posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 02:00 PM
Originally posted by nusnus
reply to post by Vaykun
As for your question yes, these dreams are almost always accompanied by alien invasions and us fighting against them, and them trying to steal
uranium/plutonium and us kicking their butt with F-16s and then dying and so forth.
Considering I just watched Independence Day a few days ago, the similarities are striking. But there’s some differences too.
Abut as for your comment on being able to write sci-fi stories from dreams; yes you can. I say this cause I do. Once the whole first chapter of a
story I'm writing jumped out fully formed in a dream. I had to make a few tweaks to remove some of the dream like strangeness from it, but for other
stories I'm writing, I'm keeping the dream like strangeness as a story point.
Once you realize that some dreams have a story already imbedded in them, the rest is easy. A few tweaks here and there, and bam, you've got a story.
I find that dreams are best used for creating short stories, as they don't often have enough of a flow to make a full on novel, unless you’re
willing to do a little creative splicing. But the one shot joy of a good short story lends itself perfectly to a dream.
However, considering how similar dreams have been sounding on this forum I wouldn't be surprised if we get a glut of similar sounding sci-fi stories
if enough people start using dreams as creative prompts.