posted on Aug, 11 2004 @ 09:38 AM
PERSEID METEORS: The 2004 Perseid meteor shower is underway. Every hour, 10+ meteors are streaking from the constellation Perseus, and that number
will increase 3- to 6-fold when the shower peaks on August 11th and 12th. Look for Perseid Earthgrazers when the sun goes down on Wednesday, August
11th. Then, before dawn on Thursday, August 12th, go outside for the main event: as many as 60 meteors per hour.
Got clouds? Try listening to the Perseids:
audio: Naval Space Surveillance Radar (Kickapoo, Texas)
audio: 67 MHz meteor radar (Roswell, New Mexico)
When a Perseid flies over one of these meteor radars, they record a ghostly ping. Credit: Live audio provided by engineer Stan Nelson.