More propaganda.....
If the tensions between Iran and the United States were not apparent enough, it just became that much clearer today. According to a Wall Street
Journal report, senior US officials have claimed that the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, Iran’s most elite military unit, has provided lethal
arms to Iran’s allies in Iraq in Afghanistan, including the Taliban.
Why would Iran look to strain already weak links with the West, knowing that they are itching for a reason to ramp-up efforts to attack their nation?
Why would they give the United States more reasons to justify keeping troops in Iraq and Afghanistan? Furthermore, why would they funnel arms to the
Taliban knowing that this could easily give credence to another troop surge? Seeing as Iran still exists as a sovereign nation after all of these
years of saber rattling, can we really assume they are dumb enough to engage in such a short-sighted and pointless practice?
Not surprisingly, the Israeli media has jumped on the Iran fearmongering wagon, claiming that it is not only the United States that is concerned about
Iran’s military activities. They claim that there are “different nations in the Middle East” that are expressing concern over “Iran’s
military aspirations and regional influence
IF next false flag attack will happiend in the near future against US,,,,They will blame Iran....Israel and US will attack Iran with all power...
Syria and Iran might be next..
Iran hasn't attacked ANYONE in the last 200 years. American and Israel are constantly attcking other countries even if they have to invent reasons to
do so. Who's the bully here trying to pick a fight?
edit on 3-7-2011 by torontoguy123 because: forget ti
edit on 3-7-2011 by torontoguy123 because: forget to put a
edit on 3-7-2011 by torontoguy123 because: (no reason given)
edit on 3-7-2011 by torontoguy123 because: (no
reason given)
edit on 3-7-2011 by torontoguy123 because: (no reason given)