posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 06:37 AM
OK first off, horrible choice of music. Just wasnt feelin it 6/10
Dance moves themselves, very fluid very easy but I didnt detect an overall theme so for this I must deduct points 8/10
The combination of the music and dance together was just awful, I sensed no cheorography or even Rythym that combined the 2 as a singular whole
Effects were very nice and definately gave it that club feel 9/10
The setting itself could have been a bit bigger to really let you get your groove on but until we see you with more space we wont know if it affected
the overall performance 8/10
You get a total score of 37/50 which is quite good
If you want to do better next time I reccommend working on your song selection and the cheorography, moves themselves were fine just needed to tell a
story is all
top job and I look forward to he next performance (can we make it an every wednesday night thing? Im busy most other days)