posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by lazernation
You know I was considering buying the NoTW on Sunday, being as it is the last issue and all but I checked, I have plenty of toilet paper...
Good riddance bastion of the right wing rags, you will not be missed.
What I love is the reaction by Government and ex-MPs.
Ken Clarke:
"All they're going to do is rebrand it."
John Prescott:
"It's a typical management stunt from Mr Murdoch. What he does is he gets rid of problems and in this case nobody in senior management ... none of
those go but the poor old workers at the News of the World are going and there's no doubt it will become the Sunday Sun."
Chris Bryant:
"This is designed to try and protect Rebekah Brooks, and I believe that if she had a shred of decency after what we have heard about Milly Dowler's
phone being hacked, which happened on her watch as editor, she should have resigned by now ... This strategy of chucking first journalists, then
executives and now a whole newspaper overboard isn't going to protect the person at the helm of the ship."
Zac Goldsmith:
"It has got to be a good day for Britain. I think the News of the World as an organisation is toxic on almost every level. I think the country after
Sunday will be a better place."
Now for the rest of them. For too long Government policy in the UK has been dictated by the will of the redtop press and their sensationalist
headlines. Time for the Government to grow a backbone, stand up and say, "Enough, we are the elected officials of this country and we will not have
our policies dictated by the press." I'm cracking open a beer to cheer the shutting down of a British embarrassment.