posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 12:13 PM
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The NHS getting stick again after doing something stupid, again.
Two bodies with the same second name were given to the wrong funeral directors by hospital staff even with the name tags attached, after staff didn't
check the names before releasing them. Staff have been found in that mortuary to have made 70 errors, and a 'system failure' has occurred.
Now, I hate getting on my high horse about accidents, because accidents happen. But my God, can you imagine anything worse than having to dig up and
bury your father a second time because someone failed to look at the first name or just couldn't be bothered to check before handing out a body? The
amount of distress this will have caused both families is unthinkable and I doubt the apology issued will have covered it.
There are policies in place to stop this kind of thing happening, and it kinda sickens me when they're ignored. Messing with peoples feelings like
that, even when it's an accident, can and
should be avoided. It is, after all, their jobs.