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Obama, Keep Your Hands off Social Security

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posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by Emeraldprophet

Social Security is a ponzi scheme.

I am sick and tired of seeing this BS. Everything can be considered a Ponzie scheme. This argument is used to demean social security.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 06:40 PM
The current slew of politicians are like kids that can't learn to share, fighting in the playground.

Democrats are drawing the line in the sand on entitlement spending, saying no reductions in any of the sacrosanct Government funded programs.

Republicans are drawing the line in the sand to tax increases, saying no increases in taxes (revenue) of any kind to address any issue will be considered.

Until these CHILDREN acknowledge the fact that spending cuts AND tax increases BOTH have to happen, across the board, and immediately, America is doomed.

Hell, they're talking about $1 trillion in cuts over 10 years, when they need to be talking about $28 - $40 trillion in cuts over 10 years for it to make a difference.

Serious times require serious people taking serious measures.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by jam321
Sorry, he's wrong. The social security trust fund has 2.6 Trillion IOU's.

It is basically a pay as you go. We pay the taxes, they pay the recipients and then move the surplus to general funds.

Might as well get rid of the trust fund if they intend to keep stealing from it.

Hopefully someday we will have the opportunity to pay off all of those - promissory notes -
over at Social Security.


It looks like lines in the sand are being drawn everywhere!

Hands off Social Security!
Hands off Medicare!
Hands off Medicaid!
Hands off Planned Parenthood! That's one of our - sacred cows- !!!
You know what? Lets just say "Hands off everything and raise taxes on everybody."
That way we can spend even more $$$ !

Wait a minute. Isn't that just kicking the can down the road again?

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