on 8/8/2011 by The angel of light because: just to add clearity

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