here you go,, the following is in regards too the picture.
""The ISS made a bright appearance over the star party," says photographer John Stetson, "and it was well regarded. More than 750 are attending this
year. Among the 40 telescopes available for public viewing, there was a 9" 1902 Alvin Clark refractor, a handmade 16' dobsonian, and a 24" dob. The
festival and the star parties will continue on Friday and Saturday nights."
The ISS flybys will continue, too, all the way through the fireworks on Monday. Your cell phone can tell you exactly when to look. Also recommended:
the Simple Satellite Tracker. Happy 4th of July!
Last edited by DwayneHoover; 01-07-2011 at 17:36.. "
Well u know what they say about info,,,,,, sorry u missed it.
edit on 9-7-2011 by BobAthome because: (no reason given)
I am sorry if i gave you the impression of being uneducated. This is nice to listen to, but unfortunately this is nothing new to me. Exactly, how
educated are you within the 2012 topic? I do not want to believe in the 2012 theory (yes i now the date is supposedly 28th oct this year) but if this
is in fact a cover up, then we have to find our own answers and educate our selves. Like through forums like this, we have to help each other. You
can't expect me to listen to a 50 min long talk about neutrinos and molecules. I am no physicist. But i do agree with many of his points and thanks
for sharing. The 2012/nibiru/planet x/elenin must be a mixture of people talking in each others mouths and blowing things up to the point when
mainstream people get scared. Harold Camping for instance? What tha.. Don't get me started on him.
BUT - it is really scary to see people actually try and find what they call - Hard evidence on Elenin/Nibiru etc. And when i see charts, orbits,
videos and pictures of what they claim to be this dwarfplanetstarthing that we can't see with the naked eye before its too late? Well, i made this
thread to find out of any of this has some truth to it.
Its Venus!! Thought i could be Mercury, but anyways - seems more logical this being one of the planets near the Sun than the douches trying to imply
this is Nibiru Thank you so much! But want to keep this thread alive anyway, i really do not like the fact that people are posting so called
evidence regarding Nibiru and by then i mean evidence on a large unknown object moving in to our solar system that would mean the end of our
existence.. keep it real peeps!
You can answer a lot of your own questions by looking or learning more about an issue or topic through reliable sources. Question one is Elenin a real
object? Answer yes, and why? NASA will provide you with a means of tracking the object through our system. It is from doing this on NASA website that
people have started connecting alignments with this thing and associating them with quakes here on Earth. Is something like this possible? Planets
with magnetic cores have fields of flux from the magnetic fields of the planet. (Take two magnets the polarity of the magnets will cause them to move
as they get closer and closer together, they will pull or push depending on how each feild is associated to the other) Planets or celestial object
will act much in the same. Scientist have postulated how far some of the planets or suns can reach with these flux waves and distances can be extemely
great. Making it plausible that a high interactive magnetic source can have effect. Positioning of these sources is also a big concern what is where
in the line up and how close together are the objests. Is this effecting any other planets? Yes we have seen evidence on other plantes of increased
activity most notable the storm on saturn. For a comet, new comet, that is going to come this close to Earth I would think that there would be a lot
more hype on it, but NASA has said nothing, but to quell conspiracy theorists. There are alignment lists out there, check them for yourself. The most
recent was 7/7/11 with a nother big quake. The Maya had a 26k yr cycle, they claimed three huge earth moving events previously had occured with a
fourth to occur. 26k yrs ago 52k yrs ago and 78k yrs ago all had one thing in common. Those times mark an eruption of a super volcano. Nostradamus
warned us of an event at 45 degrees. He stated that huge flames would leap up from here. Yellwostone sits at 44.5 degrees and stradles two very
stressed fault lines on the pacific where a lot of these large quakes are happening. Wether it be today, tomorrow, or december 21, 2012 its all
statistically 26k yrs. No one can tell you how to proceed, but you can learn more and stay informed of events so as to make your own conclusions of
them. The world is in a state of denial so you will not find many who will beleive you or take you serious if events unfold. One thing I have done is
combine everything together. Christian, Jewish and Muslim prophecy. Revelations and Nostradamus, after all they were our two witnesses. Look to CERN
in the coming weeks. If something happens here Take heed. The Saudi King also. If he dies in the coming months. If both of these happen then I would
say Harold Camping is right on the money for 10/21 being the rapture.
It is AMAZING all these people here, ATS regulars, with all their absolutist statements, THEY KNOW THE ANSWER, THEY ARE SOO SMART, and yet they could
not answer this question !!
Even when a DIRECT answer to your quest existed, these people here especially the moderators could not answer this question but instead answered,
THEIR VERSION of the question, NOT YOURS.
I think I even saw one guy say, "They are FOOLS", if someone did respond this way he/she has severe personal problems, sociopathic disorder.
Your questions are good keep on posting but don't think you find a great of wisdom here, IT IS FAAAAR AND FEW BETWEEN, so you will need to learn to
ignore most of the responses, my advice follow the references they give you IF AND ONLY they respond directly to your OP otherwise they are playing
VERY CHILDISH games with you.
Keep on researching independently !
I have done YEARS of research for the possible risks that are coming and there are a few very valid problems approaching that I can tell you about.
1. We have had massive increases in volcanism which seems to be expanding, volcanoes give off sulfur dioxide and it is well establish and well
demonstrated since the early 90s that SD greatly increases rain and coldness in winter, and then after the delouse it leads to drought but still COLD.
2. People who study sunspots say that sunspots are NOW historically extremely LOW, this causes cold winters. There are debunkers on this but not many
and they are NOT sunspot researchers they are some other kind of scientist, most likely one who is worried he will loose his grant money if the
sunspot people get attention.
If you want to research sunspots and weather yourself go to YOUTUBE and search on sunspots there are a few good lectures there.
3. On comets, ELEnin when aligning with other planets does cause increased magnitudes of quakes Dr. Menusur Omerbashich is the expert on this, and he has a good web site, just search on his name.
4. Two scientists have warned on massive solar flares bringing down our entire VERY FRAGILE electronic infrastructure, the flares could happen around
2011 until 2014 at least, Dr. Michio Kaku and very recently a NASA scientist. The largest solar flares are known to occur during low sunspot sun
5. And this one just as a side note. Two of the very TOP astronauts have gone on PRIME TIME TV and in interviews stated that intelligent aliens EXIST,
one said that he saw a VAST armada of fly ships and some ships were HUGE, the other said that he saw unusual things he could not explain but he
thought that they were intelligently piloted craft.
These two interviews occurred in 2006 and 2007 and each time within about 4 months the stock market crashed MASSIVELY, thus, no one remembers these
interviews BUT I DO !!!
These astronauts HAVE HUGE CREDIBILITY these debunkers on ATS have NEGATIVE CREDIBILITY, who would YOU believe ?
Your questions are good keep on posting but don't think you find a great of wisdom here, IT IS FAAAAR AND FEW BETWEEN, so you will need to learn to
ignore most of the responses, my advice follow the references they give you IF AND ONLY they respond directly to your OP otherwise they are playing
VERY CHILDISH games with you.
Yes, i have noticed, and it's not very nice and it makes me feel ridiculed. That's prob the one thing that is negative about Ats - the people who
are being this way. Anyways, my first thread. Was prepared to be somewhat messed around with
Thank you so very much for you post, i appreciate this very much This is probably one of the first good reply's i have had up to this point on
this thread