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Proof, SOLID now, ELEnin is an Extinction Level Event !!!

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posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 11:21 AM
I can so not wait for the day this thing passes by us.
Also can't wait for when 2012 is over because I'm dying to know what's next

Nibiru causing the beetles to break up. looool

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 11:23 AM
Elenin, Nibiru, Planet X which is it? They can't even come up with a definite name for the damn thing. The videos you posted were most likely created by mind controlled agents/CIA trolls. Its all a CIA/NASA Psyops designed to confuse you and keep you full of FEAR. People need to quit believing everything they hear. Its been proven that we humans create our own reality with our thoughts. So if billions of people are scared and stuck on this one topic we will eventually bring this comet into existence. Thoughts become things, & the Illuminati knows this. They've studied much more about human psychology than you will ever know. That's why they created the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations in London: to study how you think and how you make assessments, so they can MANIPULATE you towards their desired goals.

Think out side of the box for once and quit going along with the rest of the sheep.
That goes for EVERYONE!

I can assure you that the World is not going to be destroyed. Too many safe guards are now in place. You may be destroyed since all you think about is destruction, but Earth wont be going anywhere anytime soon.

Click here to Educate Yourself

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 11:23 AM
OP at the outset of the video the insider talks about a scientific storm that went on in the 50's ? He states, " It was Ok to talk about this thing then " He had a subscription to," Popular Science " magazine. ? If you go to this site.. You'll see that there is no such cover. No Tidal wave, No red planet No damn eveidence for a firestorm. The insider is either incompetent or he's a liar. Every magazine cover is there in plain view.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by MACchine

The last video is ridiculous. I say this because if there were a huge hole in the Earth then that obviously means that an astronomical body had hit in that location... but the Lincoln Memorial and Washington Monument somehow survived the impact? Furthermore, the planks were placed in order for people to walk between the two monuments?? I guess even in time of Global Extension crisis, DC still cares about their tourism industry. This was a very interesting thread, but when you come down to it it is all hogwash ( I would like to use a different word, but the terms and conditions prevent me from doing so)

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by MACchine

Well, I must admit. When you say that Revolution 9 is about Niburu, or Planet X, it makes sense.. A little.

This song was called 'Music for the Future', and it repeatedly says "Number 9." it could be referring to the ninth planet. And 'Revolution', what to planets do? They revolve, or revolute. Revolutions are being completed. Possibly every 62 million years.

Here are some facts about the song;

John Lennon wrote this with contributions from Yoko Ono. It's a highly experimental piece, which Lennon once called "The music of the future." It is the most controversial and bizarre track on the album - you have to have a very open mind to appreciate it.

Music for the future. A warning sign to come maybe?

This helped fuel the "Paul is dead" rumors. If played backwards, you were supposed to hear the car crash where Paul died, and a voice saying "Turn me on, dead man." Also, playing the line, "I'm not in the mood for wearing clothing" in reverse eventually becomes a rather odd but clear reversal, "There were 2, there are none now." This is referencing the rumor that Paul McCartney died in a car with "Lovely Rita" and that the 2 were burned away after the wreck. (thanks, JT - Tullahoma, TN)

The phrase 'Paul is Dead', can mean that he possibly is out of the group. He doesn't want to have anything else to do with the Beatles, and wants to live out the rest of his life nicely. It makes sense. Paul is Dead, in a sense that he doesn't want to help spread the word on this anymore.

Paul McCartney and Beatles producer George Martin hated this and tried to keep it off the album.

Again, this goes with the whole 'Paul is dead' deal.

I don't know, I find this segment interesting. I don't know about ELEnin though. There are way too many theories to contemplate.


edit on 7-7-2011 by PubertySpider001 because: Giving source,

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by MACchine


At this point MANY may ask, WHAT does God think of ALL THIS ? The following may provide the answer ...

edit on 7-7-2011 by MACchine because: TRUTH

What, do you want a medal if any of this BS is true?
And as for standing up and fighting - that isn't going to be of any help considering this so called Elenin would cause the extinction of the human race if it were a dwarf planet, so not even the governments of the world can survive it. A collision like that would crack open the Earth like a hazelnut pretty much eradicating 90% of life. Heres a nice video:

I'm sick and tired of all this Elenin BS and the end of the world, when time and time again these predictions and misleading YouTube videos are proved wrong...
edit on 7-7-2011 by CasiusIgnoranze because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 11:30 AM
Just when I start to wonder why I have read, joined, or posted on this site - I realize most of the replies to the OP are what keeps me here!

Cheers Guys & Gals

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 11:32 AM
well something is going on, what is another thing, me I am not taking a chance, preparing just in case dib dib just to be safe it can't help to have some extra rations that TPTB don't know about and where it is stashed nought like a bit of insurance

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by OptimusSubprime
reply to post by MACchine

The last video is ridiculous. I say this because if there were a huge hole in the Earth then that obviously means that an astronomical body had hit in that location... but the Lincoln Memorial and Washington Monument somehow survived the impact? Furthermore, the planks were placed in order for people to walk between the two monuments?? I guess even in time of Global Extension crisis, DC still cares about their tourism industry. This was a very interesting thread, but when you come down to it it is all hogwash ( I would like to use a different word, but the terms and conditions prevent me from doing so)

No actually it was not literal it was metaphoric. The bridges represented points in our history where we failed to police ourselves. The chasm probably represented the ever growing danger.

But since it's all BS anyway, why does it even matter? I'm moving on. I hope the rest do too.

