I will most likely catch some dissension over this by say I think Lyndon LaRouche would make a good American President. I can hear the moans and
groans already, Saying you�re as nuts as LaRouche, but in my opinion Mr. LaRouche knows more about the economy, politics, science and history than all
the Presidential candidates combined.
LaRouche Will Lead Dems To November Landslide Win
by Jeffrey Steinberg and Michele Steinberg
You'd never know what happened at the Democratic Party National Convention held in Boston, July 26-July 30, from the national media, the Internet, or
even by being there as a delegate. Despite every effort of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and its chairman, Terry McAuliffe, to ban any
attacks on the fascist policies of the Dick Cheney-George W. Bush Administration, the distribution of more than 50,000 copies of Lyndon LaRouche's
"Real Democratic Platform for November, 2004," by a unique political force, the LaRouche Youth Movement (LYM), catalyzed a dramatic change in
Party delegates, Young Democrat leaders, Democratic elected officials, and activists who attended three public events addressed by 2004 Presidential
primary candidate LaRouche during the week, began to work with the LYM to plan the strategy for an immediate August organizing offensive to drive the
Cheney-Bush dictatorship out of the White House.
LaRouche concluded his weeklong personal intervention into the Boston convention with a July 30 press conference, launching a new political action
committee, LaRouche PAC, which will, he promised, lead the Democratic Party to a landslide victory in the November elections, around the policies in
the tradition of the great Democratic President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. LaRouche reported that hundreds of LaRouche Youth Movement activists would
fan out to some of the most hotly contested states, to lead the mobilization of the "Forgotten Men and Women" of America.
This broad mobilization of the "lower 80%" of the population is the vital margin for victory, and the LYM forces were in the field of political
battle by Aug. 6, in the hotly contested states of Michigan, Kentucky, and Pennsylvania�and had also returned to Boston, to consolidate the LYM
organizing after the convention. The LYM forces are already circulating the LaRouche PAC edition of the Platform. Millions of copies of that document,
as well as a book containing all three of the Children of Satan reports previously issued by LaRouche's Presidential primary campaign, exposing the
true fascist nature of the Dick Cheney/neo-conservative apparatus, will be circulated between now and the November
A Real Democratic
Platform for November 2004
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
To The Citizens of the U.S.A.
My Friends:
For the sake of the Democratic Party, and for all of the citizens of the U.S.A. and their posterity, an unusually tough Platform �the attached
Platform!� must be placed in general circulation at time of the Boston nominating convention. In presenting and adopting this, I am resolved that we
must defeat the attempted continuation of the Bush-Cheney (or, is it not the Cheney-Bush?) Administration, by, first, dumping Cheney from government
immediately (otherwise, there might not be a November 2004 election), and by, second, providing a new President and a new, bipartisan coalition within
the Congress, without DeLay.
All that we might attempt to do to those ends, would become meaningless, unless, as I insist in this attached Platform, our Party abandoned the
fantasy-life which has controlled the relevant majority of popular opinion, and of the mass media, during the most recent Presidential primary
campaigns. To win today, our people must finally recognize certain crucial facts upon which even the continued existence of our nation, and more, now,
urgently, depends.
Franklin Roosevelt said, in a circumstance similar to our onrushing situation today: We have nothing to fear as much as fear itself. This means,
today, that we must state, now as then, that the greatest threat to our nation is the hysterical denials of reality expressed by many political
leaders, and within the population generally. As Roosevelt said then, these expressions of fear, which are typically expressed as denial of that which
is actually to be feared, are now, themselves, the greatest danger to us all. These denials are the delusions expressed by words such as: "They would
never let it happen!" Or, "We have to go with the system!" "Don't give me big ideas; I have to worry about what is happening in my local
Our people must be encouraged, therefore, to rise out of their personal foxholes of denial, where they have been waiting for reality to drop
hand-grenades into their present ideological hiding-places. Our citizens must stop thinking like the habitual underdogs who roll in the aromas of
popular self-delusions; our Party, acting in the tradition of that great President, must give them the courage to face, and conquer the
interconnection of the deadly reality of an upsurge of economic depression and spreading world war today.
For example, there are certain leading political figures today, whom I shall not name here, who, it seems, were they parents who found themselves in a
burning hotel, would argue as follows. One would say calmly, but resolutely: "We have to get out of here! Let's pick up and go." The other would
yell hysterically: "Stop talking like that; you might upset the baby!" We must be calm, but bold, in resolving upon these actions which our nation
needs from us today.
Thus, in summary: Our nation, and the world, are presently gripped by an onrushing, global, monetary-financial breakdown crisis, an economic crisis
far more ominous, with graver uncertainties, than any similar threat in the world's recent memory. For those who actually know modern history and the
present age of nuclear weapons, this crisis represents a greater threat-potential than that unleashed during the 1929-1945 interval. In this time of
crisis, there are serious problems which, unless corrected, might not only doom the presumed Kerry Presidential candidacy, but send our nation into
ruin. This ruin were probably inevitable, unless the Party's candidate were willing to adopt certain repeatedly tested principles from our nation's
history of past crises, such as those of Franklin Roosevelt's Presidency, which could bring us safely through this peril to happier times. Therefore,
I present the attached Platform.
We must win the Presidency; but, to do that, we must also fight with the knowledge that that is a victory which is by no means inevitable at this
moment. While we fight for the Presidency as that reality which the present situation demands, we also need, urgently, the election of a coalition of
common intent among a clear majority of both the Democratic and Republican members of the Congress. To win under the circumstances of the weeks and
months ahead, the Party must now, suddenly, change its way of doing business.
The distinguishing, characteristic feature of the following draft Platform, is that it places the emphasis on the issue of the kind of future we
intend for those young adults, such as those between the ages of 18 and 25, who are the emblem of our nation's future today.
Fraternally Yours,
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
www.larouchepub.com..." target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">more
EIR (Executive Intelligence Review) contributing editor L.H. LaRouche.Jr www.larouchepub.com...
[edit on 12-8-2004 by Sauron]