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12Yr Old Girl Ends Life To Donate Eyes To Father - A Love Story

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posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 10:58 AM

For days, Mumpy would listen quietly as the elders discussed how only an eye surgery could save her father's vision and a kidney transplant her brother's life. But both surgeries were beyond the family's meagre means.

"Finding herself alone at home, Mumpy consumed Thiodan, a pesticide. Then, she ran to meet her father, who was about half a kilometre away. She told him that she had dreamt that someone had poured poison into her mouth and her stomach ached

It was only the day after her cremation that Mumpy's father found a note on her bed. Addressed to her mother, the girl requested her to make use of her eyes and kidney for the treatment of her father and brother. This left the aggrieved family inconsolable. "We were too late in understanding the feelings of a very sensitive child," Mridul wept. Mumpy's mother has gone into shock.

Story brought tears to my eyes
This must be a girl that really loved her family

There's a reason why I posted this story
It's not a story about suicide, people who commit suicide are unhappy and/or hate life

This little girl MUST have loved her life because she loved her father and brother so much that she wanted to give her organs to them and was willing to give up her life for it

That's love not sadness or hate

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 11:00 AM
Beautiful story - sad - but beautiful.
Thanks for posting.
It does give hope - in a round about way!

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 11:05 AM
Wow, a great testament of bravery and selflessness, but I bet the Father would have wished otherwise. I am sure the gesture will be forever remembered and cherished though, within that family and with those that knew the girl.
It is really sad that in the 21st century quality medical treatment is only available to those who can afford it or are entitled.


posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 11:23 AM
idd a sad story

did her father take her eyes? and brother her kidney? because if they did i think thats even worst. am just saying if any family member killded themselvs to save me i wouldnt take it, i mean every time you wake up, breath, look, or do anything she killed herself for your sake. which is to much for anyone to handle i would assume (well too much for me)

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 11:25 AM
there is hope for mankind...

i now turn off my pc and reflect this because its really deep...

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 11:26 AM
God bless that child. May she rest in peace. I swear to continue fighting for a fairer and just world for all. We don't have to live in this world filled with suffering anymore. We have the knowledge to abolished poverty and poor health. As long as there remains suffering in this world, I will continue fighting the system to change it to benefit everyone.


edit on 7-7-2011 by MIDNIGHTSUN because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 11:28 AM

Real unconditional LOVE is a very powerful force.

You cant sell it, package it, steal it, buy it, or crush it.

I'd do anything for my kids. Give anything of my self for their survival and well being.

Touching but sad story.
My heart and prayers go out to her and her family, may she and they find peace.


posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by mehforfun
idd a sad story

did her father take her eyes? and brother her kidney? because if they did i think thats even worst. am just saying if any family member killded themselvs to save me i wouldnt take it, i mean every time you wake up, breath, look, or do anything she killed herself for your sake. which is to much for anyone to handle i would assume (well too much for me)

but ... and at the very same time ... every look in the mirror or day that you lived would remind you of or present you with that Ultimate Act Of Selflessness displayed by but a mere 12 year old child.


posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by mehforfun
did her father take her eyes? and brother her kidney? because if they did i think thats even worst. am just saying if any family member killded themselvs to save me i wouldnt take it, i mean every time you wake up, breath, look, or do anything she killed herself for your sake. which is to much for anyone to handle i would assume (well too much for me)

It would be difficult for a while sure
but personally I would feel even worse if my daughter did that for me but after it's too late I let it happen in vain.

Her very last wish was for her family members to survive and continue living comfortably.

Shouldn't she be granted her very last wish?

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

i dont think i could live with that my daughter is not here because she wanted me to live when i have already lived my life. but yeah if the father feels that he should carry out her last wish then he should i fully understand it.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 11:42 AM
Ok something strange here .
eyes and one kidney isnt something you have to die in order to donate.
and donate eyes all you want but eyes cant be transplanted and work.
and you can live just fine with one kindey . theres more here then is being told

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 11:46 AM
I utterly fail to see this as a love story.

(And I really don't get why some seem to gloriy this. But I'll leave that topic alone for now.)

