posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 07:55 AM
Hello gents!
I'm Slivoh. I'm a 22 year old Belgian gentleman with a healthy interest in anything related to UFO's. UFOlogy, UFOnauts. In short, anything to do
with the fenomenon including visitations, abductions and close encounters of any kind.
even though I've got a healthy interest, I'm still skeptical about it. I've learned from what I've read there's no denying the existance of
UFO's (Read: Unindentified Flying Objects, not necessarily alien crafts).
When it comes down to alien crafts I'm less convinced but open minded seeking more info and a discussion board to have some discussions of course.
Thats why I'm here.
I'm also having an interest in religions. I'm religious myself but that doesn't stop me from looking at something objectively, even about my own
religion. And I hope to find some good discussions around religions here too.
Well thats about it, any questions can be posted, PM'd or sent by Postal-Pidgeon Delivery.