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Rainbow Chemtrail(s) (PICS) from 07/02/2011

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posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by SirCoxone

That is about the most amazing example of iridescence I've ever seen. Tiny, evenly sized water droplets are creating that phenomenon rather than the ice crystals of the circumhorizon arc.


Atoptics iridescence

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by Uncinus

A bit off topic, but I couldn't resist.

Uncinus, I couldn't pass up showing this image, just for you:

Cirrus uncinus:


posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 08:46 PM
its almost like the aurora borealis

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by SirCoxone
I found this amazing image of such clouds over Everest, check out the pic. It's awesome.

OMG, we are attacking the climbers on Mt Everest!!!!! Run!!!!!!!!

While it is satiricle, that photo on chemtrail sites would make them go ballistic! Hilder, G Edward Griffin or Will Thomas would probably pay you for that photo, so they can get more sales.

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 07:50 AM
reply to post by MadMaxZombie

Hey OP awesome pictures you have there, star and flag for you!

I have never seen anything like those rainbow trails you posted. Those are clearly not your regular contrail. Anyone who tries and tells you different has their heads buried in the sand.

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 07:52 AM
And for all the people bored with the mumbo-jumbo of science, think a visible spectrum can be created by metals and not by water in any form, think it is poisoning the world, have only seen colors in the sky since 1990's sometime, please consider this:
On the Cause of Iridescence in Clouds
Colors have been seen in clouds since there were first people to see clouds. There are many different reasons and the absolute best explanation of all of them is at the site already shared, Atmospheric Optics. Irridescence is just one of them. So why am I including this particular article?
It was published in 1887, when Orville and Wilbur Wright were 6 and 10 years old. Long before airplanes were able to fly high enough to create a trail, because it was long before airplanes.
People who insist there is something in anyway artificial in the OP's photos need to learn about the sky from people who know about the sky, not people who think science is 'mumbo jumbo' and conspiratorial.

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by czygyny
reply to post by SirCoxone

That is about the most amazing example of iridescence I've ever seen. Tiny, evenly sized water droplets are creating that phenomenon rather than the ice crystals of the circumhorizon arc.


Atoptics iridescence

Not exactly evenly sized, more like "similarly sized, with graduated variation".

If all the drops are the same size, they you'd just get curved spectrum, based on the angle from the sun (arcs and halos). Here (the Everest photo), the colors vary based on the size of the ice particles, with the smaller particles at the edges of the cloud. see this short yet technical explanation:

The colors are stretched portions of this gradient. In the interior of the cloud, it more like a random walk though the gradient.

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by Truth4Thought
reply to post by MadMaxZombie

Hey OP awesome pictures you have there, star and flag for you!

I have never seen anything like those rainbow trails you posted. Those are clearly not your regular contrail. Anyone who tries and tells you different has their heads buried in the sand.

And yet...if you will take the time to learn why they form, where they form and when they form, you'll see that, and more.

You'll start looking *up* more, you'll learn what sort of clouds are likely to 'set the stage' for spectral phenomena, you'll know what part of the sky they form, what time of day and year they're likely to be created. You'll go on to learn more and more...maybe even start packing a camera around to capture them.

You can actually learn something about the world you live in rather than buy into the hysterical hype that is being taught for 'chemtrail truth'. AND I am not saying that there is no truth about 'chemtrails', but most of it is speculation and wild imagination, especially as it applies to spectral colors in the sky.

P.S. Since 2008 I have photographed 19 CHAs (like OP's pix), 11 circumzenith arcs (related to the CHAs, in the image below) at least 30 sundogs (parhelia), circumscribed halos, infralateral arcs, parhelic circles, odd radius halos, 22° halos, upper and lower tangent arcs, numerous incidences of iridescence...all because instead of freaking out about 'chemtrails' I dug in and learned all I could about atmospheric optics and a new hobby was born.

Keep looking up, you may find the sky smiling back at you someday:


edit on 7/4/2011 by czygyny because: spelling

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by stars15k
And for all the people bored with the mumbo-jumbo of science, think a visible spectrum can be created by metals and not by water in any form, think it is poisoning the world, have only seen colors in the sky since 1990's sometime, please consider this:
On the Cause of Iridescence in Clouds
Colors have been seen in clouds since there were first people to see clouds. There are many different reasons and the absolute best explanation of all of them is at the site already shared, Atmospheric Optics. Irridescence is just one of them. So why am I including this particular article?
It was published in 1887, when Orville and Wilbur Wright were 6 and 10 years old. Long before airplanes were able to fly high enough to create a trail, because it was long before airplanes.

