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New Madrid Fault and interesting research in the similar events of 1811 to 2011 preceeding the major

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posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 10:50 PM
Here we have another historical reference that some sort of climate of heat and very dry conditions were also occuring in the deep south, in Texas from the years 1806-1811. And 1811, was the start of a severe drought over the southeastern U.S. With this we can assume, that along the southern half of the country, there were indications and accounts of extended heatwaves and drought conditions around 1811. Again, coupled with all of the above similarities. No, this is still not an earthquake prediction. It is research.

In the chart at the bottom of the page, 1806-1811 is the only year period labeled extra dry, and one other extremely dry. Is this a pattern shift of conditions from the south to the southeast and something about 1811 was the transition period? And no, I am not saying planet X, its because of a comet, etc etc. its is research and it is a bit of a head scratcher. Something seems to have transitioned in 1811 as far as a cycle and seems to be repeating 200 years later. Just some more to ponder. I say, seems to be.


posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 10:55 AM

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 08:32 PM
In more researching, by everything above, we can logically assumed there was a good possibility that in the time frame of 1811 there was some kind of messing around with the Earths EMF. At least something going on with the sun, a changing of the EMF, something like that, no not saying planet x or a brown dwarf. But something, so as most know that read this thread and my other, I have been researching antipodal points as well. On top of that, I have been trying to look into similarities between then and now, that it was possible that something was going on with the EMF at the time, and quite possibly now. So I began to look into the Earths grid lines and such. Now one I would like to make note of is nodes or vorticies as some call that are connections of the Earths grid lines of the strongest energies, as I am sure alot of you know. As in my thread of antipodal points, current earthquake activity, which is quite busy as of late, and this picture.

Now these are nodes or connections where gridlines all meet and, I believe longitude points intersect as well. Now as in my antipodal points, it pertains to this thread, just let me get there, 14-49 antipodal point, 16-41, 18-43, 20-45, 22-47. One affects the other and points in between. These all basically come out to exact antipodal points of one another. Now using the map below, just take some spare time, like any of us have much anymore, and just plot where all the 5.0+ earthquakes have been or volcanic activity. Doesnt have to be all of them but just start plotting and see if it interest you to keep adding more?

The black spots are, from what I understand the "nodes", highest energy points. But, if you start plotting most recent strongest earthquakes, you might find some interesting connections. Now as far as applying to this thread, we all feel something is going on. We all know that the EMF is weakening, and has been for some time, and the sun isnt acting normally. So, did the same thing happen back during the time of 1811? Looking at the second map, a node is in the area north of Puerto Rico. A gridline runs southwest thru Central America (current activity), gridline runs thru Baja, California (recent activity), gridline runs thru Acension Islands, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and, thru the middle of the USA that sure looks pretty close to Arkansas. Where the New Madrid antipodal point comes out at or very close to "node 43". Now where the gridline point #8 in Canada means, I dont know. But point #7, is very close to the known location of HAARP. Not saying it means anything, but just saying.
edit on 26-7-2011 by sdebunker because: typo

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 08:36 PM
So since HAARP wasnt around in 1811, are we getting signals that something is happening to the electromagnetic grid of Earth in 2011 as well? Is it a repeated 200 year cycle? Are those of us in the Midwest USA should be looking for something to happen offshore of the west coast of Australia? What is at point #8 that the gridline that runs through the USA? Or is everything in the 7 pages above a bunch of nothing or a little of something?

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 09:33 PM
I just had to mention that point #7 spot didnt I?


posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by sdebunker

In March of 1812, there was also a massive earthquake in Venezuela. The correct estimated magnitude was 9.6. Yes, today the powers that be make up nonsense and claim the magnitude was around 7.7. It is the SAME lies they make up about the New Madrid quakes of 1811-12. Since those quakes were all over 9 and now are called 7.5 to 8, by the liars at USGS and colleges.

Anyone that actually looks at the site damage, and then does the calculations knows that these were all massive quakes, of well over 9. The same is true of the Caracas quake of 1812. Just ignore totally the misinformation that claims lower magnitudes.

Notice that Venezuela and the New Madrid location line up right on that grid line.

edit on 26-7-2011 by Red Cloak because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by Red Cloak
reply to post by sdebunker

In March of 1812, there was also a massive earthquake in Venezuela. The correct estimated magnitude was 9.6. Yes, today the powers that be make up nonsense and claim the magnitude was around 7.7. It is the SAME lies they make up about the New Madrid quakes of 1811-12. Since those quakes were all over 9 and now are called 7.5 to 8, by the liars at USGS and colleges.

Anyone that actually looks at the site damage, and then does the calculations knows that these were all massive quakes, of well over 9. The same is true of the Caracas quake of 1812. Just ignore totally the misinformation that claims lower magnitudes.

Notice that Venezuela and the New Madrid location line up right on that grid line.

edit on 26-7-2011 by Red Cloak because: (no reason given)

I am finding that out. In more reading, you are right about both quakes. Actually, growing up, I was always taught, told, whichever you look at it that the NM quake was in the range of 10-11. Then as I became older I hear in the 7's, I always wondered about that.

