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Flying metallic discs, why do they emit light?

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posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by VraxUK

...anything that is within the realms of science?


A lot of these things have been reported as UFOs because they show extraordinary flight characteristics and out of the ordinary behavior.

Sometimes. Some times more than others. Depending on the times.

It's hard to theorize when a lot of this topic is completely hypothetical and conceptual! Wouldn't you agree!

But I do agree, hopefully someone will see this thread and add some more insight into it!

There's an occasional ATSer who was told a lot he might not ought to have been told by someone, and was put on the track of a very interesting collection of patents that are right there to be looked at by whomever. He also got a lot of surrounding background info he ought not to have got that linked stuff he ought not to have been told with other interesting bits of info that the ATS community knows but hasn't connected. And then he wrote a very nice piece of prose, fairly accurate, not up to date to be sure but certainly correct in many respects regarding an older project he probably ought not to have known about either. Should he show up here, I'm sure he could hold forth on it. I, however, am formally not permitted to. Alas.

I'm out of the thread forever, with the departing comment "wow, this sure looks interesting, someone ought to spend some time on it". Adios.

ETA: he didn't write it HERE. It was a 'real world' bit of news - he writes decent stuff for the masses, at least sometimes.

edit on 11-7-2011 by Bedlam because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by Bedlam

You just inspired me to do a little search on UFO patents. I came across this:

Magnetohydrodynamic. These are the ‘glowing balls of light’ people see.

This came from a site that is supposed to have some real patents:

Some interesting points on that site! I advise people to take a look, it might answer what we can do!

edit on 11-7-2011 by VraxUK because: (no reason given)

More specifically:

VERY interesting.
edit on 11-7-2011 by VraxUK because: Added info.

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 02:29 AM
reply to post by VraxUK

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 04:26 AM
reply to post by VraxUK
I don't intend to get off the subject. On the contrary I believe these videos are an example of what we are discussing.
This woman in Pennsylvania has been taping strange ufo's in her area for years now. please look at a few of her videos go to 6:00 to see what I am questioning. VERY STRANGE light pattern. Also look at;

Do you think she is possibly filming "Magnetohydrodynamic" propulsion craft? You can hear her EM detector going crazy. They give off a strange intense light. Also note these are not airplanes on approach. There are no commercial airports in her vicinity she has proven this. They are silent and have some how gone undetected by radar. She uses real time software tracking and while she is taping, has proven them undetected on many of her videos. She has gone through a great deal of effort and expense to validate her videos. I just don't think anyone has considered up to now that these could be examples of the technologies in the patents you have found. I suppose because few know these patents exist. These are but a few of her videos. To see more of them go to youtube an look up
"moreseeingufospa" Oddly enough she has had hackers into her system and delete her videos several times. There have also been flyby and circling unmarked black helicopters in the area of these sightings (this she has also captured on video) I think she is legit and would love if ATS members could examine her videos and see if they in fact may be some BLACK OPTS project using these exotic technologies or ET.

edit on 12-7-2011 by teresaboato1 because: For some reason the links above are not taking you to the correct videos.I have attempted to correct but, you may need to copy and paste the tail ends of the url's above to the youtube base url. So sorry...If all else fail simply go to "MOREseeingUFOsPA " on youtube and look thru her vids.

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 07:07 AM
reply to post by teresaboato1

That's pretty damn cool, looks pretty legit too, and it has some reason (although vague) for them being there. Though, not sure if I could say if they were ETs or Humans in that case, there seems to be a hidden agenda, or maybe an agenda we dont know about.

Would be ironic if they were coal powered. Haha.

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by VraxUK

I was thinking Gov underground facility. Possibly R & D site. There have been sightings/videos of more than 1 type of UFO here. A lot of them only clearly visible in IR light. I am familiar with the area they congregate in. It is remote and mostly undeveloped. In addition its very difficult to get to by ground some parts totally unaccessible. It would be an area most would not suspect or think to look. I agree with you, not sure if human or ET. Some of the videos do exhibit some very "Out of this world" technologies. So what's going on could be a joint operation. Now that I have seen what appears to be legit patents I'm left scratching my head. Would be good idea to investigate the validity of the patent #'s. If it could be proven that they are without a doubt legit we could be witnessing thru these vids the proof of these technologies in action right here in PA. USA.

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by teresaboato1

I'll look into it, what's the deal concerning the digging up of old patents and what not?

