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Team America: World Police

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posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 09:25 PM
First off, I just loooove the irony of that movie title, because clearly that's who our government thinks they are.

This may get moved to rant but that's fine, I just have a couple of things I'd like to say:

1. I've noticed an increase in the number of people who respond to criticism of American foreign policy or lack OF policy and hot potato style bombings with "if you don't like it then you're free to go". In case users of that statement haven't noticed, the American government has come out of the closet with their bullying of other countries, and even with their brainwashing of its own citizens. People have been conditioned to think that the same people who spent years throwing rocks at tanks, pose some serious threat to those who are occupying their country. People seem ok with the fact that we are a nation with an itchy trigger finger, bombing almost at will, with the most shifty of reasons. According the values that America was built upon and used to seem to uphold, if you DO like it, you should leave.

2. Have we forgotten that our government works for US? WE elect them (sometimes). WE can have the impeached, after which we can have them JAILED. Police, are put in place to serve & protect yet they seem more intent on oppressing and collecting. We the people, run this place. For God’s sake we PAY FOR THE BOMBS!! Yet we sit down, lay down, get stepped on, laughed at, and then some by people who we put in place to SERVE US. I haven't heard of anybody actually feeling "safe" around a police officer. Nor have I heard people (outside of brainwashed Obama **** riders) being truly proud to be an American because of their government. And while we the people are sitting here on forums like this going back and forth about if our bombings in Libya are justified, OUR government (emphasis on the ownership represented by the word OUR) decides to bomb yet ANOTHER country with bombs that cost enough money to feed half the starving children of that country.

If the Russian government randomly bombed America because we had a "gang banger" loosely tied to a drug cartel running around with a pistol and no bullets, Americans would lose their minds, and America, would go directly to war. Yet we see a person of interest, and decide to do what we feel like doing in another country.


Coming Soon:
North Korea

While it's people who would love to pawn a bomb so they can feed their families in Detroit..

Tell everybody you know to turn off their damn TV's, stop eating ramen noodles, step outside, smell the smog infested air, and wake up.

It's hungry people all over the world, and our government is more focused on killing a hundred than feeding millions. It's OUR government, we run it, **** them, their threats, and their secret service.
edit on 4-7-2011 by because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 09:31 PM
Funny how everyone complains when the USA gets involved elsewhere, but who is the FIRST country they all come crying to when crap happens, like natural disasters???

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by HomerinNC

That question just doesn't make sense considering I'm an American, living in America.

ETA: If I were to ask you to help me out financially, because I'm short on rent this month due to a hospital bill, does that then give you the right to come in my house and spank my children??
edit on 4-7-2011 by because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by HomerinNC
Funny how everyone complains when the USA gets involved elsewhere, but who is the FIRST country they all come crying to when crap happens, like natural disasters???

We didn't ask for your help after the earthquake. It was offered, just like we've sent firefighters over to California at times. There's a difference between offering and imposing.

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 09:37 PM
We, the elected US officials, have become the worst of "them". Enforcing our belief system on persons that are trying to survive.

Humanity is rising up against the people who have tried to force us down.

We are rising up, using the LIGHT!

Regards and Nameste,


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