Fear and faith are not good leaders. Don't let them lead you.
edit on 7-7-2011 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 11:37 AM
Peoples.... Please stop claiming PROOF.... This is but a theory.

You can claim it proof when its on earths door step (which it never will be
) and IF something happens (which it wont) then early warning means nothing. Extinction is extinction.

Its better to enjoy what you have left than to panic over something you cant prevent/ do anything about.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 11:38 AM
The following is a reply to Terral Croft (aka. Terral03) by the user Nut with a Theory as seen on These are not my words but I find them fitting as a response to the OP presented here.

Terrel, you would do well to understand that correlation does not always imply causation. Just because two events happen at the same time does not mean one caused the other. You live on a geologically active planet and thus would be wise to look to more reasonable local causes for natural disaster before jumping to fantastical ones about cover-ups and dwarf stars. Please look into the concept of Occam’s razor.

You would also do well to gain a practical understanding of astronomy before making such wild claims. If Elenin was really an approaching dwarf star then it would be many orders of magnitude brighter than its current 10.4. If you think a dwarf star would be invisible at only 1.82 AU (Elenin’s current distance) then I suggest you do some reading on how very bright such an object at this close range would be. This photo verifies the dim magnitude of Elenin.

Also note that even if you aligned every single planet in the solar system it would still only equal 1.7% of the gravitational force the Moon places upon the Earth. That is a tiny fraction of an already small amount. To claim that Elenin which is much further away from the Earth than the Moon is responsible for natural disasters and yet imply the Moon is not responsible would be absurd. Using your logic, our own Moon should have ripped apart the Earth long ago. After all, if Elenin can cause disaster with only 1.7% of the Moons force then imagine what the remaining 98.3% would do? Obviously this is ridiculous as the Earth is still here.

Greenland’s sunrise was attributed to lower ice from climate change, not fictional dwarf stars. The rest of your comment is conspiracy minded nonsense and not worth further comment. However, I will say this… to require that the Sydney Stargazers must provide an alternative explanation in place of your theory is not justified. An answer of “I don’t know” is valid and not knowing doesn’t automatically make your theory correct. There could just as easily be a 3rd answer.

It astonishes me that when presented with photographic evidence from amateur astronomers – people just like everyone else – the conspiracy crowd still refuses to believe the evidence right in front of their faces. How close minded the conspiracy crowd must be to ignore the evidence and favour the belief.

I have no doubt you’re an intelligent person but you obviously don’t have a practical understanding of astronomy. Go out and use a telescope or better yet join an astronomy club locally. Take time to understand astrophotography and how it works. Take a physics course or listen to a podcast on critical thinking skills. With some practical knowledge under your belt you’ll find that Elenin is actually just a comet and the whole dwarf star theory doesn’t work in reality.

Nut with a Theory said this on June 14, 2011 at 5:43 pm

edit on 7/7/2011 by amaster because: Spelling

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by MACchine

Now we KNOW why they named it ELEnin and what EXACTLY it stands for EXTINCTION LEVEL EVENT NINE !!!!!!

The day wasn't going that great anyway but this really puts it up there with one of my all time worst days ever. This is not good news at all. What plans do we have as a defense? Maybe this event is what Stars Wars is/always was for? Very frightening. Glad I am old.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by Kliskey
Peoples.... Please stop claiming PROOF.... This is but a theory.

You can claim it proof when its on earths door step (which it never will be
) and IF something happens (which it wont) then early warning means nothing. Extinction is extinction.

Its better to enjoy what you have left than to panic over something you cant prevent/ do anything about.

If it is proved... won't that be too late? Pudding all over.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 11:52 AM
Very Interesting blog today regarding this E.L.E. nin thing on a site from a british guy that I have followed a couple of years now . Levi is psychic as well as very intelligent. His site is full of free information that goes deep down into the rabbit hole so to speak. His private blog is invaluable. I think he knows more about American History than most Americans do . Anyway have a peek you wont be disapointed.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 11:55 AM
You had written an interesting post until you started talking about the Beatles lol

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 11:56 AM
So this comet, asteriod, planetiod or asteriod whatever its meant to be is an E.L.E.

I can't stop it I don't have access to a deep underground or even an above ground bunker so really all I can do is continue living my life so really whats different than before.

If it is real what does it matter if the goverment tell us or not its not like it will change anything. I vote for living in ignornat bliss until the end instead of having to worry about living in a soceity that knows its about to end.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 12:05 PM
This thread
.... wow. Ok, I watched everything the OP had in this thread and the guy in the video is labeled an insider... an insider of what!? He is clearly not very intellectual person, he contradicted himself at least 3 times in the video, and he's selling this "Extinction Level Event Nibiru Is Near" nonsense, so if it's such a horrible catastrophic event that noone will survive why would I build a frggin lead helmet to keep my brain from getting "gutted".. stupid You Tube videos.. OP please stop fear mongering because their is that 1 guy that will believe this and have a heart attack. Thanks


P.S. there's that "PROOF" thing again.. no type of scientifical evidence to back up the claim yet it's "proof".. I blame myself for taking the bait

edit on 7-7-2011 by 31Bravo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by MACchine

so on what date will you be satisfied that nothing happened? I want to know when I can reveal you to be the nutter that you are!

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by Essan

Elenin will NOT hit earth but you better believe it we are going to go through it's tail and will be hit with debris/space dust......we should also expect some big EQKs and some pretty nasty weather like we've never seen before.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by bluemirage5

You mean just like what happend when the Earth passed through the tail of Hale-Bopp? Oh wait . . . NOTHING HAPPEND!!! I'd suggest you look up just what exactly makes up the tail of a comet.

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