To me they look fairly legit, then again, the man with that site is claiming he's making his own UFO and he's accepting his donations?

I find this pretty hard to believe, so maybe he's using disinfo to make money, it's happened a lot in the past! Or perhaps he's using these real patents to make money, just not materialising any of it.

I'd like to know, if anyone stumbles across this thread, and knows anything about the subject to check out this site


posted on Jul, 17 2011 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by Bedlam


[ ]corona discharge?

[ ]brehmstrahlung?

[ ]cerenkov?

[ ]gravitational blueshift?

[ ] other, please fill in:_____________________________

would you be so kind as to check appropriate boxes

edit on 17-7-2011 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2011 @ 07:16 PM
May be the UFO use fusion energy

posted on Jul, 24 2014 @ 04:30 PM
Again sorry, to revive old threads. But I think better than to start again and again new ones, on the same topic...

originally posted by: Flux8
Well, the two ships I've seen up fairly close were both travelling slowly. The V shape/boomarang glowed intensely violet/purple with the brightest along the leading edge and trailing off in intensity near the rear. And the Accorn shaped one was flat black with randomly flashing streaks of bright white "lightning" over different parts of it's surface. The light may be "leakage"/ionization of the surrounding air, but not necessarily an indicator of speed.

That's quite interesting. The v-shaped one I would definitely think was a modern flying wing with an ehd system for reducing drag and maybe for additional anti radar effects or to prevent a sonic boom.

But the second one is interesting. Do you have any better detailed explanation? Maybe a drawing?
For these lightnings definitely would indicate strongly, that there's an EHD system which is at the edge of it's maximum voltage.
Were the lightning flashes (arcs) as they built catapulted away from the craft? Or did they rotate around the craft, as long as they existed? This would show, the existence/orientation of any magnetic field.
I really would be very interested in this observation.

I also wonder if the black eyes of these classic "Gray alien" specie are actually artificial lenses used in the field to not only protect from spontaneously occuring blinding light sources, but more importantly to mitigate the effects of microwaves on their eyes when working on/around their craft (cataracts anyone?).

Quite an interesting idea. That could actually really make sense...Never thought about that. So kind of like welding glasses.

Back to the topic. I already speculated about this in the Hill thread.
I personally really agree with Hill, that by far the best explanation would be that the light is coming from the ionization of the air around the craft.
But as I mentioned there, it isn't so easy to generate different colors in air by a plasma.
That's why I speculated, that maybe it is, e.g. due to EHD means, caused by (sudden) air pressure differences. Then air molecules with different molecular weight would move at different velocities into the low pressure area, and therefore a separation of the gaseous components would take place according to their weight. And as the different kinds of molecules emit in different light spectra, the colors would change.

E.g. it is quite often reported, that a hovering craft has kind of rotating lights with different colors at the rim.
If we would now take for example one solution of an MHD craft as proposed by Jean Petit, then the air would always be accelerated (top to bottom)just in one small band at a time, but rotating around the craft, so that the total air stream and the inertia of the craft result in a steady hover (maybe with a slight wobble).
So in this example from Petit, the pressure around the rim (where the many electrodes are) would change constantly, and this would then produce different light colors.
edit on 24-7-2014 by hulli because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2014 @ 03:12 AM
I tried for quite some time to get an explanation for the often seen red trailing of the crafts which decays over time.
The usual direct agitation wouldn't make sense here, as the time span is too big.
But when I read Campbell, I have to agree on his conclusion (and put shame on me, as I didn't thought of that...), that most likely it is the emittance of red light due to the conversion from singlet oxygen molecules back to the triplet state. This state reversing can take quite some time, and it emits red light.
Would really be a perfect explanation for such a red glowing trail.

posted on Jul, 29 2014 @ 03:38 PM
Here are some interesting eyewitness accounts of a few foofighter sightings, during WW2.
edit on 29-7-2014 by Erno86 because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-7-2014 by Erno86 because: added a few words

edit on 29-7-2014 by Erno86 because: deleted an added a word

posted on Jul, 30 2014 @ 02:08 AM

originally posted by: Erno86
Here are some interesting eyewitness accounts of a few foofighter sightings, during WW2.

Thanks for the link, Didn't know that yet. Really excellent reports from a time and from sources, where one can exclude any hoaxes.

I didn't know, the foo fighter were also seen in Japan. This IMHO strongly suggests that these were really some kind of craft developed by the germans at that time.

