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One man steals 3 billion = 3 years in jail. Another man steals 100$ = 15 years in jail

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posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by ProphecyPhD
This is the guy.

Roy Brown, 54. This man will be in prison until he is 69 years old for stealing $100 (that he gave back) that he needed to live. Some will look at his picture and say "well he has a place to live now" with no remorse like he isn't even a human being.

His skin color has everything to do with it.

I disagree completely. Skin color has NOTHING to do with it. What it is about is haves and have nots. It is about social class. Even if Roy Brown had been a white man, he would have gotten 15 years. Now if Roy Brown wore a suit and tie to work and rubbed elbows with the wealthy, he would have walked away a free man with a slap on the wrist.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 05:58 PM
Maybe Roy Brown had a black female judge who thought he looked like her ex-husband!

I'd like to study the details but it seems his honesty should have cut some time off his sentence. The white collar criminals may, or may not have had any conscience, but they bigger the dollar amount, the bigger the sentence seems fair. I don't see how this can be even remotely fair or just.
edit on 5-7-2011 by MichiganSwampBuck because: typo

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by MrWendal

Did you read the thread about the homeless white man who robbed a bank and couldn't even get three years (THAT HE WANTED)?? Or are you one of those people who talk just to hear themselves speak?? I posted a link to the thread right HERE

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by wasco2

Originally posted by kro32
You do realize that these crimes have different laws attached to them don't you? Had the mortgage broker stolen the money in the way that the homeless guy did he would have received alot harder sentence.



The difference is violence. The homeless guy kept his hand in his pocket, implying he had a gun, and even announced, "This is a robbery". That no violence occurred and he didn't have a gun means nothing. He took money by force and that carries a much higher penalty than a non-violent crime.

Can you please READ (it only takes a second) READ THIS

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 06:17 PM
I knew that this would just HAVE to have happened in the... SOUTH!!

I knew it. I knew it.

The South is a very scary and BACKWARDS place to live...

...BACKWARDS South, what else can you say? The two words go PERFECT together!!

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by ProphecyPhD
reply to post by Holly N.R.A.

The color of a persons skin does in fact matter. Just because it doesn't affect YOUR life does not mean it doesn't matter to other people.

If someone discriminates on me because of my race and i mention it why is it considered "playing a card"? You are implying that racial discrimination doesn't happen.

Please explain the difference between the two bank robbers (besides skin color).

My ESP is pretty darn good, ProphecyPhD...but I see a computer screen in front of me. I wouldn't know if you were all the beautiful colors of the rainbow unless I knew you personally away from the computer. To me...this is where it shouldn't matter. In the real world, I am someone that attempts to treat it much the same way...I would speak to someone that is Elite, poor, what ever race, exactly as I do on this computer...with truth. Either people accept it from me, or they don't...

As for the difference between the two bank robbers...there is no difference...they both put their pants on one leg at a time, they both committed a crime, according to the sociological statutes. The fella that got the outrageous
sentence, in my opinion was unfairly treated....but as the wealthy are worth more to the corporate farming scheme which each of us are exposed to from will be those with the most to "give" monetarily, or in favors that will get the lighter sentence.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by ProphecyPhD
reply to post by MrWendal

Did you read the thread about the homeless white man who robbed a bank and couldn't even get three years (THAT HE WANTED)?? Or are you one of those people who talk just to hear themselves speak?? I posted a link to the thread right HERE

Yes I am very much aware of that case and I think attempting to compare this one to the one in your OP is a huge stretch at best.

So let us go ahead and put a number on it right now. How many cases of white people who are serving a maximum sentence do I need to post in order to prove it is not strictly about race?

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 11:08 PM
The best way to rob a bank is to own one .There is no justice left in our world

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 12:22 AM
reply to post by wasco2

Sure! -The Homeless Guy caused a few minutes of fear & anxiety to a couple of bank tellers & maybe even 1 or 2 bystanders. Bad, Bad, Bad!
All the Ex-CEO -Allen did was to diliberatly manipulate the system -which caused the loss of life savings for many thousands of persons, families, small businesses, investors.
Highly likely contributing to the death (by suicide) the break-up of marriages, the depression and resultant self destruction (drugs, alchohal abuse...) for many a victim. Then the ripple effect that permeates throughout society, contributing to, among other things, A distrust in the system, systemic destruction of social fabric, loss of hope, loss of plans, & a shattering of dreams for countless hard working people.
Besides with that 3-Billion of stolen funds -Allen& Friends would be able to contribute to the "Trickle Down" economy for surely they used that money to buy extra Homes, Yachts, Exotic Vacation.... thus helping to prop up a weak economy.
All that that "Evil" homeless guy did was provide the justification for more police -
At least He could have spent the money & contributed to the economy! sic,

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 12:58 AM

Originally posted by Holly N.R.A.

Originally posted by ProphecyPhD
reply to post by Holly N.R.A.

The color of a persons skin does in fact matter. Just because it doesn't affect YOUR life does not mean it doesn't matter to other people.