As a parent, to me this story is a horrible, horrible tragedy. It is no surprise that a child would deeply love those within the immediate family-- even most neglected and abused children manage to do so.

What I see is a child who pointlessly gave her life without likely understanding the permanence of her actions or their profound implications.

Again, as a parent, this story makes consider what possibly not to complain about that is bad in my life in front of my child.

I guess some issues not obvious on their face are still very much 'adult only'.

I can't imagine the guilt this father must really feel.
edit on 7-7-2011 by loam because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by 12m8keall2c

really you could look in a mirror and go on your daily business.... idd its a nice act but i mean really who tells a 12yr old that she can save their lives, i mean if i was going blind i would tell her its fine its only my eyes as long as you have her with you then its nothing to worry about. leting your kids die for your sake always sat wrong in my stomach but if it was the other way round any father would give their life for their children 100x over. (well i would)

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by xxcalbier
Ok something strange here .
eyes and one kidney isnt something you have to die in order to donate.
and donate eyes all you want but eyes cant be transplanted and work.
and you can live just fine with one kindey . theres more here then is being told

She was 12 years old. Not exactly the best age to make smart decisions. For all we know she could have assumed that her eyes could be used to help her father and the kidney angle goes without saying.

It's a sad turn of events. But one that IMHO demonstrates the power of love. Having said that, this is a conspiracy site so thinking there is more to the story goes with the territory I suppose....

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by loam
As a parent, to me this story is a horrible, horrible tragedy. It is no surprise that a child would deeply love those within the immediate family

That is completely untrue
it's no surprise that a 12yr old would deeply love her/his family?

Nowadays all I see is kids swearing at their parents, wanting to run away and saying "I Hate You"

I'm positive this is a girl that always spent time with the family
These days kids are texting, tweeting, on facebook, on myspace, on the phone or out with friends
Less and less are kids spending time with family and when they do sometimes it's by force
They are too distracted and find spending time with family boring.

Originally posted by loam
What I see is a child who pointlessly gave her life without likely understanding the permanence of her actions or their profound implications.

What you are describing is innocence
It's a 12yr old

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by mehforfun
idd a sad story

did her father take her eyes? and brother her kidney? because if they did i think thats even worst. am just saying if any family member killded themselvs to save me i wouldnt take it, i mean every time you wake up, breath, look, or do anything she killed herself for your sake. which is to much for anyone to handle i would assume (well too much for me)

Not taking it would dishonor her memory. Whenever they wake up, breath, look, etc, they will remember her. They will remember her sacrifice, and that is more honorable to her, instead of her life being thrown away in vein.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia

Originally posted by loam
As a parent, to me this story is a horrible, horrible tragedy. It is no surprise that a child would deeply love those within the immediate family

That is completely untrue
it's no surprise that a 12yr old would deeply love her/his family?

Nowadays all I see is kids swearing at their parents, wanting to run away and saying "I Hate You"

I'm positive this is a girl that always spent time with the family
These days kids are texting, tweeting, on facebook, on myspace, on the phone or out with friends
Less and less are kids spending time with family and when they do sometimes it's by force
They are too distracted and find spending time with family boring.

Do you think that means they do not love them?

Do you think, when it comes down to it, that they will not realize how much they love their family?

I'm sorry, but your view on today's youth is closed-minded and is based on generalizations. Distractions there may be, but love is not hindered by material objects.
edit on 7-7-2011 by Lionhearte because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 12:09 PM
So did the dad get her eyes and the brother her kidneys?

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by Lionhearte
Do you think that means they do not love them?

Do you think, when it comes down to it, that they will not realize how much they love their family?

I'm sorry, but your view on today's youth is closed-minded and is based on generalizations. Distractions there may be, but love is not hindered by material objects

It doesn't mean they hate them
Sure kids love their parents too
But I don't think you can call it selfless love

It's not the same thing, this girl probably loved her parents to no end and spending time with them
I guarantee it
It's a little different over here nowadays

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 12:12 PM
wow. That was really deep. To have someone give up ones life just so there family could live a better life is amazing.

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