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Are the Mineral Rights of our (Western) Public Lands being transferred to China?

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posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 01:21 PM
And the action being covered up by closing access to those Public Lands? In the San Juan National Forrest alone,155 miles of roads have been closed this year.And National Park Rangers are now clad in Kevlar and toting M16's and acting like soldiers instaed of Rangers. Is this The Plan so china will still buy our bonds and debt?..How much longer can this under-the-table sale of our assets go on before someone catches on?

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 01:26 PM
Here is a thread that may interest you. I also noticed the Chinese making these moves in the last few years.
edit on 10-7-2011 by Copperflower because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by Copperflower

Interesting...thanks...they are already known to be buying water in Michigan and shipping it home..that story was on Venturas' show..thats why the above story caught my attention...SOEMTHING is going on with the Public Lands....they are using rangers as armed guards to keep the locals out
edit on 7/10/2011 by Homedawg because: sp

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 01:31 PM
Anyone can claim the mineral rights to just about any government land without an active claim on file. Take a look at the Bureau of Land Management website for details.

Personally, I think they are armed to the teeth because of all the illegal crops growing on governement land and the violence the growers use to protect their crops.
edit on 10-7-2011 by tamusan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by tamusan

But what about the active claims that The Gov holds?..Are they selling OUR minerals to a foreign power to keep their spending efforts afloat?..Thats my question...nothing to do with some prospector claiming some mineral that no one else has found yet....and people have been growing illegals for years,,,,why,last year,they started going SEAL on us?Those guys arent armed like that for a few pot growers...thats STATED to keep locals out of the newly closed back country.
edit on 7/10/2011 by Homedawg because: sp

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by Homedawg

It must be a conspiracy against the locals.

I just called and inquired about the availability of campsites. I have a green light for all campsites, except for Kroeger and Blanco River.

San Juan National Forest campsite website

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by tamusan
Anyone can claim the mineral rights to just about any government land without an active claim on file. Take a look at the Bureau of Land Management website for details.

Personally, I think they are armed to the teeth because of all the illegal crops growing on governement land and the violence the growers use to protect their crops.
edit on 10-7-2011 by tamusan because: (no reason given)

So for sure dude...
.. And that is why there are new suburbans with kevlar occupants and military firepower patrolling all over BLM land in the high desert of eastern Or, right? Why you are escorted under gunpoint if your permits are not in order? All those illegal crops growing from solid lava flows and dry scrub.
Dig down a few feet and you may find out what they are really protecting. That it IS occurring is a given in Or. The Why of it is elusive. Most of the federal parks in the coastal dunes have an obvious fed as "camp host" instead of a retired older couple as you see most places. But it is east of Bend, Or you better have all your off road permits square or you will be escorted out to the highway. If you don't even have papers you will be arrested. And the crew working it is decked out for battle from sap gloves and kevlar armor to full autos and drum mag auto 12guage street sweepers. They came into the campground with full spotlights @ 9pm and checked every camp for proper permits against a list on a clipboard. Nice relaxing campout.

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by mustard seed

I guess individual results may vary. I mine on BLM property and am often approached by the blue suburbans. They never stay long after running my information. It always goes without incident.

Something is most likely going on there, I will agree without any evidence, but I won't lose any sleep worrying that the Chinese are taking our minerals. There are far too many Americans who are on top of that already.
edit on 10-7-2011 by tamusan because: to say that I am in Oregon and mining on BLM land in Oregon

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by tamusan

Ask about those hundreds of miles of road closings?

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by tamusan

Sounds like above Powers or the Bohemia region east of cottage grove if I was a guessing type

We get around to a lot of BLM land camping and such so yeah the increase in the "check yer papers" is real. Pretty damn sure my eyes ain't lying about the new camp hosts in the coastal fed camps either. What struck me is out by the wild horse preserve east of Bend,camping with a bunch of older folks my age, not the motocross party crowd. Is the way they came up and acted. stealth approach, Lights on and big guns being flashed, armor, etc. really everything but the flash/bang. then it was ALL the papers from insurance and registration of vehicles to camping permits and anyt hing else they could ask for. Just weird considering the subjects. Good thing is a whole camp of redneck "former" the gov is doing it it must be OK people got a pic of the real america that is being grown up behind joe blows back

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by mustard seed

East of Powers and West of Riddle. Dads creek.

