(Note: This is a copy/paste from an email thread I thought others here might be interested in. Namaste!)
- To make impure by adding extraneous, improper, or inferior ingredients.
- Render (something) poorer in quality by adding another substance, typically an inferior one.
- to corrupt, debase, or make impure by the addition of a foreign or inferior substance or element; especially : to prepare for sale by replacing
more valuable with less valuable or inert ingredients
So... why would we want to be adults?
I will do my best to express a perspective I was contemplating earlier:
A couple items of clarification: In typical metaphysical nomenclature the male principle is "positive" and the female principle is "negative".
This does not imply "good" or "bad" and I subscribe to this. There is no true definition to be given other than one is NOT the other. You could flip
them and it would work just as well. White/Black. Red/Blue.
Ok... so I was contemplating the topic I sent to some friends earlier that sadly I no longer have in my email to forward to you regarding
The gist was the wordplay/"words are funny" aspect of: "Nothing Exists" (ala what Science is kinda telling us... dig deep enough and there is not
actually anything there... at least RE: Matter)
...and the other way to state this which is... "Nothing... EXISTS!"
The nothingness... by virtue of being "nothing" by necessity inherently has a property of "existing" as nothing... which inherently creates... by
necessity... "something".... the property of "existence".
Ok... so I was contemplating this from a "Mind" perspective.
The "Female" principle being the true nothing... the void... the "Negative principle"... the blackness... the receptive. This is an infinite
nothingness... and infinite "negative".
Within infinity of nothingness there *must* exist at the very least "awareness"... as that is the ONLY thing we can verify... that we are "aware".
There is literally nothing else we can verify beyond the awareness of our personal conscious existence... even if the visual stimulus is just an
illusion of imagination. There is a much deeper rabbit hole I could dive down here, but I wish to skip it for this conversation.
Ok... so you have at the very least... "Nothing"... and it... must have awareness.
This awareness first starts out thinking/feeling (realizing there is no "time" at this point, btw):
"I AM Nothing."
"I AM... Nothing."
This immediately makes no "sense" (good wordplay there with our 5 senses btw... but must move on).
"I am... NOT... Nothing!"
Now here we have the very first distortion/veil/lie.
The "I am" truly is "No... Thing... Nothing..." etc... it doesn't exist as "Some Thing"... however... again... this "thought" is much like the idea of
a quantum fluctuation... it in and of itself creates the very energy/polarity/momentum to explode into EVERYTHING ELSE.
"I am NOT Nothing" = "I am SOME THING".
You now have the Female/Negative/Destructive principle (not gender)... flipping to the Male/Positive/Creative principle (not gender).
Now I say "not Gender"... but I don't really mean that. I actually think we see this duality or "war" playing out via the "ripple effect" even
today... but because some male gender "people" can have female principles... and vice versa... it means we can't take any one individual... or
"distortion" of this first distortion too literally. You might have a biological entity with a penis who has primarily a female mind, etc. However...
the whole "I am nothing... therefore I must
dress up my 'self' to be something attractive/beautiful/existant" principle is alive and well in
the female gender. Likewise... the "I must
create (aka 'I am NOT nothing') to be
something worthwhile for the other" mindset is alive
and well in the male gender.
Of course at the end of the day both are "one" in their "Nothingness" and "Somethingness"... however the vibration created by the initial NOTHING
awareness (female/negative) declaring itself SOMETHING (male/positive)... ripples into all the various forms of potential things that are NOT NOTHING.
The very act of NOTHING declaring itself SOMETHING creates EVERYTHING.
Thus why when you go VERY far back in our past... there was the primary focus of worshiping the female principle... but as the "veil" of awareness got
thicker and thicker (via the illusion becoming more and more "real")... we shifted to a primary focus of worshiping the male principle... to the point
of the excessive paranoia and fear of "death"... aka the return to "nothingness".
The interesting thing is this also reflects the whole "Nothing" aka "Female" giving BIRTH to existence... and thus also the duality of the necessity
of both the Female and the Male for life... the Nothingness=Female/Negative/Void/Form (Vagina) creates the Everything... however the
Everythingness=Male/Active/Matter/Structure (Penis) is the only way the "Nothing" can experience/exist. You might even say that the "Male" property of
"exists" applied to the "Nothing" creates the "Nothing" female aspect... for without the "something" of the nature of "exists"... nothing would fully
be nothing and we wouldn't be here at all.
But this is why the Yin/Yang requires both to be in existence simultaneously... however what creates the "sensation" of time/motion is the movement of
the Nothingness
REALizing its "Somethingness" in an eternal moment of "Nowness".
Thus why I think the awakening happening "worldwide" is the breakdown of this division and the arrival of the conscious awareness of both the male and
female principle inherent in nature of existence... the awareness of Nothing owing its awareness to Something... and the awareness of Something
understanding that ultimately it IS Nothing. And thus should stop fighting... the way ultimately it is the male sperm that succumbs to the female egg
and "dissolves" into it... creating the next potential awarness/existence.
Not proofreading... sending from the gut. Hope it makes some "sense".