The republicans will create a major fuss over the debate format as cover for their concerns about the presidents debating skills and as a result
neither of the 2 major parties will participate in the 2004 presential debates.
Not a bad prediction at all. I imagine at best we would see a very limited format (maybe one or two) very softcore "debates" of the roundtable
variety stacked with partisan hacks asking submitted questions. The only thing I hate more than the "liberal media" softballing El Heffe is it's
hand wringing efforts to be "fair" by posing Kerry questions from straight off cocktail napkins in Karl Rove's handwriting.
I hope they at least give Edwards/Cheney a shot at appeasing the purists with some attempt at legitimate debate. I think they'll approve this route
since they expect Edwards to be too nice to be effective.
I'd like to see Edwards put a stake in Cheney though.
I can't imagine any scenario where the Bush/Kerry debates won't be thoroghly scripted. Bush just tends to ramble a bit...(I'm being nice here).
As for the Cheney/Edwards debates, let 'em rumble. I, too, would love to see Edwards drive the metaphorical stake through Cheney's heart. Could be
good watching!!!!