posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by UcDat
Would he do the same if he did not know someone was filming?
Would he do the same in a dark alley?
Would he do the same if his inner bias caused him to initially dislike the person being molested by his partner?
I *curse words* doubt it...
The "good" cop will find that his peerage do not approve of his actions and they will let him know in so many not so easily proven ways.
He will either fall in line or otherwise be dealt with.
They usually give you the choice to simply resign as that is much easier then having to waste you, attend your funeral, console your wife and kids and
then deal with an internal inquery...
See another cop taking a bribe or dealing drugs etc etc better take your cut or look the other way...pilgrim.
I know in most peoples warm fuzzy minds they wish to believe that things are not like this yet consider this, when these people in lesser power
witness all the rest of the people in power ABOVE THEM abusing their power daily... they are wanton to believe that this does not trickle down...