posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by Passafist
In my opinion it's highly inappropriate for you to post something from March 17th as if it has any bearing on the situation as we now know it. That
was before they upgraded the severity of the disaster from a 4 to a 7 on the international scale. Each point is about a factor of 10 so they are now
admitting it's about 1000 times worse than they admitted on March 17th when this video was made.
He's also all over the place and even contradicts himself wildly, on the one hand saying that the media is trying to cause a panic and on the other
hand saying that the media isn't even paying much attention to it.
I can't believe you would post something like this as if it has any conceivable relevance to what we now know about the situation without explaining
what you think is relevant. If you had posted it on March 18 it would be a different story but my god man, do you not realize how much knowledge of
this incident has changed since March 17th? (Including admissions by both TEPCO and the Japanese government that it was more serious than they
admitted back in March?)
And as far as things not being all that bad in Tokyo, I never thought they were, even though there were some fear-mongering threads posted on ATS
about what would happen in Tokyo, that got lots of stars and flags but now stand as testimonials to failed disaster predictions for Tokyo. Things did
get worse in Tokyo after he posted this, the last I heard the radioactive sewage sludge in Tokyo was piling up so fast they were running out of
storage space for it. While that's not a reason for mass panic in Tokyo, it's also not a sign that everything is fine in Tokyo.
How about posting something recent and relevant, or if you're posting ancient history like this, explaining why you think it's relevant? You barely
even touched on the contents of the video in your OP.
edit on 4-7-2011 by Arbitrageur because: clarification