I always thought that the foo fighters were rather some kind of missiles or drones but rotary ramjet driven (something like the Focke-Wulf Triebflügel). This could explain their looks (orange red to white with a fuzzy look).
Actually I would even expect that the germans developed something in that direction.
At least ramjets were dead simply and cheap to build and basically couldn't fail. So much better than the pulse jets they used, which were still quite easy to build but which failed after a short time running, due to the flapping mechanism going defective.

But from these reports still quite some parts speak against this theory. E.g. why they never hit anything.
I once heard the theory, that they were basically drones with integrated electronics which should emit strong EM-waves to disturb the electrics in the plane. So basically that they would just be sent up to a incoming bomber battalion and they would fly near one craft till it falls down, then they would automatically go near another one e t c...
But if this would really have been the case, then this obviously didn't really work...
Or we would only have the reports from the encounters where they didn't work correctly. But then there certainly would have been reports about that.

BTW: I like the 1952 PanAm report from your link. Especially how he describes, what seems like a piloting misunderstanding so that they almost crashed into one another. This strongly speaks for human technology, and not some far advanced high tech, although the actual propulsion seems to be like that at first sight.
Also interesting in that report was, that the glow seemed to be just on the top surface of the crafts with the rim still unlightened.

posted on Jul, 30 2014 @ 03:19 AM
Instead of getting lost in everyones speculation, I will focus on points the OP made.

It is silly to me to think it is for disguise. Why would anyone who wants to hide have lights that can be spotted far away? If it is so advanced why go to such extremes for something that can be done very easily? I forgot its proper name but the navy has used a type of camo before that makes use of optical illusions to make it very difficult if something is coming or going or what shape it is. This is done with a random painted pattern of black and white stripes facing various directions.

Ufos are convex rather than concave so i dont understand thinking its like arcamedes mirror. A concave mirror has a focus point that is a set distance so the brightest point can only be seen a certain angle at a certain distance.

posted on Jul, 30 2014 @ 10:31 AM
I see it the same way. Using such lights as a disguise would IMHO be complete nonsense...but what do I know...
Today if I would do a real disguise, I would probably put many LED or something on the skin, with a reflective metallic skin, so that the rough color can always be adapted to the background.
Or in the night, I would just switch off any lights...

Also the descriptions from the night from close range observations do not match such normal lights. There I really have to agree, that it really seems to look, like the typical plasma kind of light, where the air itself around the crafts lights up, due to excitation.
There were surely sometimes also reported some normal lights, but this seems to have been rather the rare cases.

posted on Jul, 30 2014 @ 02:26 PM

originally posted by: mbkennel
reply to post by Bedlam


[ ]corona discharge?

[ ]brehmstrahlung?

[ ]cerenkov?

[ ]gravitational blueshift?

[ ] other, please fill in:_____________________________

would you be so kind as to check appropriate boxes

  • other, please fill in:"_Foofighter__________________
    edit on 30-7-2014 by Erno86 because: typo error

    edit on 30-7-2014 by Erno86 because: ditto

    edit on 30-7-2014 by Erno86 because: ditto

  • posted on Jul, 30 2014 @ 03:18 PM

    originally posted by: Aural
    Instead of getting lost in everyones speculation, I will focus on points the OP made.

    It is silly to me to think it is for disguise. Why would anyone who wants to hide have lights that can be spotted far away? If it is so advanced why go to such extremes for something that can be done very easily? I forgot its proper name but the navy has used a type of camo before that makes use of optical illusions to make it very difficult if something is coming or going or what shape it is. This is done with a random painted pattern of black and white stripes facing various directions.

    Ufos are convex rather than concave so i dont understand thinking its like arcamedes mirror. A concave mirror has a focus point that is a set distance so the brightest point can only be seen a certain angle at a certain distance.

    I tend to speculate...that a flying saucer would falicitate using a concave bottom hull, in order too have more space inside the starship.

    It's like the old adage: too stay away from some brightly colored animals/insects/reptiles --- because most likely --- they are poisonous. For a brightly lit alien should be fair warning to avoid a close encounter with such an alien orb of high technological complexity. My own close range observation of a foofighter --- one night in 1976 --- gave me an incredulous feeling of seeing such a beautiful technological flying wonder, but offered me a terrifying sight to behold as well.

    I speculate....that on dark alien world OP's, for an alien foofighter, power output is a dominant theme for defense, so that the starship must produce photons [from magnetic contained fusion plasma] in order too feed photons to the photon propulsion unit. The magnetically contained fusion plasma should absorb any radar or sound waves, in order too make the foofighter radar and sound stealthy.