If someone discriminates on me because of my race and i mention it why is it considered "playing a card"? You are implying that racial discrimination doesn't happen.

Please explain the difference between the two bank robbers (besides skin color).

My ESP is pretty darn good, ProphecyPhD...but I see a computer screen in front of me. I wouldn't know if you were all the beautiful colors of the rainbow unless I knew you personally away from the computer. To me...this is where it shouldn't matter. In the real world, I am someone that attempts to treat it much the same way...I would speak to someone that is Elite, poor, what ever race, exactly as I do on this computer...with truth. Either people accept it from me, or they don't...

As for the difference between the two bank robbers...there is no difference...they both put their pants on one leg at a time, they both committed a crime, according to the sociological statutes. The fella that got the outrageous
sentence, in my opinion was unfairly treated....but as the wealthy are worth more to the corporate farming scheme which each of us are exposed to from will be those with the most to "give" monetarily, or in favors that will get the lighter sentence.

Star for you!! We may differ in opinions but the way you present your side is superb!! That is the ATS experience i remember when i signed up.

But i have to quote Objectivist (a few posts above me):

The best way to rob a bank is to own one .There is no justice left in our world

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 01:56 AM
As we ourselves exploit third world countries into giving us what most of the people in the world would consider a lavish style, our own government exploits us as well. Anyone can get into office. I don't know how to reply to this, as it's soul sickening to watch so many try to justify doing what they do on instincts, or not even putting up a fight against those very urges, to not let another human being put through their own selfishness.

What you do with mangy animals who do nothing but consume, who do nothing but take, and give nothing back is take them right into the streets and put them down. Forget the back alley, forget the 'hold hands and dance' crowd. Not only did he put MANY through a life of hell, he actually scarred children's soul, a heinous crime that I would gladly take the role of 'executioner'.

To the one who said honor, respect, and discipline as well as the rest of much needed skills to have Mankind grow only being in movies: You only see them in movies because you do not live it. Those traits are much needed right now so that fiend can't get around to taxing the god damn air that is our given right. As is water, as is LIVING freely without anyone's say, anyone's restraints, another's shackles for their own benefit. # I'm pissed.

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 02:39 AM
We aren't surprised by this are we? They know they are going to get away with it to so they don't mind flaunting it in our faces, because they know most of us are to busy to do anything about it. It sickens me to hear stuff like this still

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 02:43 AM
No. No. Y'all got it wrong. He was a homeless man and, well, the jail will have free food and lodging for him. Why does everyone think landing in jail has to do with race, skin color or the amount of wealth? I don't get it.

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 02:57 AM
didnt O.J. buy his freedom when he still had money? thats right he did. the fact of the matter is, in america--money talks an bullpukey walks. it is how it is from the top to the bottom. the system is broken and to reverse the laws you will have to write a million to abolish the million they have now. it is a never ending game of crap and was set-up this way on purpose. the system needs torn down. and i am afraid that most dont understand that we are way beyond being able to change anything in this country by just changing one or two laws. sorry but one or two changing doesnt affect the other million laws. as much as i hate to say it, and only sorry because of my children, but bloodshed is the only way left to change the establishment. period. watch the jesse ventura interview he did with the lady from the 911 commision. she said it all when she said there are people who dont care about the country, they are only interested in protecting the institution and will take whatever means necessary to protect the institution of government. that told me all i needed to know, the rest is bull*&%* !!

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 04:02 AM

Originally posted by ProphecyPhD
How much you want to bet the homeless man was black. Black people are considered expendable animals. This is a fact. Check my threads, a (white) homeless man robbed a bank for a dollar and they only charged him with petty larceny. He was hoping to get three years but they MIGHT only give him a year and a half.


edit on 7/5/2011 by ProphecyPhD because: add link to thread

Look up the guy from Southern Pennsylvania that didn't even take any money. He just bought a BB gun at a store, walked into the bank, pointed the BB gun at the teller and told the teller to call the cops.

The guy was at wit's end because he was borderline suicidal from domestic abuse(the cop's even admitted during trial that when his wife came to pick up the car the cop wanted to get away from her asap).

The Judge sentenced him to 10+ years in jail. Unless you got an innie or have a few hundred million you might as well be black in the old pre-civil rights South.

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 04:17 AM
what is this? where is justice???? Government has to change the way it operates

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 05:05 AM
reply to post by Vitchilo

Don't you guys get it? A $10,000 suit is all that is needed for anyone to look like who we want to be -- so they walk free.

The dirty bum though reminds us of who we REALLY are inside - and that is NOT pretty -- so hang them, so we may escape from the dirt we are inside ----

White collar crime kills millions --- bank job hurts a few --- Who is the biggest murderer and scum? --- But let him go! He is us (or who we want to be).

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 07:35 AM
This is why you'd have to be out of your mind to even participate at all in the justice system. Opt out. I won't go into detail, but I think you get the point.

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 08:50 AM
thats louisiana they still have that Napoleonic code

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 08:50 AM
thats louisiana they still have that Napoleonic code

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