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What Are We Capable Of - THIS IS ANONYMOUS!

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posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 09:22 AM
look --somebody has to challenge the laws. if they decide to do it because others are too afraid or lazy then more power to them. you cannot just sit back and expect every law and government decision to be for the good of the people unless you challenge it and see what its sole pupose is for. there is no denying corporations involvement in our current government decisions and laws. do corporations make laws to protect people or corporations? if you are scared to say or do anything out of fear of new laws being made, then i dont really know what to say to you. they have already succeded in controlling you. fear is no way to live. if there is a law against every move you make, how will you ever be able to move? why does common sense seem so lacking in this day and age? all the time i see people trying to come up with intricate answers for everything on ats, when all one needs to see is some common sense. common sense can answer alot of questions.

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
Anon is an e-terrorist organization bent on deterring internet freedom and force Obama to use his Internet Kill switch

I hate these people

Agreed 100%. All they do is cause a media storm, make grandiose claims about how they're going to impeach Obama, or take down the Fed, or attack Monsanto, etc. etc. They never do. They exist and operate entirely through mainstream media, and maybe once in a while they'll launch an attack on a website and take it offline for a couple hours.

So the result of this enterprise are as follows:
1) No significant damage to any announced targets
2) Increased media coverage of hackers
3) Increased incentives for government crackdowns

I'm not calling them disinfo agents. But if they're not, they're morons who are screwing up the net for the rest of us.

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by quedup

I just did in a previous post. It is MY OPINION (stress that) that Anon is nothing more than a sham ued to provide a reason for further draconian rules and regs on the internet.

In 1939, Hitler used a sham partisan attack to allow his army into Poland, uder the guise ofproviding safety and security to the polish people. We see how THAT turned out.

*sigh* ...did you also learn in class what poland did do prior to that? Of course Hitler false flagged them, but what happened prior to that in the economic sector?.tberefor the comparison does not work anymore..

rather do nothing then do something?duh..

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 10:19 AM

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by Acetradamus

i read these forums almost everday...and when i read this thread it is hard for me to believe..

it seems like the majority would rather do nothing then do something (even if it is not "siginficant")...

...that is so backwards...

i am an activist pothead and i support Anon...stop feeding into the govt hype and disinfo about are part of the problem...
edit on 11-7-2011 by dbates because: Removed quoted text

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 10:35 AM
I say good on Anonymous.Governments are out of control and are making stupid laws by themselves,and thats without Anonymous doing anything.
Good on them.

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by beezzer

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
Anon is an e-terrorist organization bent on deterring internet freedom and force Obama to use his Internet Kill switch

I hate these people

This just needs to be repeated. Anon will give the administration ALL the ammo it needs to enforce draconian rule on the internet.

Actually if you think about analyze your own logic on this you might find that you are thinking about this all wrong.

First, why would you "hate" or "dislike" people who fight to expand freedom by hindering those who are KNOWN to suppress freedoms (TPTB)?? Its not the actions of ANON you all hate its the predictable SOLUTION or RESPONCE by TPTB that you hate and dislike...Its the solution to ANON that makes you hate ANON...That makes no sense...hate the people coming up with the asinine "solutions" to really what amounts to "THEIR PROBLEM" not necessarily yours...

Second, does anyone here honestly think there is a way to send a message and create change within the institutions and governments and power structures of the world that DOESN"T involve some form of something that will inspire a SOLUTION or RESPONCE by those very same powers that you will end up disliking?

really think about the options WE THE PEOPLE have to bring about think of the RESPONCES to those OPTIONS by TPTB...

I guess what I’m trying to illustrate here is that anything outside of INEFFECTIVE PEACEFULL PROTEST will be met with some form of RESPONCE or SOLUTION by TPTB that will in the end limit your ability to say "NO" and they will dress it all up in some form of "terrorism" whether it be internet or riots or militias and homegrown dissidents or will always appear your freedoms are eroding because of RADICALS and EXTREMISTS whose isolated actions are enough to warrant ridiculous solutions such as an "internet kill switch" or "war in ____stan" or TSA security checks in airports, then trains, then city busses, then school busses, then normal roadside checks etc...

Lastly, its not the people fighting the TPTB that you hate...its the SOLUTIONS and RESPONCES of TPTB to those people/groups that you hate. Always remember that...

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 10:52 AM
Not sure if this is relevant or not but something interesting occured when I tried sharing the video on Facebook.

"Message cannot be posted to this wall"

After multiple tries, I recieved the same message. Even after I logged off Facebook, and logged back in.

But to the topic, very thought provoking video. Flag and a bump from me.


posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 11:09 AM
I posted this on the Anonymous Monsanto thread. It holds up.

Don't think for a SECOND that the U.S. Government,Chinese or any other Governement, along with Monsanto, aren't hiring private hackers to subscribe to Anonymous, to act as one of them, for the purpose of infiltration and monitoring.

Seriously,It's Anonymous.

MOST drug dealers are caught by an undercover sting operation,believing someone they were doing business with is one of THEM. And the undercover cops engage in lieing,dealing,and anything else necessary to gain trust for LONG periods of time.

I don't know how the heck Anonymous can avoid that "web" of deceit.

Once they bust a couple of members, and walk them through town like the slaying of the dragon,there WILL be mistrust and misguided fingerpointing,which is exactly what the governement and Monsanto will want.

THAT will teach them..Public lynchings always deter crime right?

Good luck you guys. Watch your backs. I know someone else is.

Me? I'm already paranoid just coming on ATS.

