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Reptilian, Amphibians and other Ancient "Alien/Gods"

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posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 03:34 PM
thank you for this research I love learning about dragons/reptillians/beings/"gods"
I believe these reptillian-like extra-terrestrials were here to help us at one point, I mean why does the snake and the cross mean healing?

also you gotta take in the aboriginals of north america who came from underground who were chased out from reptillians and ant-people
edit on 7-7-2011 by jyze420 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by MathematicalPhysicist

Alot of things that were considered "impossible" turned out to be possible. I suggest you look into travelling the speed of light before you speculate anymore on it.

You seem so sure about yourself yet you provide nothing but speculation, mirroring the OP's "Theory".
Ever heard of teleportation? That also was impossible and a dream, but today is possible. Not with living organisms yet but we are well on our way. Not saying thats how they did it if they did but still interesting. You don't know everything and neither do I. But don't stay locked in your little head with the a closed minded attitude and offer nothing to the discussion but your own closed minded opinion.

There are alot of things undiscovered in this universe including aspects of your very own conciousness. You do not see everything in front of you, your conciousness can only accept what it can decode.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by MathematicalPhysicist

No Alien civilization is going to go through all of those obstacles just so they can spy on us primitive human beings, and the notion of multiple round trips and guiding humans along is laughably delusional.

Laughable also is the notion that we think our limited minds have determined all possible causations that exist in the universe. Sure we know chemistry, physics and such, but just because we label something does not make it absolute and unchangeable. I think it is egotisitc to think all that we know must be all there is out there too. Think about the discovery of radiation, or quantum mechanics/theories, those could have sounded laughable before being discovered too.

Helping humankind is but one theory too. The et's could be us in the future, they could be our guardians, or they could be interested in our development and excursions. They could also be concerned with our actions because some actions may affect other regions/components of space.

Why make fun of others? if you want someone to learn or agree with you, can't you present an argument without sarcasm and belittlement?
Example? I just noticed your posts yesterday, and I thought wow, this member is sharp and I may learn something, as always here at ATS, then I read your post here and now, I don't really care to read your posts. Not that you care or even should, but people are inclined to listen until insults start rolling...just saying

edit on 7-7-2011 by speculativeoptimist because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
Here is a modern representation of Fu_Xi of Ancient China...


notice in the first image of them that you posted, they are using the measuring device amongst the stars. theoretically, it may be an image of "as above, so below", which was a system of applying accepted constellations in the sky, to the surface of the earth. i excerpted this from a david flynn video, here's the as above so below concept mirrored on the earth

edit on 7-7-2011 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 07:07 PM
Many Gods have unique looks to them. The modern and accepted God is the form of a Man. Some worship the Sun, some worship the Planet while many worship animals or some made up creatures.

I guess my point is that every institution or religion has their vision of God or Goddess. It's all about imagination and I believe the "ancient alien" Gods were just fragments of imaginations by some very creative people.

Do I believe in aliens? Of course. There's a tremendous amount of life out there but it's unlikely they ever visited our planet.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 07:20 PM
Not really a question... more of a comment. Why do people who dispute alien visitations to our planet give the supposed visitors, OUR understanding of Math/Science and space travel.

If you were to travel to a land untouched by what we call civilization. They would mock you for trying to make fire without rubbing two sticks together. Then they'd say its impossible to start a fire with a small tube with a metal wheel on top(Lighter). Just because we don't understand how the impossible IS possible to some, we dismiss it. And we do it rather harshly, "If I(we) can't do it, it can't be done!"

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 11:13 PM
Again, I return to the thought that All of us Here, believers and doubters, have to admit,, something happened in the prehistory we have been taught. Prior to 4000 to 5000 or more years ago,, something happened with/to humanity that is evidenced in the myths, legends of our ancestors. Deep seated is the recurring image of the Dragon, snake, and etc which to some represent Demonic and devilish influence and to others a more enlightening and benevolent picture of our collective murky past.

Even the doubters have to admit,, or put their heads in the sand, that just the volumes speak something. I don't subscribe to the ignorant savage story that much, philosophers and shamans prove themselves very intelligent for the most part, with the same powers of logic and discernment we have today,, with just maybe a tad more open mindedness. Humanity of the past, recorded Experiences for the most part, not fictions. Anyone every read Julian Jaynes? The Origin of Consciousness and the Breakdown of the BiCameral Brain??? Maybe it was like Jaynes envisioned,, maybe more like Sitchin suggested,, maybe another theory unexpressed is the correct vision of our history and past.

There is more going on here than just Myth and Smoke. An Event, or events happened to us. Reptilian connections to our Genisis is paramount and a Key aspect of All that is being talked about here on ATS. Accepting our dysfunctional human infancy and the childhood of our Races which have buried their collective heads in the sand and refused to face and investigate with an open and logical mind the effects of this '''Event''. Somehow this must be rectified. We must face our Shadow, we must face our "Parents" and Family dysfunctions.

So to make this short,,, I will quit my soapbox, with this:
For all the Trolls, doubters, cynics and Debunkers.
Sometimes where there is Smoke,, there is a Fire.
All I ask is regardless of whose theory is correct of Not,, I just would like to have the best minds mull over the 'evidence' and history, and with an open mind search for the common denominators of this puzzle and help to sift through the garbage and find the "DNA" of it all and help to decode it.

This is the 21st century AD, and recorded history goes back a few pages more,,, I think collectively we can uncover a lot to help resolve this mystery. But only if we all decide, regardless the outcome,,or results,, who is right, who is wrong,,,, we need to be objectively open to new ideas about our Past, so we can move correctly into the Future.

Slayer did a wonderful job of opening a door for discussion, lets discuss intelligently and with the common objective of finding answers for All of Us. No need to ignore the Elephant in the Room.

