posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 12:37 PM
i think this
hacker stopped short if only done to obama, it is something
all polititions need. it is a jocular reminder that government
suppost to be for the
people, and not for corporations and special intrest goups only as seems to be the case today.
perhapse if the rules were slightly changed we "might" see an improvement on that score (a person can dream can't they
). something like oh,
no more private campain funds fueld by donations at all. just give each candidate the
same amount of cash with which to run their campains from
tax dollers. i know some would whine about that, but it would take qute a lot of the
power, of the special intrest groups and corperatins as
they could no longer hold pollitions hostage by threating to with hold or reduce their contrabutions if their
cliant dosn't do what
this is a big part of what has happened down the years. big money only wants to make more money, so demand that things are done their way OR
ELSE....... they didn't
hijack the sytem as many beleive
they bought it.
i totaly agree with what was said earlyer, i got a good chuckle reading it this mourning (not misspelled
), so it has brightened my day. i hope
they don't catch the culprate
this time as was not anything destructive, but a humorous way to ask for change from the presidant. something
most will admit is almost impossible to do as they have staffers that would have opened, then tossed the message without the president even hearing
about it.