The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear Readers,
Since the ending of June I decided to remain in deep meditation about the events coming soon to America and I got a really difficult to explain
outcome, after weeks of requesting enlighten in these matters, however I believe it is time to talk openly about it:
- We are approaching another big economic collapse, as a consequence of the lack of agreement in the congress with respect to approve the new budget,
this time the recession could drive even into Depression.
- The collapse will divide the nation even more that it is now, the public opinion will emerge absolutely polarized in two different currents, one
blaming the intransigence of the hard line Republicans that are trying to boycott the Obama administration with this lack of interest into find
consensus on public affairs; and other blaming the Obama administrator due to try to create new taxes or expand the existing in times of crisis.
- The two political blocks, if there is no way to establish dialog, will push the Nation in to a definitive political division that will appear as
unavoidable in the time of the Presidential Election. The electoral results will create a terrible confrontation in many regions and California will
lead a Division of the Country in two: West States and East states.
- By that time when the country will have two parallel Federal administrations, one in the Pacific and other in the Atlantic the big earthquake of
California, long expected by many, will shock the country creating the worst national disaster of all its History.
If the secession will finally happen each of the two blocks will change dramatically in their economic needs, since without a center, many goods and
services that now are in the market will not be longer on it. Regions that are buying a lot from the other extreme of the country, or selling to it,
will be forced to substitute that commerce by exporting or importing from or to abroad, something that is not really easy.
Therefore, a new trend to make each region more economically auto-sufficient will change our current concept of interregional dependence. This is
going to force gradually the end of the mercantile economy and the return to a more productive one in terms of regeneration of industries and a new
boom of the regional Agriculture.
This revival of many sectors of the economy to fix the new needs of the separated blocks of States will create the impression to many that it would be
better to remain divided than to return to the union, that also will change the balance of political forces in each side of America, new minoritarian
regional liberal and conservatory parties will emerge in each one to substitute the old national ones.
I am really so sorry to release this type of prediction but that is what honestly I am foreseeing, and only the good sense of the people could
prevent that to occur, I mean the patriot ones, but if the climate of conflict around the way to fix the economy continue, and if there is no clarity
into the need to change the current mercantile model of economy, to understand that the cease the global economy in many areas is necessary, that is
what it is expecting to us to occur for the period between 2012 -2016.
Globalization looked in 1992, during the Bush father administration, to be a nice way to conquer economically the world, but sadly, as any too much
ambitious project usually represents, it will prove to be not the way to continue growing without limit but the secure way to divide or destroy what
it was united and constructed for very long time by many generations.
The Angel of Lightness
edit on 7/10/2011 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)