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Colorado day-care center proposal: Dolls must represent at least three different races

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posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 11:56 AM

Colorado day-care center proposal: Dolls must represent at least three different races

New rules proposed by the Colorado Department of Human Services include a requirement that all day-care centers in the state make available dolls representing three different races.

a slew of rule changes. Among them: children over age two must not be served whole milk without a note from a doctor, kids over age one can't drink more than six ounces of juice per day, TV and computer time will be capped at twenty minutes daily, and staffers must wear clothes that cover their lap and shoulders.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 11:56 AM
As long as the government has the resources to waste time and money on this kind of trash there should be absolutely no talk of raising taxes on anyone.

How do they propose to enforce these rules? Send out daycare police to see if they are capping the TV at the amount or that they are not giving kids a glass of whole milk? Are they going to go into the toy bin and inspect the dolls? What races do the dolls need to be? If there are white, black and asian dolls does that mean that Latinos are being unfairly represented?

Perhaps they'll have a anonymous hotline to report offenders or better yet, train a bunch of undercover 3 year olds to inflitrate the centers.

This is the kind of thing that makes government at all levels an absolute joke.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by dolphinfan

I've seen Latinos that are white, black and Asian. As for the others they are just SOL, sorry but that's the way it is

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 12:22 PM
LOL, this is why PC is a joke.

Respect and sensitivity are lost within it. But they do still matter.

The good news is that moms buy dolls. Grandmas and Aunties buy dolls, lol. We are just being made aware of this to make sure we are sensitive to others and how easy it is not to notice exclusion if you are not the excluded group.

It should be as simple as that.

The part that interests me more is the government involvement. Who would refuse a gentle hint, in a capitalist society?

Forcing makes us look like brutes, and unevolved tribal Neandertaals. Ridiculous. Anything a daycare thinks it can do to attract and retain clients is not going to have to be forced. They would consider it a great and cost-effective investment.

So, for me, the question becomes: what does the government gain by flexing muscles it doesn't really need to, and doesn't really have?

To build them up, get us used to it, and quietly get stronger and stronger, law by sticky little law, until it becomes impossible to live free in any way whatsoever.

The threads of the web tighten more every day.
They obviously are not concerned with what the public thinks.

Ergo, they are not doing this from a bottom-up mentality of importance. It is most likely coming from the UN, a top-down approach.

It is in their nature to disguise distasteful laws and new mores and norms with misleading terminology, as we have all seen here on ATS countless times already.

My two cents.

edit on 9-7-2011 by Copperflower because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 12:23 PM
On one hand I can see a need for dolls of different colors for each child to choose from. On the other hand the rest of the stuff is ridiculous. Each parent should specify what their child can and cannot have. Parents should specify what their child is allergic to, and so forth. Day care centers should have a parent day in which they explain to parents the daily routine, and have a Q and A open.

The Government has no place telling day care centers how to take care of kids other than enforcing laws against child abuse. They're stretched thin as it is, they don't need to create even more bureaucracy. Let parents be parents, stop trying to "take care of" us and telling us "what's good for" us.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 12:24 PM
What can I say about PC that I have not already? Not much.

It is a joke and it is killing this country...But not before it kills our rights.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 12:25 PM
I demand equal rights for little, green aliens= dolls. --NOW!
But they must make them as tall as the others even if they are physically much shorter in real life.
No toy ray guns must be allowed.
Of course, there is going to be a problem with the eyes' issue, and then there will arise the hew and cry about the--if it were to be done realistically--the larger cranium which, of course, denotes a far greater intelligence ability than a mere human and thus, "dis-es" us.

Finally, how can we mere humans decided on any of these standards without a committee of assorted aliens being able to add their input and past final judgment on the final production models?

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 12:26 PM
The covering their laps with clothing and other clothing rules for care workers makes sense. As long as the children have access to water the juice thing is fine and many children cannot tolerate milk so they might drink milk of others and get ill, but the doctor's letter seems a bit odd.

What about dolls that equally represent disabilities then? Dolls without eyes or ears, or arms or legs? And as dolls are genderless why are most dolls dressed as girls? Does this also apply to barbie type dolls, or just baby type dolls? It seems they haven't thought it through.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by Copperflower

The next addition of the policy will instruct the operators of these day care centers to rip one of the legs off a doll to make it inclusive for handicapped children as well. That of course will be followed up by rules which stipulate the race of the dolls who's legs were ripped off so as to not have thousands of one-legged Asian dolls floating around Colorado. It will also include instruction on how to properly dispose of the legs to minimize the environmental impact. You will be able to read the policy under one of those new lightbulbs they are jamming down our throats.

The disturbing thing about this kind of thing is of course that they are wasting the money, but also the enforcement elements and policy aspects of it. The heavy hand of government stepping in and telling folks they can or can not wear in a private enterprise and the very granular aspects of how they are to run their own business.