I appreciate the information and noticing the gridlines too. Thank you.
edit on 26-7-2011 by sdebunker because: typo

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by sdebunker

Originally posted by Red Cloak
reply to post by sdebunker

In March of 1812, there was also a massive earthquake in Venezuela. The correct estimated magnitude was 9.6. Yes, today the powers that be make up nonsense and claim the magnitude was around 7.7. It is the SAME lies they make up about the New Madrid quakes of 1811-12. Since those quakes were all over 9 and now are called 7.5 to 8, by the liars at USGS and colleges.

Anyone that actually looks at the site damage, and then does the calculations knows that these were all massive quakes, of well over 9. The same is true of the Caracas quake of 1812. Just ignore totally the misinformation that claims lower magnitudes.

Notice that Venezuela and the New Madrid location line up right on that grid line.

edit on 26-7-2011 by Red Cloak because: (no reason given)

I am finding that out. In more reading, you are right about both quakes. Actually, growing up, I was always taught, told, whichever you look at it that the NM quake was in the range of 10-11. Then as I became older I hear in the 7's, I always wondered about that.
I appreciate the information and noticing the gridlines too. Thank you.
edit on 26-7-2011 by sdebunker because: typo

The powers that be are downgrading the 1811-12 New Madrid quakes all the time. It's almost gotten to the point of being ridiculous now. The damage the quakes did is in the geologic record, and at an absolute minimum, the quakes would have to be well over 9.

They were much more powerful than the 9.5 1960 Chilean quake. Unfortunately, now almost every single source says they were around 7.5 to 8. It's pretty sad. But the sheeple are believing it. In this forum if you bring this up for example, you will most likely be mocked and accused of spreading lies.

It is the same with 1812 Caracas quake. It was absolutely massive, and now they claim it was 7.5 to 7.7. The same BS.

I find it quite interesting that both the New Madrid area and the area around where the quake hit in Venezuela in 1812, are both right on those grid lines.

And consider the dates. The last huge main sequence New Madrid quake (there were still many huge after shocks) was on February 7, 1812. Then, on March 26, 1812, the huge quake hit in Venezuela.
edit on 26-7-2011 by Red Cloak because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 03:55 AM
Here is one you might be able to see a little better

You can see Caracus and New Madrid are on the same gridlines connecting at the EMF node SE of Florida. Also, I notice. That where the gridline of 14-43, in that gridline north of Australia, isnt that line about right on top of where Mount Tambora is located that really blew its top in 1815?

And I guess that #8 intersecting position in Canada is about 120W and 50-52N which lies:

The Wells Gray-Clearwater volcanic field is one of the 10 volcanic areas in Canada associated with recent seismic activity; the others are Castle Rock, Mount Edziza, Mount Cayley, Hoodoo Mountain, The Volcano, Crow Lagoon, Mount Meager, Mount Garibaldi and Nazko Cone. Seismic data suggests that these volcanoes still contain living magma plumbing systems, indicating possible future eruptive activity. Although the available data does not allow a clear conclusion, these observations are further indications that some of Canada's volcanoes are potentially active, and that their associated hazards may be significant.[3] Beneath areas of monogenetic cinder cone activity, such as the Wells Gray-Clearwater volcanic field, the seismicity appears to be more dispersed.[3] In a few cases earthquakes are clustered in time and space, suggestive of volcanic earthquake swarms.[3]


Had my curiosity up on that one

edit on 27-7-2011 by sdebunker because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-7-2011 by sdebunker because: typo

posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 11:41 PM
Just checking to see if anyone had run across anything else pertaining to the thread. Still watching the area west/sw off the coast of Australia as that area is the antipodal point of NM fault area. Also, Canary Island region as in the above account posted there was some heavy volcanic activity in that area in 1811.

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 01:09 PM
Colorado last night and Virginia today. Wonder what major past history fault line lays about right in the middle? This has been an interesting development in my opinion here at the end of August

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 03:27 PM
Just for reference via Google maps

From Trinidad, Colorado to Mineral, Va is 1,639 miles
Obviously half way is 820 miles
From Trinidad, Colorado to New Madrid, MO is 922 miles
From Mineral, VA to New Madrid, MO is 808 miles

Colorado quake was 37.070 N
Virgina quake was 37.936 N
New Madrid is at 36.611 N

Curious and watching

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 06:13 PM
Color image

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 06:32 PM
Just like in 1811/12, there were earthquakes and swarms before the main events. This is a process. And it ain't over. Virginia will put stress loads on other siesmic zones.


Right in the middle of the two events.
NMZ right in the middle.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 02:26 AM
Another 37 N quake

Wednesday, August 24, 2011 at 06:36:54 UTC
Tuesday, August 23, 2011 at 11:36:54 PM at epicenter
Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones


37.748°N, 122.137°W


9.1 km (5.7 miles)

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 08:03 PM
Nearing that latest window of Oct 26th-Oct 29th, be curious to see if anything happens. But, was just a history research project so we will see.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 11:22 AM
This may be an interesting next couple months, who knows

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