It wouldn't surprise me if there was a little round up to dose us with a little "Round Up."


posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by Wrath5639
Not sure if this is relevant or not but something interesting occured when I tried sharing the video on Facebook.

"Message cannot be posted to this wall"

After multiple tries, I recieved the same message. Even after I logged off Facebook, and logged back in.

But to the topic, very thought provoking video. Flag and a bump from me.


I would suppose the message violates FB's Terms of Service. All the other 345 millions users of FB can't post it either. I would say the FB is in bed with TPTB.


And does anyone think that this latest video is a bit high end of a production for a decentralized group of script kiddies? There towards the end when the anon masses take off their masks, I began thinking, gee, those are a lot of masks. Who bought them all? Hasn't somebody checked to see where you buy those masks from? How many were there, hundreds? thousands? Say at 5 bucks a mask, somebody is spending money on creating these videos. Kinda odd in my book.

Nope, more like 10 bucks a mask, here's a Link if you want your own.

Or Here......

.....And HERE.

So actually, it's more about organizing the supply, and organizing the people. Are all those anon people in that clip for real, or are they paid actors? Makes me wonder.

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by Druid42

Originally posted by Wrath5639
Not sure if this is relevant or not but something interesting occured when I tried sharing the video on Facebook.

"Message cannot be posted to this wall"

After multiple tries, I recieved the same message. Even after I logged off Facebook, and logged back in.

But to the topic, very thought provoking video. Flag and a bump from me.


I would suppose the message violates FB's Terms of Service. All the other 345 millions users of FB can't post it either. I would say the FB is in bed with TPTB.


you did see the second in charge of facebook was at the last bilderberg meeting didn't you? They are definately in bed with TPTB...

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
Anon is an e-terrorist organization bent on deterring internet freedom and force Obama to use his Internet Kill switch

I hate these people

The backlash from shutting the internet down, would be worse than almost anything in our country and would cause riots everywhere.

Think about how our society has come to rely upon the internet for everything.

People's business's and livelyhood are linked to the internet and without it billions will be lost in said revenue.

I really don't think people understand would happen if he did that. I think Obama and his people realize this too.

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
Anon is an e-terrorist organization bent on deterring internet freedom and force Obama to use his Internet Kill switch

I hate these people

Er... No.

The very reason anonymous exist is because of the restrictive, draconian and patronising laws which are suddenly sweeping the internet.

Anonymous are fighting AGAINST this.

Until you can prove what you say, I will disagree.

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by Druid42

Originally posted by Wrath5639
Not sure if this is relevant or not but something interesting occured when I tried sharing the video on Facebook.

"Message cannot be posted to this wall"

After multiple tries, I recieved the same message. Even after I logged off Facebook, and logged back in.

But to the topic, very thought provoking video. Flag and a bump from me.


I would suppose the message violates FB's Terms of Service. All the other 345 millions users of FB can't post it either. I would say the FB is in bed with TPTB.


And does anyone think that this latest video is a bit high end of a production for a decentralized group of script kiddies? There towards the end when the anon masses take off their masks, I began thinking, gee, those are a lot of masks. Who bought them all? Hasn't somebody checked to see where you buy those masks from? How many were there, hundreds? thousands? Say at 5 bucks a mask, somebody is spending money on creating these videos. Kinda odd in my book.

Nope, more like 10 bucks a mask, here's a Link if you want your own.

Or Here......

.....And HERE.

So actually, it's more about organizing the supply, and organizing the people. Are all those anon people in that clip for real, or are they paid actors? Makes me wonder.

yeah, the popularly known Anon are Fed scum. The old anon who went after Scientology is dead.

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 11:42 AM
for all those folks going on about anon being a bunch of hackers, please read the text on the front page of their forum site.
then pop back and explain to everyone else why their not, as penance for believing the MSM BS.


posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by Sly1one

Actually, I didnt know that. Guess that answers that.
Thanks for the info.


posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by Wrath5639
reply to post by Sly1one

Actually, I didnt know that. Guess that answers that.
Thanks for the info.


Hughes, Chris R., Co-founder, Facebook
Bilderberg Attendees

So your not just taking my word for it...

edit to add:

Alexander, Keith B., Commander, USCYBERCOM; Director, National Security Agency

was there as well...and im not implying anything that isn't already implied by its own nature...
edit on 10-7-2011 by Sly1one because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by beezzer

Originally posted by Nobama
reply to post by beezzer

Again, this "killswitch" would be used for other reasons, I'd rather have a group trying to change something, than people that sit around echoing the silly propaganda spewed out by the Media.

Try this analogy. I don't want police in my town. So in order to get rid of the police, I'm going to rob stores, hurt people, break things so the police will go away.

Anon is provoking law enforcement to enact more laws, not less.

Or another way of looking at it - Imagine there was once a town that had no trouble, no disorder and suddenly censorship and strict rules start spreading from house to house. People who are suspected of something are now blocked from accessing certain areas, whilst everyone else is suddenly treated like a criminal by the new enforcement officers.

The people of this town get angry, they start turning the rules onto the corrup officers and law enforcement, by using the very tools they wish to protect.

I think my example is a much clearer picture of what is occuring.

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 11:52 AM

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

You bought right in didn't you?
They are terrorists? Where'd you learn that one?
Why are you afraid a group might cause you to lose liberties (which they wont the internet is safe, not like it would affect your blogging, and emailing if they did because there is no such thing as a killswitch) yet say nothing when the government is actively taking them.

Do you people realize there is no internet kill switch? And if there was why are you afraid of it rather than praying for it to be "flipped?" OH nevermind, because you are planning on doing nothing when it is "flipped" that's why you are afraid..

Get real guys.

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