posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 01:56 PM
A few posts back you asked how the fungus would know to come alive when it entered the host. Well, the fungus was already alive, it just reacts to its
surroundings based on a chemical reaction.
It's the same basic concept as a desert plant coming to Life when it rains.
They remain dormant until water reaches them then their life cycles reactivate and the plant flowers.
In the fungus there is no need for thought, it could just sit in the ground and grow and reproduce until resources were used up. Thought by this
fungus is a byproduct of the infection of the brain.
I'll let you in on a little secret, plants and fungus do not think, they react based on chemical concentrations and light, its an evolutionary thing.
Think about this... if plants and fungi are stationary, thought would end up being a hindrance to survival due to the fact that they would all be
prisoners in their own bodies, however, by the luck of the draw, this fungus seems to be capable of accessing the neural network of it hosts, so, when
it is somehow picked up its first reaction would be to utilize the resources contained on the host. This is not a thought its a reaction, as its using
these resources it, by chance, begins to grow within the brain, this is where it could possibly gain access to the ants thoughts and memories, which
are probably primarily on resource locations and their value. Well, now the fungus has gained access to the brain and is using the information it
receives to make the ant travel to one of these resource locations and looking for more along the way. Basically the fungus could play off of whatever
skills and thought patterns are available within its host. It does not think it reacts. Even human thought is technically a chemical reaction.
I can guarantee that this fungus does not have the ability to think without a host. The chemical reactions necessary for thought would not be
Evolutionarily beneficial to plants or fungi as they would require much more nutrient/sustenance to survive. Final thought would definitely be a
byproduct of an infestation of the brain..