posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 05:06 AM
Originally posted by ChaoticOrder
reply to post by Skellon
You are providing a service and the very audacity of 'biting the hand that feeds you' makes me sick to the stomach.
Biting the hand that feeds you? This is a user generated ecosystem, we feed ATS the content and they rely on us to stay popular. On the
other hand, ATS bans so many good contributors. Have you ever looked through an old thread? Isn't it a bit suspicious that around half the people are
always banned?
Anyways, good thread. This shall be my definitive guide to ATS bs.
I am always amazed when I see someone that I have liked in the past now banned. I go to their profile to see if I can find the Sin that made them be
banned. Wasted too much time with unsatisfying results. So I will ask my next question in a separate Para so that it does not get lost...
Why can we not have a simple judgment, verdict or explanation of the members who was banned, crime or reason for banment (not a word but state of
being for some ex members LOL)?
For a simple fool such as myself I would then UNDERSTAND rather than wonder if that person was getting to close to the truth or other rubbish that
enters an inquiry mind that has no facts!
Try putting it another way IMHO it could serve as a lesson for others why someone they respected went to far. Too many times I jump in "Banned"
profiles to threads and see censored blocks but that does not say anything to me as to the Why or if that was what push it too far?!?
I love ATS and hate to be banned here ergo when I loose my temper at what is written I do not post and the more bans I see the more I value my
membership (when those who are banned who had my respect that is)! I have no clue why they had to go. I look at my friends list and see so many
banned people that I no longer use that list LOL so as not to jinx em....
Just saying a simple explanation would be nice. I understand that as lowly surfs we are not entitled to any explanation but how else can we learn
from a respected "Banned" members mistakes?
I also wish that some members who find it distasteful to discuss Sandy Hook from derailing the threads. I do not like the comments that attack the
victims and those should be removed but to close the thread because of several members U know who u are don't like it and start arguments that close
the thread because it was getting "to personal".... Why is it those who don't like the thread who then start the arguments are not stopped before
the people who actually want to talk about it get on with it that is as long as they don't cross the line. Only when that happens do I feel the Mods
are not doing their jobs!!!!!!! Why because they are Off Topic and Mods have a special sign posting for that.... but then maybe that is the point if
the mods allow those who personally attack n not contribute to the topic allow the mods to close it. I hope ATS is not FB in this regards but
watching those few toss stones then bricks without Mods stopping makes me wonder....
Hope all my fellow ATS Bros n Sis (love the women here) have a happy peaceful New Year and that they and their loved ones remain safe during this
dangerous times!