Of course all of this is done under the guise of helping the citizen and strengthening society. Same exact logic Mao used when he forced people to not cook food in their own homes and to eat in communal dining halls.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by Xenon2011
The covering their laps with clothing and other clothing rules for care workers makes sense. As long as the children have access to water the juice thing is fine and many children cannot tolerate milk so they might drink milk of others and get ill, but the doctor's letter seems a bit odd.

What about dolls that equally represent disabilities then? Dolls without eyes or ears, or arms or legs? And as dolls are genderless why are most dolls dressed as girls? Does this also apply to barbie type dolls, or just baby type dolls? It seems they haven't thought it through.

Sounds like positive progression to me.

Of course - putting new rules into practice - - often reveals the bugs that need to be adjusted.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by dolphinfan

Even if it was a bitter one, I truly laughed over this.

But honestly, now, when one respectfully thinks it through, what you are saying is at the heart of why this makes little to no sense.

I think legislators are legislators because of many character or personality traits we are used to looking for, lifestyles and appearances and backgrounds carefully lived out, so we will recognize the cues, and elect them. At least he or she is better than that other candidate, right? Nothing wrong with that?

The problem, to me, seems like a giant void of independent, empirical thought or the kind of imagination this can produce, an educated imagination. We all know some of these, and indeed, ARE some of these.

Is this why we can see this and "they" cannot? It saddened me, because Colorado was once the Mecca of progressiveness when we needed it.

Now it is socialist in the worst kind of way. Without shame and without logic or reason.

Anyway, thanks for the much-needed laugh.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by Copperflower

It clearly goes to show that we have far too many folks in government with far too much time on their hands. Being good government workers they will find something to do and what they do for a living is write rules.

The only way to solve this problem is to eliminate 75% of the government.

Back to the dolls - we're in a serious financial crisis. Perhaps to save money (for example they don't begin to address the day care center with less than three dolls, ultimately making this policy a tax on day care owners as they have to go out and purchase new dolls of different demographics to comply with the law), they can simply instruct folks to dip their dolls in purple paint, making them race neutral. We'll still need to confront that nasty gender issue with respect to dolls, but we can get to that.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by dolphinfan

No worries, they are already on it.

PROOF, you say?

Of course. We know better than to come to this game with nothing, right? lol

This really is disturbing, and I would be remiss not to warn of that.

Incidentally, I believe the choice of one's gender is also part of the UN's declaration of the rights of the child, or one of those documents.

This mother, btw, is a psychologist. Some may consider her progressive, some may consider her merciful, and both of them understanding, and they certainly are all of those things. And brave, and loving.

But soon, it won't be optional. This is how all of us will be expected to respond to these situations, which, I should also add, is so common in this family's town, that there is a support group for transgender children.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 02:22 PM
this promotes seporatism and racism if you ask me.

are we all the same? or arent we?

all this tells the children is that we are not, and that there has to be a special notation in everything for each race.

how well did that fly with the bathrooms and water fountains in the 50's?

sure, you and i know the difference. but will a 4 year old?

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by RelentlessLurker

Anyone with kids today knows that kids today don't even think about race at all. Its all the same to them and makes no difference - if anything its cool. If I ask my son who he hung out with he describe his friend using a half a dozen traits. "He's that tall guy", "He's the kid who lives around the corner", "he's the kid who rides that cool green long board", "he's the kid I sit next to in science class". He does not come out and say "he's that black kid". Describing that kid by his race simply does not occur to him.

Growing up in the racial tense 70s, it is a great thing to see and this kind of government nonsense merely highlights group identity. I've got an adopted child from China and she's asked all the time if she is Chinese and she responds with "no, I'm American". If kids are raised properly race does not matter other than that the traditions of groups and cultures are interesting, which they are. If someone is raising their kids to be a racist and to lack an appreciation of cultures and traditions, having a couple of colored dolls in day care is not going to change that.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by dolphinfan

The only way to solve this problem is to eliminate 95% of the government.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by Xenon2011
The covering their laps with clothing and other clothing rules for care workers makes sense. As long as the children have access to water the juice thing is fine and many children cannot tolerate milk so they might drink milk of others and get ill, but the doctor's letter seems a bit odd.
The doctors note is required because some people, apparently including you, don't realize that some types of milk are healthier than others for kids over 2 to drink, at least according to the experts:

Take children off full-fat milk after the age of two, say experts

Children should be stopped from drinking full-fat milk from the age of two to prevent clogged arteries and heart disease in later life, the Government's Food Standards Agency will say today.
So you can violate the experts advice, if you want to, with a doctor's note.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 03:59 PM
What about clown dolls?

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 04:02 PM
Or pull out the dolls and give em blocks and teddy bears to play with. Let the parents provide whatever color doll they want at home.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 08:28 PM
So - I'm curious.

Who responding in this thread actually has children in preschool?

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