posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 10:01 AM
I will support you on this as we, a friend whom was over last evening and others discussed this very thing. We called it synchronicity and I call it
an extension of consciousness. For example, her boyfriend took another back to Traverse City and would be returning. As we were talking, I stopped and
told her he should be here right now. Then his car came into our drive and she just looked at me. This is happening with many people I talk to.
Here is what I do that is close to what you are doing. Not long ago, I found a little tiny expensive item lost in the grass which we gave up finding.
Like you I projected and decided all things are mine to manifest and as I did this, I wandered slightly and visualized it between my feet, looked down
and it was there.
Then similar with a lost expensive remote key. Wife spent hours looking for it and was at a loss. I sat down and expanded and looked around in the
home within my head and located where it was in the home. I told my wife it was in a small pocket purse which she told me she did not have, but I told
her also which corner it was in. So she took out her large purse, the only thing in that corner, I looked at the small attached outer pocket, reached
out and felt the key within.
A side not here, I do get dizzy spells from projecting too far out and have some trouble re connecting.