posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by NthOther
What else are you left with to talk about at the bars, watercooler, in the car, etc.
It's sick. If I try to bring up the economy with
anybody - you know, like in a real meaningful conversation - I'm left with all the facts,
the other person knows so much about Casey Anthony or some other stupid topic, and as a result, any discussion about the economy or politics or the
wars is consistently one sided. I have facts and opinions based on those facts and the other person (whoever he or she might be, given the context) is
apathetic, ignorant or only knows two or three talking-points.
What's the result?
The other person wants to talk about Casey Anthony (and similar trumped up issues) and I have not followed out of total disinterest in the trivial and
banal nature of the subject matter. The conversation is one-sided as I do not and cannot carry my end of it.
I want to talk about meaningful issues to our lives and the other person is totally unknowing, unaware or undereducated on them, it becomes a
one-sided conversation and I end up sounding preachy or wildly conspiratorial - yes! Conspiratorial because I quote people and cite reports on issues
that sound crazy only because the other person has been locked in one prime-time, distracting bubble after another.
Suffice it to say, I do not make a good conversation partner at a sports bar.