    Any unlighted dark OP's for a foofighter....might be performed with some kind of impulse power --- most likely --- with the help of some kind of an anti-grav drive.

    edit on 30-7-2014 by Erno86 because: spelling error

    edit on 30-7-2014 by Erno86 because: added a sentence

    edit on 30-7-2014 by Erno86 because: added a few words

    posted on Jul, 31 2014 @ 08:11 AM
    Why you're calling it "foo fighter", in an observation from 1976? Never heard this relation later than after WWII.

    Although a bit offtopic, but I hope it's OK:

    I had again a look at the foo fighter story.
    According to an internal US report from that time about them:

    An evaluation of german capabilities in 1945
    Part six- Other Weapons
    4. "Phoo" Bombs: Occasionally reports by pilots and testimony of prisoners of war and escapees describe this weapon as a radio-controlled, jet-propelled, still-nosed, short-range, high performance ramming weapon, for use against bombing formations. It's speed is estimated 525mph and it is estimated to have an endurance of 25 minutes. These bombs are launched from local airfields, and are radio-controlled, either from the ground, or possibly by aircraft. The few incidents reported by pilots indicate no success. They have passed over formations, and performed various antica in the vicinity of formations. It is believed that in order to be effective some 100/200 would have to be launched against a formation, and it is also believed that they will not be produced in sufficient quantities to prove a real menace in 1945.[...]

    This matches the description to the FBI of a german living in the US after the war describing that he got involved in such a project in the end of 1944, where he describes, that these were:

    [...]was saucer shaped, about twenty-one feet in diameter, radio-controlled, and mounted several jet engines around the exterior portion of the craft. He further described the exterior portion as revolving around the dome in the center, which remained stationary.

    According to him they were powered by Methanol, about 7m dia and 1.3m height.
    He also stated, that they at least downed one B-26 with these.

    So at least these at that time, they would have emitted a light due to the spinning engines. Would probably look similar like a tip-jet helicopter, just brighter, as the diameter is smaller and the power surely much bigger.
    edit on 31-7-2014 by hulli because: (no reason given)

    posted on Aug, 1 2014 @ 02:50 PM

    originally posted by: hulli
    Why you're calling it "foo fighter", in an observation from 1976? Never heard this relation later than after WWII.

    Although a bit offtopic, but I hope it's OK:

    I had again a look at the foo fighter story.
    According to an internal US report from that time about them:

    An evaluation of german capabilities in 1945
    Part six- Other Weapons
    4. "Phoo" Bombs: Occasionally reports by pilots and testimony of prisoners of war and escapees describe this weapon as a radio-controlled, jet-propelled, still-nosed, short-range, high performance ramming weapon, for use against bombing formations. It's speed is estimated 525mph and it is estimated to have an endurance of 25 minutes. These bombs are launched from local airfields, and are radio-controlled, either from the ground, or possibly by aircraft. The few incidents reported by pilots indicate no success. They have passed over formations, and performed various antica in the vicinity of formations. It is believed that in order to be effective some 100/200 would have to be launched against a formation, and it is also believed that they will not be produced in sufficient quantities to prove a real menace in 1945.[...]

    This matches the description to the FBI of a german living in the US after the war describing that he got involved in such a project in the end of 1944, where he describes, that these were:

    [...]was saucer shaped, about twenty-one feet in diameter, radio-controlled, and mounted several jet engines around the exterior portion of the craft. He further described the exterior portion as revolving around the dome in the center, which remained stationary.

    According to him they were powered by Methanol, about 7m dia and 1.3m height.
    He also stated, that they at least downed one B-26 with these.

    So at least these at that time, they would have emitted a light due to the spinning engines. Would probably look similar like a tip-jet helicopter, just brighter, as the diameter is smaller and the power surely much bigger.

    Have you heard of the band called the Foo Fighters?'s obvious that the band copied the name off the foo fighter tag.

    That's why I like to differentiate between the band called the Foo Fighter's, and a starship magnetically encased in fiery plasma shield --- buy making it as one name --- foofighter; as similar to the F105 Starfighter.

    As far as I'm concerned...the foofighter tag is not off-topic at all on this Aliens & UFOs forum; and should be the proper tag for any alien starship or probe that sports a magnetically encased plasma shield!!! If you have a proper name tag for such a starship that is not of German origin...I like to hear it.

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