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Oil spill in Yellowstone River in Montana by Exxon

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posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 12:46 AM

Originally posted by Montana

Originally posted by realone91
montanna anit that were the patriots are holding up

Maybe, but we aren't ALL paranoid delusional....

And as bad as this spill is, and as much as I think Exxon officials should be strung up until the cleanup has been completed, the Yellowstone River has not been pristine below Laurel for many many decades....

this is true...ever since conoco and exxon put both their refinery's right near the f*cking river it's been not so great...this spill only makes it about 2-3 times worse

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 01:13 AM
The news finally made it to local news, Pac NW anyway, as I'm not in MT but to the West of. Checked earlier when I found out from other sources.

In other areas, this way, oil pipeline/s run along a big river. Concerning if they are older and leaking or may leak.

Gas pipeline

C42 - - - (start)Spokane (end)Billings (diameter in inches)10
Pipelines list

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 02:01 AM
reply to post by SelfSustainedLoner

Do you remember the GULF .. and the huge disaster there? ... When some oil company insiders were being interviewed .. the interview was later posted to Firedog Lake .. and the "in the know" Oil Worker said about "Peak Oil" (i.e. we are about to run out) .. He__, we aren't worried about running out of oil, we are more worried about running out of air to burn!) ...

So ... if the solution comes it has to sneak out of the tall grass and land squarely in plain sight and every one needs to get behind it and make it market viable and widely available as fast as possible ...

I would love to see petroleum no longer a cost effective fuel for motor vehicles of all kinds, including trains and etc.

The solution may be here already, but is not out on the market just yet. As far as I am concerned, it cannot happen fast enough.
Let them then be content with making cosmetics and Vaseline, and adding to the poison of plastics.
It should let some of the inflation out of their egos, and their wallets!!
I think we should also remove their government subsidies, but that is another topic.

Germany makes totally awesome all herbal cosmetics .. just in case you are temped by all those long names in the content lists of cosmetics made here.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 02:26 AM
Ok I didnt read the whole thread, just enough to see the immediate responses about - get exxon - bad guys etc. etc.

Pollution is awful, but before you scream like that maybe think about your own part in it ...what 'oil' products do you use on a daily basis? Gas for your car? Plastic bottles for water? Nylon clothes? Your computer ...lots of plastic parts ...

The oil companies need to get and process the oil to provide all this stuff much more you willing to pay so they can double the safety measures? Double the price on everything?

I am not supporting pollution, just saying that we all need to take our own personal responsibility for what happens if we benefit from the product.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 04:05 AM

Originally posted by here4awhile



edit on 2-7-2011 by here4awhile because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-7-2011 by here4awhile because: add pics

Thats disgusting mann, they should pay
They say that WE are pollutin the earth,, PLEASE!!!!!!!

Btw, loving ur display pic haha .. Real Eyes, Realize, REAL LIES!!!

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 04:37 AM
This looks bad.
I hope it doesn't turn real bad..
like, you know, by adding corexit to the mix?
I dont know if its effective for rivers but pretty please dont try.

Also, did anyone looked if Halliburt bought any disaster clean up company for river and national park?
Did the ceo Exxon recently "optioned"?

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 04:58 AM
reply to post by Vitchilo

Haha ! So trough the time we didn"t see this event, oil was released huh ? And now we see the event and they say : "Oh sorry we will clean up this".

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 06:22 AM
I saw this article on the huffington post - ran to check my other usual sources - nothing headlining about it, had to do an actual keyword search for the CNN article...
then I found this ...
Source -

The river has no dams on its way to its confluence with the Missouri river just across the Montana border in North Dakota. It was unclear how far the plume might travel.

What are the implications if it reaches the missouri river?

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 06:22 AM

Has anyone heard if the beet or corn crop has been affected much?

This event troubles me. I have family in Billings, and visited them over the winter holidays. We were given a tour of the sugar factory...and as I recall, they use river water to wash the beets after the trucks have unloaded them into the GIGANTIC bin that starts the whole process.

I know they get cooked and processed and washed for miles as they make their way through the sluices, etc, with more water and ... is it lime? lye?....don't quote me on that, but it's a very stinky process. Then they get cooked some more, etc, etc, and as fascinating as it was to see how it was done, this makes me even more reluctant to eat anything made with beet sugar than I already was due to the GM issue.

Thoughts, anyone?

EDIT TO ADD: I'm not a big sweets eater, and I *am* a label-reader. To be honest, after I had that tour, I didn't want to eat any sugar ever again....just sayin'...kind of a dangerous place, that factory. Except for the very end where they package it. That was nice and clean and modern...from the start where they dump the beets in, to the finish where it goes onto pallets for warehousing, it was almost like travelling through time from a medieval structure of rudimentary machinery (and sanitation) to a 21st century ultra-modern robotic system. Wow.

That said, there are LOTS of checkpoints, even microscopes attached to the big tanks as the sugar begins to crystalize (really cool visual, that was)...and furnaces so hot you have to shield your eyes to look into them...and computerized spinning and cooking tanks and all that...and finally QC people who have very stringent parameters for acceptable quality.