My brother was born and raised in the area, but I'm relatively new. He has told me about large scale abandoned mines which have government no trespassing signs around them. I have also heard of very large pieces of artillery "disappearing" into the mountains. A lot of locals think that there are secret government installations under the ground. I have no reason to doubt it, but have not seen any evidence for myself. I'm distracted by the glitter.

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 04:37 PM
You have not noticed if you drive long enough into the back country the crappy washed out gravel turns to maintained pavement? that all the "mile makers" are in kilcks? If you head northeast from the top of the ridge above Agness you'll hit them they are all over the coast range. Weird thing in the hills between benton and lane county northeast of deadwood the road is paved marked in klicks and has signs that say
"Nuclear Free Zone
Benton County, Oregon"
And yeah any of the old timers who spend their time in the woods say the same about ordinance and "secret bases"
Right here in Coos Bay the guard station has tunnels you can access the seaward openings to that penetrate the cliffs for hundreds of yards and all the tunnels leading to the base have blast doors.
I really don't know WTH is going on but the encounter in eastern oregon was sobering as it felt like we all could have disappeared that night and THAT is what most of us spent a good portion of the night discussing when they left

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by mustard seed

I have come across the well maintained roads, I don't recall seeing markers in kilometers, but will admit that detail would go unnoticed by me. I will pay closer attention in the future. I have been thinking about trying to get to the coast from here without getting off of the BLM roads. The only thing that has stopped me is that no one wants to go with me.

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 05:43 PM
Glad to see it isnt just me seeing that something is wrong in the BLM and Nat For lands....and its ALL OVER the West....I was wondering if I was just seeing things or making mtns out of molehills...those Fed "rangers"arent normal wood cops...these guys are something new....

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 01:17 AM

Originally posted by Homedawg
reply to post by Copperflower

Interesting...thanks...they are already known to be buying water in Michigan and shipping it home..that story was on Venturas' show..thats why the above story caught my attention...SOEMTHING is going on with the Public Lands....they are using rangers as armed guards to keep the locals out
edit on 7/10/2011 by Homedawg because: sp

Remember when Alex Jones tried to expose UN Biospheres on government land?

First feigned ignorance, then denial, then anger and retribution. Hope the road signs don't hit us in the face when we pass them.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 02:24 AM
i worked in the mining industry for many years and i noticed that there are a lot of ways that foreign companies are treated a lot better then US mining companies in the US.

If the company is a US company they have many problems with the state and federal regulators and agencies.

If the mining company is a foreign mining company and they have a problem with state and federal regulators and agencies they go to there home countries embassy and there government goes to the US state department and everything is cleared up by there embassy.

In many cases two mines can be side by side and both get fined for something at there mines.
The US company will get a big fine.
The foreign mining company will have no fine and get just a warning.

This also goes for permitting of mining operations.
A US company may spend years and millions of dollars trying to get permits.
In most cases foreign mining companies will spend a lot less time and money to get there permits.

In many cases when a foreign mining company shuts down at the end of a project they do not complete all the mine reclamation and cleanup and the US government ends up paying for it after the foreign mining company disappears.

But in the end the US mining companies are blamed for the damage done by foreign mining company later by the US government when the government uses the example of mine reclamation and cleanup not done and wants ever bigger bonds to cover the cleanup at future US company mines.

Canadian Mining Companies have been the biggest problem but mining companies from other countries have done this to.

And yes china is trying to buy and open mines in the US and i suspect they will be even a bigger problem.

At least there is not a language problem with the Canadian. but the Chinese will likely have that problem as many of the permits, rules. safety laws and state and federal regulations are written in US legalese.

edit on 11-7-2011 by ANNED because: (no reason given)

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