posted on Apr, 2 2003 @ 12:24 AM
but you've obviously been in contact with these folks and they have at least some interest in the site or we would not have seen and heard all of
this stuff, but we're getting it full force outta the box.
If it is truly a big April Fools joke... COOL!! GOOD ONE!!
But if its not, there are a lot of us here who have a lot to lose if some DC wanker gets his joint in a twist due to a comment made by one of us as we
vent our anger or disgust for a government that we don't always agree with. I hope that you can understand that and can accept the outrage and
surprise this bit of spying by the nice folks at HLS.
All of you "freinds of dubbya" are happy as hell right now but think back to our discussions when Clinton was in office; there were more than a few
of you prepared to pull the trigger yourselves and many had stated it with regularity. So now the tables are turned and dubbya got his daddies
spy-buddies sticking there noses into our clubhouse and Spanky ain't happy 'bout it!!
This place has become "mecca" for those of us who relish our freedom to speak openly on issues that, if discussed over the office watercooler at
work or in the halls of higher learning, may cause judgemental attitudes directed back at us in very nasty or even hostile & possibly violent ways.
Just leave us to say it feels as if our privacy has been violated in a way that may make this a less open environment for discussions, political or
I truly hope for the sake of the ATS board that this was a joke but I'm inclined to think otherwise. Just call it the conspiricy nut aspect that
refuses to yield to niether reason nor common sense.