All in all, it was an experience I will never forget.

edit on 3-7-2011 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 08:37 AM
Wow! Yet another disaster to spread fear! The desperation on their part is transparent and ridiculous. We haven't seen the last of these "accidents". Hang in there folks...

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 09:03 AM
This is awful! I love Yellowstone and been in that area. The Yellowstone River is just wonderful and it's so sad for it to get all mucked up like this. I'm near the Gulf too, and had headaches all during that spill.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 09:53 AM
My threshold for oil spill tolerance is high after the BP disaster.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by Pressthebutton

Originally posted by webpirate
I was literally just coming across the Yellowstone river about the time this thread was being posted. Flying into Billings we came across the river directly over the Exxon refinery there. The river is extremely swollen from a lot of recent rain and new snow melt, but I saw no oil or even any booms in place to collect any oil. I don't doubt they had a release. They happen with surprising frequency here, but as far as I could see so far it didn't look like much.

I thought you were in a meant institution??
I was in a hospital in DC for 2 weeks for extensive testing relating to seizures and potential brain surgery to relieve them. I got out Friday afternoon, and flew home Saturday morning.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by here4awhile

Originally posted by Montana

And as bad as this spill is, and as much as I think Exxon officials should be strung up until the cleanup has been completed, the Yellowstone River has not been pristine below Laurel for many many decades....

this is true...ever since conoco and exxon put both their refinery's right near the f*cking river it's been not so great...this spill only makes it about 2-3 times worse


For those who aren't familiar with the area, there are 3 oil refineries in the Billings area. 2 are right on the river, and the 3rd...which is in Laurel about 15 miles west of Billings and it is still close to the river. What really concerns me is a statement made in the paper yesterday here though that referred to a multitude of oil pipelines running UNDER the river bed.
From my understanding though, none of these 3 facilities are used to refine oil to gasoline, but are used to refine the oil into other petroleum products that don't need as much refining.

The river is very swollen at the moment from an unusually rainy spring for us, as well as snow melt from the mountains. While one would expect some oil to make it down river no matter what the circumstances of the river were, the fact that it has made it to Miles City which is 150 miles east of Billings, and 165-170 miles from the area of the spill is concerning. It leads me to believe there was way more spillage than is being reported.

As I stated in an earlier post, I'm 100 miles from Billings. I plan to go out today to see just how much oil there is here. My in-laws have a bunch of land just north of the river that they lease to farm out. There are irrigation canals running to that area, and they shut them off last night. Although apparently, there has been enough rain here lately they weren't using them yesterday to water. But I know I saw others being used along the interstate yesterday which is right beside the river.

If I'm able, I will get pics....

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 10:29 AM
This is the result of being dependent on oil.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 11:29 AM
This is very sad to hear. Whether it 100 barrels or 1000 it is just wrong.

But don't worry, I'm sure Ann Coulter will come on the news soon enough and relieve you all by letting you know just how good oil is for you, and the wildlife.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by godfather420
This is very sad to hear. Whether it 100 barrels or 1000 it is just wrong.

But don't worry, I'm sure Ann Coulter will come on the news soon enough and relieve you all by letting you know just how good oil is for you, and the wildlife.

Well, technically there is one known species that oil is fine for.

The "Petroleum Fly".

Helaeomyia Petrolei - Wiki

The petroleum fly, Helaeomyia petrolei, is a species of fly from California, USA. The larvae feed on dead insects that become trapped in naturally occurring petroleum pools, making this the only known insect species that develops in crude oil, a substance which is normally highly toxic to insects.

The larvae ingest large quantities of oil and asphalt, and their guts can be seen to be filled with petroleum. However, nutritional experiments showed that they subsist on animal matter present in the oil, which they quickly devour. Although the oil can reach temperatures of up to 38°C, the larvae suffer no ill effects from it, even when additionally exposed to 50% turpentine or 50% xylene in laboratory experiments.

However according to these sources this fly does not live in Montana, it lives further south in California.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by Vitchilo Another nice gift from our corporate overlords. Of course the taxpayers are gonna pay the clean up once again right?


Haven't you realised that the high prices, bailouts disasters and everything concerning money is not meant to fix the problem but meant to bleed the underclass into such poverty that they are dependant on government and after they are in that trap the government will pick and choose who to keep around.

The american of today are not exactly Huck Finn type, they can't live off the land by fishing or snaring rabbits. Heckk even Eul Gibbons isn't around to show us how to eat a pine tree.
edit on 3-7-2011 by ..5.. because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 12:36 PM
crap yah we pay for it . wasnt there a previous thread about exxonmobile making billions last year and paid no federal income tax? if so isnt that in a sense allowing them to recoup their previous costs from the valdez cleanup with im sure more than enough left over for the taxpayer to pay for this also?

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo

Well, you can't say you are suprised or this is really even news at this point. Glossed over and abandoned by any major news organization in one, maybe two months, then on to the next catatastrophy. What about that one spill that happend a while ago, what was it, the BE spill of 2009 or something er whatever?

I suppose my point is that the absurd amounts of man-made disasters occurring right now will only lead to some promotions in the future. Seems like the mountain of morons can only grow larger...oh well, happy fourth!


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