reply to post by Essan
Your points are interesting but you leave out an important point. What if they still fit into expansion tectonics.
From Dr Maxlow.
"For all models, an intracratonic to intracontinental spatial integrity is maintained throughout Earth ++ history during processes of Precambrian and
Palaeozoic continental crustal extension, Late Palaeozoic crustal rupture, Permo-Triassic continental break-up, and Mesozoic and Cenozoic continental
dispersal to the Recent. Palaeomagnetic pole data delineate diametrically opposed palaeomagnetic pole clusters for each era back to the Archaean,
without the need to consider random crustal dispersion-amalgamation-dispersal cycles. The palaeopole data is further supported by palaeogeographic,
palaeobiogeographic, and palaeoclimatic indicators, which define palaeoequators and palaeoclimatic zones consistent with palaeomagnetic
determinations. The distribution of latitude dependent lithofacies including glacigenic strata, carbonates, coal, and faunal and floral species is
shown to coincide precisely with established palaeopoles and palaeoequators for all expanding Earth models.For climatic and biotic indicators a
distinct latitudinal zonation paralleling the established palaeoequator is evident and a distinct northward shift in climatic zonation suggests that
an inclined Earth rotational axis, inclined to the pole of the ecliptic, was well established during the Palaeozoic and persists to the Recent.
Coastal geography on expanding Earth models shows that large Panthallassa, Tethys and Iapetus Oceans are not required during reconstruction. Instead,
epi-continental Panthallassa and Iapetus Seas represent precursors to the modern Pacific and Atlantic Oceans and the Tethys Sea represents a precursor
of the present Eurasian continent. Emergent land surfaces during the Precambrian and Phanerozoic equate to the conventional Rodinia, Gondwana and
Pangaea supercontinents and smaller sub-continents, and demonstrate a spatial intracratonic and intracontinental integrity throughout Earth history.On
each spherical model constructed proto-continental development is evolutionary and defined by ++ a progressive extension of epi-continental
sedimentary basins, pulsed orogenesis, eustatic and transgression-regression of epi-continental seas, and opening of modern oceans during the Mesozoic
to Recent."
Geologists and subscribers to the accepted Plate Tectonics theory expect Expansion Tectonics to not only answer all those questions which they do, but
explain all the additional questions it brings to the forefront.
In addition to the 3 issues you bring up, I wonder the following
1. If the core of the Earth was hot molten core why isn't the surface of the Earth superheated as well? Why only are small areas hot?
2. Rate of expansion is interesting as well. If the Earth grew quickly at some periods of time and more slowly at others could that explain many of
the supporters explanations as to why?
3. The plate movements around the globe are often viewed in one or two dimensions. The Earth is a sphere and should be looked at from all three
dimensions, including expansion outward.
4. Plate rifts are actually rips. Material comes up from the interior and pushes outward. Does the material being ejected measure exactly with the
"subducting" material along coastlines, such as the "Ring of Fire"?
5. There are areas on the Earth that are "hotspots". How are these explained with only Plate Tectonics?
6. Its seems perfectly logical that Plate Tectonics is accurate when combined with Expansion Tectonics, but by itself Plate Tectonics is missing a
7. Finally, where is the actual data on this stuff. Lots of geologists reference that its available, but I havent been able to find any of it. Its all
Google Earth is amazing if you add layers for Gravity, Tectonic Plates, Earthquakes, etc. Expansion seems obvious. Look at it, compare lakes, oceans,
land for symmetry on either side and ask yourself, does it look like these fit together perfectly? I have and almost everything does.
Consider the immature theories and little explanation for things like
Gravity. Lightning. Weather. Earth's core. Phenomena such as magnetic abnormalities, wavelengths and particles that penetrate the Earth, and many
Instead of the conspiracy theory, its dumb ignore it, ask what if this is true. Could we be answering so many other questions?
I think we should look at this from a distance and not try to "put together the puzzle from one piece".