Pfft, 1887, that's nothing. Try 350BC:

By Aristotle

Let us now explain the nature and cause of halo, rainbow, mock suns,
and rods, since the same account applies to them all.
We must first describe the phenomena and the circumstances in which
each of them occurs. The halo often appears as a complete circle:
it is seen round the sun and the moon and bright stars, by night as
well as by day, and at midday or in the afternoon, more rarely about
sunrise or sunset.

The rainbow never forms a full circle, nor any segment greater than
a semicircle. At sunset and sunrise the circle is smallest and the
segment largest: as the sun rises higher the circle is larger and
the segment smaller. After the autumn equinox in the shorter days
it is seen at every hour of the day, in the summer not about midday.
There are never more than two rainbows at one time. Each of them is
three-coloured; the colours are the same in both and their number
is the same, but in the outer rainbow they are fainter and their position
is reversed. In the inner rainbow the first and largest band is red;
in the outer rainbow the band that is nearest to this one and smallest
is of the same colour: the other bands correspond on the same principle.
These are almost the only colours which painters cannot manufacture:
for there are colours which they create by mixing, but no mixing will
give red, green, or purple. These are the colours of the rainbow,
though between the red and the green an orange colour is often seen.

Mock suns and rods are always seen by the side of the sun, not above
or below it nor in the opposite quarter of the sky. They are not seen
at night but always in the neighbourhood of the sun, either as it
is rising or setting but more commonly towards sunset. They have scarcely
ever appeared when the sun was on the meridian, though this once happened
in Bosporus where two mock suns rose with the sun and followed it
all through the day till sunset.

And rather insightfully:

[Light] is reflected in this way when air and vapour are condensed into
a cloud and the condensed matter is uniform and consists of small

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 09:43 AM

edit on 4-7-2011 by Uncinus because: double post

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by Uncinus

Not exactly evenly sized, more like "similarly sized, with graduated variation".

If all the drops are the same size, they you'd just get curved spectrum, based on the angle from the sun (arcs and halos). Here (the Everest photo), the colors vary based on the size of the ice particles, with the smaller particles at the edges of the cloud. see this short yet technical explanation:

I stand corrected.


edit on 7/4/2011 by czygyny because: unclear response

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 10:03 AM
See here how the everest photo matches the color gradient based on particle size (although the change in size is not linear). Most of this region of the cloud has particles between 1 and 2.5 microns, with a steep drop-off in size below 1 micron.

edit on 4-7-2011 by Uncinus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 12:30 PM
just to verify, i see some replies saying this phenomenon is normal...IT IS NOT A is a trail from a jet...i saw it laid out, dissipate/expand, then catch the light in that cool was very low in the sky too...look, we all know that normal jets at certain altitudes leave a trail behind them...but only about a fist width in length in the sky before it starts disappearing...we all know these shady trails stretch across the sky, then turn into cloud cover...they are almost always laying down trails near the sun or in front of it. i'm gonna post a vid, where at the end, shows these evil pilots in action, criss-crossing trails, then you will see the trails expand and completely cover the sky, in fast forward...gimme a sec. i'm also gonna post my other "trails" pics that i've been taking since March or so...i have one or two where after some trails were laid out, the sun had a halo around it...don't know if it was caused from the trails...

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 12:52 PM
go to about the 13:35 mark...the whole vid is quite interesting, but, to stay on topic:

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by MadMaxZombie

Trails from jets ARE clouds. It's the condensed and frozen water in the exhaust. When it's humid enough at altitude, then the trails will persist and spread.

This is as it has always been, since planes have been able to fly high enough. The idea that "normal" contrail clouds will always quickly dissipate is a mistake. Some contrail clouds dissipate, and some persist and spread.

This chart shows the different type, and the atmospheric conditions needed for their formation:

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by MadMaxZombie
go to about the 13:35 mark...the whole vid is quite interesting, but, to stay on topic:

That's a roll cloud, aka "morning glory"

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by MadMaxZombie

Yes, it was a subliminated trail. The reason that they tend to form the spectral colors is because the ice crystals are young, well-formed, and well-ordered, i.e. generally oriented the same direction as they fall, allowing the prismatic refractions to form stronger colors before they decay and move about.

Here is a circumhorizon arc that has formed in a fairly young 'trail'.

Here is one that was from a cloud that had nothing to do with trails, an approaching weather front sent out these 'advance guard' cirrus clouds before building into an overcast day.


Of course, the debate continues on whether trails form 'natural' clouds or not...but the frozen water vapor from both create the same phenomenon.

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 01:12 PM
my other "trails" shots from 2011:

this is one where it almost looked like a trail was casting a shadow on the atmosphere above it:
halo pics (4 of them):

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by Uncinus

no, i was talking about after the "roll cloud" Uncinus...there are a few seconds of sped up footage...jets criss-crossing.

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by MadMaxZombie

They all look like regular contrails and clouds to me. Was there one in particular you think is unusual or not a contrail?

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