We see Something Happened in Humanities Past History which is Epic, powerful and Hurling us to the Future and it is Mythic in Scope.

What happened is up to debate.
Best Theory wins,,,,, and , it will be proven to be Fact, one day,,,,, someday,,,,,
Soon, I Believe,,,
strike that,,,

And that is not a statement of Faith, but Confidence in Logic.

posted on Jul, 8 2011 @ 12:02 AM
Ummm, guys... can you tell me what this is?


Are those scales under her left foot?

Here's the URL where that came from:
Link to Yahoo! article

So... is she... reptilian?

posted on Jul, 8 2011 @ 12:06 AM

Originally posted by laymanskeptic

So... is she... reptilian?


Now, raise your had if any of the images I posted show them wearing pumps?

posted on Jul, 8 2011 @ 12:08 AM
reply to post by laymanskeptic

Clear tape on a bunion? Seriously, it looks like clear tape,, maybe used to cover some foot trauma, bandage on the sole of her foot.. Doesn't look like scales to me,, not that I couldn't believe the Blue Bloods are Reptiles or anything,, just saying,,, looks ordinary to me. Surgical Clear tape or such.

posted on Jul, 8 2011 @ 12:37 AM

Originally posted by EarthCitizen23
reply to post by laymanskeptic

Clear tape on a bunion? Seriously, it looks like clear tape,, maybe used to cover some foot trauma, bandage on the sole of her foot.. Doesn't look like scales to me,, not that I couldn't believe the Blue Bloods are Reptiles or anything,, just saying,,, looks ordinary to me. Surgical Clear tape or such.

I hope it's clear tape or something ordinary.

If not, there goes my foot fetish.

posted on Jul, 8 2011 @ 12:45 AM

Originally posted by laymanskeptic

Originally posted by EarthCitizen23
reply to post by laymanskeptic

Clear tape on a bunion? Seriously, it looks like clear tape,, maybe used to cover some foot trauma, bandage on the sole of her foot.. Doesn't look like scales to me,, not that I couldn't believe the Blue Bloods are Reptiles or anything,, just saying,,, looks ordinary to me. Surgical Clear tape or such.

I hope it's clear tape or something ordinary.

If not, there goes my foot fetish.

This is now settled... from another thread:

Originally posted by ju stab urden
They're non slip panty hose

Farther down the page

posted on Jul, 8 2011 @ 07:22 AM
Nice OP bro. Interesting points you present. I'll check out the vids later today and weigh in.

posted on Jul, 8 2011 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by HazyChestNutz
Is it really logical that the Pyramid of Giza was built in 20 years? Using 2.3 million blocks? That's alot of blocks to be carved, shipped, and placed in a certain location.

What puzzles me is if it was built using dirt ramps, it would have taken another grand project equal to the pyramid, just to construct the access and framework to even build the pyramid. There are a few good theories of how the pyramids were built and to me they make sense. What is more perplexing is how they managed to also sculpt the interior tunnels and chambers as it was going up, not to mantion the massive lentils and vault stones.

posted on Jul, 8 2011 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by MathematicalPhysicist

Originally posted by ObvTruth
reply to post by MathematicalPhysicist

Remember this is by our current understanding of science. I mean civilizations have only been around a few thousand years. And we don't know everything about Space Travel. Plus these things could be from another Dimension or even from the Future. Who knows

Indeed, I'll cede. Our knowledge is not absolute about physics, and the sci-fi geek in me cannot dismiss the notion there are possible civilizations that are millions of years more advanced. But...why would they, a civilization so much more advanced than we are, waste their precious time and resources on guiding our evolution along and spying on us? You won't see humans spying on ants or trying to communicate with them, and we are literally ants in stark comparison to such technologically superior civilizations.

Theories abound as to the why's and how's of possible alien visitation. It is possible that they had decided eons ago to shepperd this species. And again, it may be possible that they periodically visit to check progress on their antfarm. On a parallel thought, it would explain the wide variations in human species whereas pygmie tribes are far different than neanderthal tribes (discounting the timeframe of course). For us, celestial travel is a deep and complex sea of unsolved equations, but is is possible for other species to be far more advanced than us, and quantum physics and time travel may be taught in their schools. Our galaxy is considered 'young' as the universe is possibly well over 16 billion years old, and our solar system is only 5 billion.
When you remove politics and profit from education it becomes highly advanced and ideas become unrestrained, as well as a TRUE global community.

posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Great work Slayer, as usual.

What a fantastic collection of ancient artifacts.

These pieces of CRUCIAL evidence in the history of civilizations, are all the proof I need that we were either "visited" or perhaps even "given a boost" from ET visitors.

I theorize that these beings are the "watchers" of earth, and have "watched over" our planet for thousands of years. Maybe someday we will be able to connect the dots between these ancient visitors, and the theories of David Icke and many others, that these ET beings are controlling the planet and have created human hybrids to further their agenda.

The truth is stranger than fiction.

Those "in the know" use that to their advantage.

posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 03:09 PM
well done slayer, I shoulda have read this before reading Fingerprints of the Gods

posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by MathematicalPhysicist

Wanna really know what's "laughably delusional?"


I know a lot of people will probably flame me for this, but Science is not as reliable as you may think.

There are A LOT of things that Science CANNOT explain.

You may have a grasp of Science, but you can throw all that out the window when we're discussing the possibility of civilizations thousands/millions of years ahead of us.

posted on Dec, 25 2012 @ 04:17 PM


posted on Dec, 25 2012 @ 08:26 PM
Jealous god?


Atum - God of Creation and Finisher of the World (Atum is a plural word, so is Adam)

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